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Republic of Ireland's Public Service Oversight and Petitions Committee

William Finnerty
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ARTICLE 7 of the EU CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: In preparation for their meeting today (Wednesday, March 5th 2014), "signed printouts" of an e-mail dated March 3rd 2014 were sent (also on March 3rd 2014) through the registered/recorded-delivery postal service to: 1) the Chairman (Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD) of the Republic of Ireland's Public Service Oversight and Petitions Committee, and 2) to the Republic of Ireland's Minister for Justice (Alan Shatter TD). For more information on this subject please see at:

A copy of the original March 3rd 2014 e-mail to Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD, which was copied to several other people including Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Enda Kenny TD using the same e-mail, can be viewed at:

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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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