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Diary    H4'ed 12/16/11

The Government Believes You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If".

William Cormier
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This will begin to sound like a Jeff Foxworthy parody of "You might be  Redneck if"" -- but unfortunately, based on our reading of a recent Activist Post, all of the above appears to be true and represents the inexorable trend that the United States is taking toward a Fascist/Authoritarian style of governance:

You might be a Domestic Terrorist if:

1.  Tea Party Activists: The political Left demonized peaceful Tea Party activists as right-wing extremists, leading to the second most powerful official in the U.S. government, VP Joe Biden, to liken them to terrorists.   Do you sympathize with those who are angry about bank bailouts on the backs of taxpayers? Well, you're likely a terrorist in the eyes of the State.

On this site, we have accused Tea Party Radicals and the GOP of engaging in Economic terrorism , however, to "sympathize with those who are angry about bank bailouts on the backs of taxpayers" is disingenuous at best, and pure propaganda at worst.

2.  Occupy Activists: Now, the "Occupy" movement, said to be made up of left-wing extremists, is enjoying the same treatment as the Tea Party's right-wing extremists.  The United Kingdom has officially labeled "Occupy" demonstrators as domestic terrorists. The U.S. hasn't gone quite that far, but the violent Police State did spy on them in search of "domestic terrorists." Watch out, you may be a terror suspect if you sympathize with the 99%.

The Occupy Wall Street Protestors are far from being "Domestic Terrorists;" the nation at large should be able to ascertain by the peaceful nature of the protests and their refusal to engage in violent protests that these protesters are nothing more than disgruntled Americans that are exercising their rights to Free Speech and Assembly -- a constitutional right that has been recognized since the birth of our democracy. In fascist governments,  attempting to expose corruption and demanding "truth and accountability" from the government is often associated with Domestic Terrorism.

3.  7 Days of Food: The Department of Justice and FBI considers you a terrorist threat if you have more than 7 days of food stored, as explained by Rand Paul on the Senate floor:

Paul was referring to an official FBI/DOJ flyer given out to business owners to help them identify potential threats. And recently, Federal agents went to food storage facilities demanding customers lists, while citizens were harassed by the government with door-to-door "assessments" of their preparedness.

Americans are now understanding that Natural Disasters can strike without warning, as could Martial Law, either of which could severely disrupt the ability of our population to purchase food, medicine and other essentials. To categorize individuals that are attempting to protect their families from starvation and a disruption in our food supply is spurious at best and indicates that authorities are attempting to discover "who" is preparing their families for disaster, possibly to confidcate their food supplies in a National Emergency.

Furthermore, "It is part of Mormon Church religious doctrine to store food for hard times and emergencies, with a recommendation that each family store a year's worth of basic dry goods along with three months worth of store-bought canned and boxed foods. To facilitate that practice, the Mormon Church runs its own food storage canneries selling powdered milk, wheat, flour, rice and beans, sugar, salt, and various other dry goods either in bulk 50 lb bags or in #10 cans for long term food storage (up to 30 years for some items). These Church canneries also often sell food storage items to non-church members, seeing it as both morally right and prudent to help their neighbors store food, whatever their faith. The cannery in Tennessee that was "visited" by federal agents follows that practice of helping the general public become better prepared.

4.  Missing Fingers: The document referred to by Rand Paul above, also claims that if someone is missing a finger or has burn marks, they're more likely to be a terror suspect.
Has anyone ever noticed that Carpenters and other factory workers have lost fingers due to their professions and work-related accidents? How about people that received burns through common household or industrial accidents? This belief by Rand Paul is absurd and based on his own fear and loathing of our Constitutional beliefs -- and his ploy to reduce the bulk of the population to receive a designation as Domestic Terrorists.
5.  Buying Flashlights:  Also from the same official source, if you're buying night-vision devices including flashlights, you should be considered a terror suspect.
We will hazard a guess that the bulk of American homes contain one or more flashlights to use in the event of a power outage or to use where no light is available. Also, is it illegal to purchase night-vision devices, and if it is, when was such a draconian law enacted?

