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"The unprecedented nature of bank bailouts"

William Finnerty
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The biggest crimes of our legal profession (as far as I'm concerned) -- and they are treasonous crimes of the very worst kind imaginable -- is that they have a) allowed our Constitution to be undermined in crucially important areas, such as Article 6.1 for example; and b) that despite all of the extremely serious and growing set of problems their wrongdoing is causing for the People of the Republic of Ireland, there is STILL not the slightest sign (that I know of) of ANY of them doing ANYTHING whatsoever to remedy the gross violations of our law in question: criminal violations of the "HIGHEST" law of the Republic of Ireland, that is.

Our entire legal profession, and particularly our judiciary -- each member of which has to subscribe, in the presence of several other people, to uphold our Constitution as a condition of becoming judges (please see the Article 34.5 of Bunreacht na hEireann excerpt below) -- have long appeared to me as a total disgrace to the whole of humanity.

Article 34.5. of the Constitution of the Republic of Ireland:

1 Every person appointed a judge under this Constitution shall make and subscribe the following declaration:

"In the presence of Almighty God I, , do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my knowledge and power execute the office of Chief Justice (or as the case may be) without fear or favour, affection or ill-will towards any man, and that I will uphold the Constitution and the laws. May God direct and sustain me."

2 This declaration shall be made and subscribed by the Chief Justice in the presence of the President, and by each of the other judges of the Supreme Court, the judges of the High Court and the judges of every other Court in the presence of the Chief Justice or the senior available judge of the Supreme Court in open court.

3 The declaration shall be made and subscribed by every judge before entering upon his duties as such judge, and in any case not later than ten days after the date of his appointment or such later date as may be determined by the President.

4 Any judge who declines or neglects to make such declaration as aforesaid shall be deemed to have vacated his office.

Further information on these matters can be found at the following two www locations:




Similar comments to those above, also dated July 3rd 2011, have been placed at the following two locations:




"AIB (Allied Irish Bank) was asset stripped, leaving the bankrupt empty (and multi-billion debt-ridden) shell, on the backs of the Irish. Job done."

"Sink the Inter Alpha Group of Banks"

Lord Jacob Rothschild


Feedback from Prime Minister Kenny's Office:


A closely related list of Open News Diary Entries by William Finnerty can be found at the following location:
http:// www.opednews.com /author/diary/author46094.html


"Rescuing Civilization from the Brink" ...

July 2nd-3rd 2011 Schiller Institute Conference at RÃ ¼sselsheim in Germany:



A Study of Humanity's Long Struggle between "Injustice" and "Freedom From Injustice" ...

July 4th 2011 American Independence Day Presentation:

"Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness": http://www.larouchepac.com/node/18653


To view a list of some of the other people the above information has been sent to please click on the following link:


William Finnerty



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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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