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The most destructive piece of unconstitutional legislation in human history?

William Finnerty
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Dear MEPs (Members of the European Parliament),

(For the full text of today's e-mail to MEPs please click: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/MEPs/13May2010/Email.htm )

The main reason I am copying this e-mail to UK Prime Minister David Cameron MP, and to UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP, is because (to date) I have not received any reply -- not even an acknowledgement of receipt -- from EU Foreign Minister Lady Ashton, or from former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown MP, to the registered letters I sent to them on December 21st 2009.

A scanned copy of the December 21st 2009 registered letter, which was addressed primarily to Lady Ashton, together with scanned copies of the three associated sets of Post Office receipts, can be viewed at the following Internet location:


Unfortunately, it is also the case that, to date, I have not received any reply (of any kind) from Prime Minister Brian Cowen TD to the copy Isent to him either.

As can be seen from the set of Post Office receipts referred to above, the copy I sent to Prime Minister Cowen was also posted onDecember 21st 2009.

Yours sincerely,

William Finnerty.


"I have found that trying to challenge unconstitutional legislation in the Republic of Ireland is an extremely dangerous, health-threatening, and expensive business: in practice that is, and although it may appear very easy in theory and according to our Government's publicity on our Government web sites."


On learning this morning (i.e. May 12th, 2010) that David Cameron MP is now the new Prime Minister of the UK, and that Nick Clegg MP willvery likelybe the next Deputy Prime Minister of the UK, I sent them an e-mail.

Prime Minister David Cameron has already been informed regarding the extreme difficulties I am experiencing in connection with my efforts to challenge unconstitutional legislation, and he was among those that the e-mail dated October 3rd 2007 to Chief Justice John L. Murray (Republic of Ireland) was copied to, as can be seen at:

This morning's e-mail was addressed primarily to Republic of Ireland Prime Minister Brian Cowen TD, plus 70 or so of his parliamentary colleagues, and "Cc" copies were included for David Cameron, Nick Clegg, and a number of people closely connected with the "main stream media" in the Republic of Ireland.

The full text of the e-mail in question can now be viewed at the following location:

Foremost on my mind this morning, when I sent the e-mail at the address just above, was the following statement from the e-mail I sent to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Anne Jeffers (and several others) on July 5th, 2009:

"I have found that trying to challenge unconstitutional legislation in the Republic of Ireland is an extremely dangerous, health-threatening, and expensive business: in practice that is, and although it may appear very easy in theory and according to our Government's publicity on our Government web sites."

The full text of my July 5th, 2009 e-mail to Dr Jeffers (and others) can be viewed at the following location:


A copy of the above information, which can be viewed by the general public, and which can also be commented on by the general public, is available at the following Internet address:


There is NOTHING to prevent governments producing their own INTEREST-FREE and DEBT-FREE money.

It has been done very successfully and very easily before, both by former US President Abraham Lincoln, and by former US President John F. Kennedy (for example).


The US Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is the MOST DESTRUCTIVE piece of UNCONSTITUTIONAL LEGISLATION in human history?


A similar e-mail to this one was sent earlier today to Senator Ivana Bacik (Barrister and Reid Professor of Criminal Law, Trinity College Dublin), and to several of her Republic of Ireland senator colleagues.A copy has since been placed at the Internet location immediately below:


REYKJAVIK -- "More than a year and a half after Iceland's major banks failed, all but sinking the country's economy, police have begun rounding up a number of top bankers while other former executives and owners face a two-billion-dollar lawsuit."

By Agence France-Presse
Thursday, May 13th, 2010

For the rest of the Reykjavik Article please click on the address immediately below:



Human Rights (Ireland): http://www.humanrightsireland.com


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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