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Our Military is Chasing a Phantom

Joe Parko
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The MSM's focus on how alleged terrorist got on board the Northwest plane completely misses the point. The issue is not why this person was not stopped but, instead, why the war in Afghanistan has not been stopped. It is clear from this attempted bombing involving Al-Queda inYemen that terrorism is a world-wide network that defies conventional military operations. Our military is chasing a phantom. As we chase them out of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they merely relocate to Yemen and other areas. Are we going to invade every nation that has an Al-Queda connection? The only way to deal with this highly dispersed terror network is through targeted intelligence and small-scale police and military operations aimed at particularterror cells scattered around the globe. We are trying to defeat terrorism with a hammer when it requires a scalpel.
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Joe Parko is a retired college professor who taught for 28 years in the School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. He is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and serves on the steering committee of Cumberland (more...)
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