6.  Paying Cash at Hotels: Watch out if you want to pay with cash for hotel rooms.  This DHS commercial indicates that you're a terror suspect if you do:

The DHS has also launched their citizen spy program for hotels and has sent them hotel protection guidelines which lists suspicious activities like persons carrying observation equipment or standing around in the same area.

This entry is absolutely hilarious; people everywhere that are engaging in adulterous affairs often pay cash at Hotels so their spouses cannot look through their credit card receipts and ascertain they are having an illicit affair with another individual. "Standing in one place" is often associated with either party waiting on the other and is another attempt at the government for inventing reasons to delve into our personal lives. Also, since when did it become "suspicious" to use cash instead of a credit card?

7.  Texting Privately in a Public Place: According to this DHS commercial for their citizen spy program, if you're texting while sitting in a public park, but trying to keep it concealed from people who pass by, you should be reported for suspicious terrorist activity:

And what if you're sending a message to an individual, girlfriend/boyfriend, spouse or even to your place of employment that you do not wish others to see? This is now "suspicious activity" that needs to be reported to DHS? When will the Police State quit attempting to track every movement that our general public engages in?

8.  Ron Paul Stickers: A 2009 law enforcement report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAClabeled Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, and people sharing movies about the Federal Reserve as "domestic terrorists." When supporters of a political candidate who stands for peace and freedom become terror suspects, America is in big trouble.

This assault on Ron Paul supporters reeks of election rigging and would seem to be designed to scare-off those whom are supporting Ron Raul for President -- another egregious assault on our federally protected (Sic) Civil Rights. This also smacks of attempting to marginalize Ron Paul supporters.

9.  Belief in Conspiracies -- Obama's Information Czar, Cass Sunstein, has identified those who hold conspiracy theories as targets for online "cognitive infiltration."  Do you question the motives for war?  Question the motives of the private Federal Reserve bank?  Question any government policies? Chances are you already have been marked as a suspect.

A Belief in "Conspiracy Theories?" Please, have we forgotten the Gulf of Tonkin Incident or the Iran-Contra Scandal , among other Conspiracy Theories that eventually were proven to be true and correct? Conspiracy theories are often the basis for investigating and exposing government subterfuge and malfeasance.

10.  Own Precious Metals -- Despite the fact that the Federal Reserve paper note (a.k.a. the dollar) is only sustained by faith, you could now be a suspected terrorist if you would like to preserve your wealth with something that holds real value like precious metals.  And forget about establishing an alternative currency made from silver or gold like Bernard von NotHaus as you may be lumped into a "unique form of terrorism."

How about that; the 1%, who are the majority of individuals whom are hoarding Gold and other precious metals have finally been designated as engaging in a " unique form of terrorism. " Don't put too much faith in that statement, as it will be the 99% who hold any of these precious metals in reserve that the DHS is actually tracking, not their Corporate Masters or the nation's Elites.

11.  Owning guns and ammo.  Let's face it: you disagree with the American government colluding with international banks to rob you blind AND you've armed yourself?  This is also why returning veterans have also been labeled potential terrorists -- they have guns, know how to use them, and may be angry about the lies that sent them to war.

Americans have the Constitutional right to possess and bear arms. In fascist/authoritarian regimes, rights that were previously protected will and are being dismantled by a Police State that has no regard or respect for the principles that founded this once great nation. Furthermore, to disparage our returning veterans, many of who are maimed and disfigured, is an insult to our military and those who made the decision to "fight for their country." MUCH MORE

We strongly urge the readership to view the full post at the Activist Post to understand (if you can) this direct assault on the rights of almost every American alive -- and what the ramifications could be for this unreasonable and unconstitutional characterization of the American public. We have attempted to de-bunk each and every one of the above absurdities, however, our logic and justification for these allegations will surely fall on the deaf ears of a Congress and Presidency that seem to be declaring war on the American public rather than attempting to fix our economy and solve the issues that are destroying Liberty and Democracy in the United States. That said, we have one of our own "bullet points" to list:

1.  You might be a fascist and approve of tyranny if you're a Member of Congress or the Obama Administration and believe that any of the above rationale honestly applies to the American public in general.

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