This writer was in the former Soviet Union, in Vilnius, Lithuania, not long after the wall fell in the former USSR. It is pretty ironic that a Russian television network is one of the few of the mainstream media outlets pointing out the ridiculousness going on in America. Should dancing in public, in America, really be an excuse for arrests, government processing, court, confinement, fines, a criminal record, and possible jail time? Well, it appears, life in America is getting that ridiculous pointed out by a former Cold War enemy's current news network. These Cold War enemies were accused of, and guilty of, citizen abuse similar to what is actually occurring in America right now.
In the former Soviet Union, dancing, and celebration, was actually encouraged near government monuments. In America this is cause for arrest and maybe prison. Is it all over, except for the crying?
RT's Adam Kokesh arrested
Text with video:
Uploaded by RTAmerica on May 28, 2011
RT's Adam vs the Man host Adam Kokesh and several other activists participating in a flash-mob were body slammed, choked and arrested at the publicly-funded Thomas Jefferson Memorial. Their crime? Silently dancing, in celebration of the first amendment's champion and in response to US District Judge John D. Bates' ruling that denounced dancing on the site.