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Recent Shell-Oil Related Court Convictions in the Republic of Ireland

William Finnerty
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"Can you initiate a citizens case on civil grounds?"
by W. Finnerty Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:02

REPLY to Suggestion from "opus diablos" at Wed Feb 22, 2012 17:14

Question (from "opus"): "Can you initiate a citizens case on civil grounds?"

My Answer: "There's nothing I'd like better."

The trouble (for me) is: 1) I don't know how to go about doing it myself, and 2) I am unable to find the professional legal help I need for the purpose of advising me on the likely difficulties and pitfalls connected with the "initiate a citizens case" suggestion you have very usefully (in my opinion) made.

As I suspect you will already know, and very sadly for the Republic of Ireland and all of its citizens (present and future), and the citizens of the world generally (it appears to me), Raymond Crotty "changed worlds" (as some Japanese people tend to see such events) in 1994. (I've taken this piece of information regarding his death from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Crotty and I have no reason to doubt it.)

I notice that there is mention of "Anthony Coughlan" in the above Wikipedia piece on Raymond Crotty, and the information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Coughlan strongly suggests he is still alive.

However, I have no idea as to whether (or not) Anthony Coughlan would be willing to help myself (or anybody else) who tried to SERIOUSLY challenge the present overwhelming amount of undeserved and largely fraudulent power of the grossly corrupt "tin gods" (as I see them), who have been at the head of our Judiciary in recent decades: and where the challenge in question would be of sufficiently good quality to flush out -- for once and for all -- all of the huge amount of very well-established and deeply-embedded corruption and crime that very obviously continues to be running wild in our Judiciary at the present time. "Banging on the door with a feather" cannot, at this very advanced stage of Judicial corruption, remedy the huge problem which exists at the present time (in my opinion).

For anybody who might be surprised about the particular set of beliefs and viewpoints I now hold relating to our Judiciary, please note that I have still not received any reply from former Chief Justice John L. Murray to the registered letter I sent to him on August 28th 2007, and who is still a Supreme Court Judge (it would appear from the information provided at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_L._Murray ).

A scanned copy of the registered letter to Judge John L. Murray referred to in the paragraph immediately above can be viewed at the following Internet location:

Additionally, there is nothing (that I know of) to suggest that our present Chief Justice (Ms Susan Denham) is doing anything, of a practical and responsible nature, to try to remedy any of the extremely serious difficulties I set out in my e-mail to her dated February 15th 2012 at the following Internet location:

Last but not least, and well over three months after formally lodging my old-age pension appeal (on November 2nd 2011), I have still not heard a single word from "The Chief Appeals Officer": despite all of the hard evidence of extremely serious wrongdoing which I provided his (or her) Office with, and which was all copied -- also through the registered post on November 2nd 2011 -- to our new Republic of Ireland President, Dr Michael D Higgins. Scanned copies of the main letters in question to both of these people, and the associated Post Office receipts and delivery notes for both of the registered letters, can be viewed at the following address:

A final thought, and with the looming threat of a thermonuclear WW3 suddenly springing up at any moment just now (like a "Jack-In-The-Box") -- thanks to the collective efforts of all the "tin-gods" involved, who, among other things, appear (to me) to now desperately need a major distraction of some kind to deflect attention away from all of the socially destructive chaos their Bankers Derivatives International Looting Scam is causing -- perhaps your interesting and useful suggestion might somehow arouse the "Spirit of Raymond Crotty" in ways that might help humanity (generally), regarding the assistance so many people all around the world appear to desperately need at the present time: for the purpose of taking the arrogant "tin gods" down off their extremely overgrown and bloated "high horses", and off the backs of all the people (including myself) who are at present saddled with them: in ways which, in practice, leave us completely powerless to rid ourselves of them by peaceful and lawful means: despite the factual presence of huge amounts of national, constitutional, and international laws that are already in place for precisely such purposes?

Related Link: http://www.humanrightsireland.com


The text in the section immediately above has been copied from the comment at the following location:



Tuesday, February 21st 2012 Event (Belmullet District Court, Republic of Ireland)

"On Tuesday (February 21st 2012) Shell to Sea spokesperson Terence Conway was handed two 3-month prison sentences for protesting against Shell's Corrib Gas Project. Throughout the week local residents have been protesting on the roads while many of their supporters are up in court in Belmullet, which so far has resulted in fines totalling 5,825 euro." (According to report at:  http://www.indymedia.ie/article/101416 )


"To err is human; to persist with error is the work of the devil."

Related link: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/IrishLegalProfessions/29January2012/Email.htm

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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