The Official Story -- United 175
According to the official version of events, fifty-six people, including the crew members, boarded United 175 on the morning of September 11, 2001. The flight took off from Boston Logan airport with Los Angeles as its destination.
During the flight, five hijackers took over the aircraft and breached the cockpit and took over the controls. Some of the passengers made calls to family members. Ultimately, the plane crashed into the World Trade Center (south building), killing everyone on board and some people who were in the building.
Investigators found human remains at the World Trade Center and the immediate area and declared that the remains matched DNA samples given by the passengers' families. A copy of the manifest shows the names of passengers who took the flight.
Facts That Contradict the Official Story
175 flew
over Pennsylvania after it allegedly hit the World Trade Center.
No source independent of the government has identified remains of any of the flight's passengers.
No debris from the scene at the World Trade Center has ever been traced by serial number to the plane that allegedly flew on 9/11 as Flight 175.
Similarities of United 175 to United 93
As with Flight 93, ACARS messages were sent to Flight 175 that indicate that the plane was heading far away from its "crash" scene. Pilots for 9/11 Truth discovered that Flight 175 was tracked in western Pennsylvania several minutes after it allegedly struck the World Trade Center. It is possible that United 175 also landed in Cleveland near the same time that United 93 did, with similar issues arising as to what then happened to the passengers.
There were fewer alleged phone calls from United 175, but the calls, echoing the same story as the calls from United 93, were about hijackers. Furthermore, according to phone records, one of the callers, Peter Hanson, spoke past the time that the "crash" happened!
The Official Story -- American 77
According to the official version of events, sixty-four people, including the crew members, boarded American 77 on the morning of September 11, 2001. The flight took off from Dulles airport with Los Angeles as its destination.
During the flight, five hijackers took over the aircraft and forced the passengers to the back of the aircraft. Some of the passengers, including famed political commentator Barbara Olson, made calls to family members. Ultimately, the plane crashed into the Pentagon, killing everyone on board and some people who were in the building.
Investigators found human remains at the Pentagon and the immediate area and declared that the remains matched DNA samples given by the passengers' families. A copy of the manifest shows the names of passengers who took the flight.
Facts That Contradict the Official Theory