My daughter, then 15, hasn't called me, "Daddy", or returned emails or phone calls since I was in prison from Halloween, 2002. My father asked me, "How lazy are you on a scale of 1 to 10," when I was laying around in prison, unable to do anything, as my credit and small business built over 2 decades crashed. My father told me that I should be punished for embarrassing the family.
So, if I can go to prison for that, anyone can. I got a year. I am reminded everyday, that I was once in prison. I had no contact with any of my family, extended or otherwise, over the holidays. The years before I went to prison, I got birthday cards, invitations, went on family ski and other vacations, and my box was full of Christmas Cards. Since prison, I don't recall getting a single card or invitation in the mail since 2002.
Most women won't even consider dating a man who has been to prison. Most employers won't consider hiring a man, or woman, who has been to prison.
I was blacklisted prior to being arrested. I found out that the Police Union and Court workers union will blacklist you if you are critical in letters to the editor, printed in newspapers, and if you propose laws to legislators like civilian oversight of police and judicial reform. Connecticut State Police did warn me through a police informant that if I didn't sell my rental properties, shut my mouth, and leave the state I would lose my daughter, home, business, and be "real sorry". I was doing nothing illegal and was suspected of no crime when I was threatened with arrest and prison.
So, the prison complex in the US is harmful when it isn't protecting society from dangerous people who won't fix themselves on their own. The police and courts are harmful if they are rigged to protect the system, not the people. If you don't act, you, your family, and future generations are subject to the same official abuse that I have suffered just for believing in the system, testing it with "Free Speech".
Ironically enough, I was blogging for when I made the below video, testifying in front of Connecticut State legislators. Since word searches for Connecticut State Police misconduct, judicial misconduct, and even the Governor's name were either the number one choices, or close to it, all of my posts on after the site was attacked, and power surges took the servers down. At around the same time the power surges took down the servers in the Atlanta, Georgia, area, there was a power surge that took out the furnace, microwave oven, computers, and most of the electronics at a horse farm I was staying in Massachusetts. The same happened to Chris Kennedy in Ellington, Connecticut, also on the Secret State Police Enemies Arrest on Sight List in Connecticut. A time after that, my new HP laptop, another almost new laptop, and my friend's desk top all fried after I posted a blog critical of the Connecticut State Police. If police can attack citizens and dissemination of information, are any of us safe?
Happy Holidays!
Text with video:
Aug. 1, 2006, Connecticut lets citizen spout off on camera about the Connecticut court system. I let Connecticut have it regarding Police, Prosecutorial, and Judicial Misconduct.
Text with video:
If you blog critical of a State's Governor,
should you be put on a security list which doesn't even list Al Qaeda
suspects or supposed "terrorists"? Does the absence of such names of
"terrorists" on the Connecticut State Police threat assessment, target,
and arrest on sight secret Enemies List, mean that 9-11 was just a scam
and there are no real terrorist threats from pre-9-11, just victims of
US wars in war zones?
Ken Krayeske was the Green Party Campaign
Manager in Connecticut in 2007. He was critical of Connecticut Governor
M. Jodi Rell in his blogs. Rell staffers ran a google search. Those
critical of Rell, such as Steven G. Erickson, Krayeske, and Chris
Kennedy topped the arrest on sight list. Pictures were distributed at
roll call for Connecticut State Police, Hartford Police Department,
other departments, and a special operations secret police security and
investigations detail.
Is arresting citizens on sight for exercising Free Speech, American?
Useful links: