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Shadows of A Larger War

Saman Mohammadi
Message Saman Mohammadi
Setting The Stage: A Strike Against Iran is One More Crime Against Humanity

Hell's clouds are gathering once again. Israel and America's joint declarations of war against Iran is no longer a matter of if, but when. And when that moment finally arrives, a political volcano will be set off, one that will not just alter our travel patterns, but put our entire way of life into jeopardy.

Freezing the clouds, and calling out the chants of fear by our leaders is one step to ending this nightmare. Another step is understanding how we got here. Western propaganda about the threat posed by Iran to Israel and global civilization has reached every hemisphere, and it has been relentless. False claims about Iran's defense capabilities are repeatedly made. And the deception never halts.

The big lie about a nuclear Iraq in 2003 has become a sick joke about a nuclear Iran in 2010. Israeli and US leaders are hoping that the people of their irrespective countries will be all ears, that they will accept every detail of their fictional account of Iran's nuclear capabilities, that the people will support war as they did last time, and if they don't, that they will shut about their disagreements and keep them hidden, lest they want to face the cruel beasts of the police state.

It is a very big gamble, but it seems our leaders will take their chances. All of the leading players who are calling for this criminal war are putting trust in the Stormtroopers to protect them, and a captured media to lie for them. But even if a few million of the sheepish population in the United States find their inner backbone and protest day and night, then there still remains hope that things could turn around, and the emerging world war could see an immediate end. It is a very big hope, but we must take our chances.

Total War, Total Lies

The lies and fabrications in the lead up to the Iraq War are well documented. Saddam wasn't a threat, but a nuisance, who happened to be sitting on valuable property. Attacking an innocent country wasn't just a bad mistake, as President Obama has said, but a war crime. And those who commit war crimes usually get hanged.

Author and columnist William Pfaff highlighted some of the lies and consequences of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in his article, "Exaggeration of Iranian Threat Could Have Dire Consequences":
The American invasion of Iraq in 2003 was motivated by the neoconservative illusion that the Iraqi people would welcome invasion and become a force for democracy, and friends to Israel. Instead, the death of Saddam Hussein and destruction of his government, the wrecking of Iraqi urban society and the country's infrastructure and industry, which will take years to reconstruct, ignited anarchic insurrection and sectarian conflict, delivering the country into the power and influence of a much larger and more important enemy of both the United States and Israel--Iran.
A military strike against Iran will undoubtedly cause a much greater crisis within the region, and also disrupt the global oil market and global trade. There is absolutely no good reason for it. It is an act of genocide and suicide at the same time. But there is no logic to madness. The deranged leaders of Israel, and their fellow crazies in the US war establishment, will stop at nothing. Iran, which does not have the power to cripple the US with sanctions, or the ability to threaten the country's 50 states, has not acted aggressively. The aggressors time and again have been Israel and the United States. Israel in Lebanon and Gaza, and the US in Afghanistan and Iraq. As Pfaff writes:

If Iran does pursue a nuclear capability, once again it is to deter attack. Precisely the same objection exists to theories of Iranian aggression as to those lies put forward in 2002-03 about Iraq posing a nuclear menace to the world.

Once more, the threat is a polemical invention, intended to frighten American and Israeli (and European) voters and to prompt a preemptive attack on Iran. The reason Gates expressed his uncertainties to the president is that he, too, recognizes that the conflict with Iran is constructed from fictions--which, as with the lies about Iraq, may turn into another war, whose consequences are sure to be worse for all concerned than the fiasco and tragedy of America's invasion of Iraq.

Even if cooler heads prevail inside the Obama administration, the prospect for a war with Iran still remains because Israel is determined enough to strike Iran on its own terms. Prominment members of the Israeli leadership have already accept the fate of a wider war with Israel's closest neighbors, and a possible nuclear strike against Iran. Indeed, if events dictate, Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu will push the button. Victor Kotsev writes in the Asia Times:
There are consistent indications that Israel, too, is gearing up for an impending regional war and perhaps is considering initiating action on its own. "For practical reasons, in the absence of genuine sanctions, Israel will not be able to wait until the end of next winter, which means it would have to act around the congressional elections in November," Brigadier General Ephraim Sneh, a former Israeli deputy defense minister, wrote this month in an op-ed for Israeli daily Ha'aretz.

Sneh's assessment has been among the boldest so far in terms of specific time-frame predictions, but high-ranking Israeli officials and politicians, including Netanyahu, have called for the use of military force as a tool of last resort
to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The Israeli prime minister has repeatedly asserted his belief that a nuclear Iran would pose an existential challenge to the Jewish state, and must be prevented despite the high price tag.

Sources close to him add weight to his words in light of the special relationship between him and his 100-years old father, who predicted the Holocaust in 1937 and who is a prominent hawk on Iran. "Look the danger straight in the eye, calmly weigh what should be done, and be prepared to enter the fray the moment the chances of success seem reasonable," said the elder Netanyahu as advice to Israel and his son during his centennial celebration address last month. [4]
The Power Behind The Throne

Only an extreme few will benefit from another war in the Middle East. But the average Christian has a very different impression. They believe that they will personally gain from an all out war in the holy land, because Jerusalem in flames represents in their mind the dawning of a Second Jesus, and a Second Jesus, even at the cost of millions dead, is all that matters to them. Not morality. Not virtue. Not innocence. Not the truth. But Christ. Jesus f*cking Christ. And the powerful Israel lobby are only too happy to oblige them. Justin Raimondo illustrates this toxic relationship in his article "The Making of American Foreign Policy":
A huge ongoing propaganda campaign is constantly churning out pro-Israel materials directed at a wide variety of special interest groups: the lobby's most well-known success story is the Christian fundamentalist faction, which believes in the key role played by Israel as a harbinger of the second coming of Christ. The lobby has parlayed this into a powerful domestic constituency fanatically devoted to Israel's cause and not just the cause of the current Israeli government, but of the most extremist and expansionist elements in the Israeli polity.
A.M: Wake-Up Time

In his classic book on totalitarianism and brainwashing called "The Rape of the Mind," author Joost A.M. Meerloo wrote, "Totalitarianism must kill, slaughter, make war." The particular brand of corporate-totalitarianism that exists in America and the rest of the so-called democratic societies, has realized this basic fact, that it must make war and perpetually strike fear in the populace in order to offset internal rebellion and popular anger. Two false wars have already been manufactured based on the big lie that is 9/11 and cooked data about WMDs. And the ever-growing War on Terror requires new enemies, new battlefields, new weapons, and most importantly, new lies.

But one thing totalitarianism requires most is obedience, and that seems to be in very short supply. People have begun to emerge from their long sleep in the first decade of this century, and they're not hitting the snooze button again. Of course, waking up is only one part of the equation, the other part is getting up, and only a few seem to be doing that. But that could change in the near future.
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Saman Mohammadi is a soldier of the infowar, and a full-time university student in Toronto, Canada. His blog is The Excavator - http://disquietreservations.blogspot.com.
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