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Think of it this way ...

William Finnerty
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Kleptocrats, Despots, City of London, Wall Street, "Occupy Galway", and the People of the Republic of Ireland ...


Think of it this way ...
by W. Finnerty Sun May 06, 2012 13:12

We don't really have a Government of the Republic of Ireland anymore.

What we've now got is a highly paid Group of Lobbyists (with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches) who -- for years -- have been very vigorously lobbying the voters of the Republic of Ireland on behalf of the kleptocrats and despots operating out of the City of London and Wall Street: while PRETENDING to be acting in the best interests of the People of the Republic of Ireland.

Plus, by way of some exquisite "window-dressing" for this fraudulent and treasonous ESM (European Stability Mechanism) "game" -- and for the sole purpose of fooling the public, and NOT for informing them -- we can also now no doubt look forward to "referendum debate/s" very soon between the "Party Leaders": all meticulously and carefully stage managed by RTE (State Broadcaster) and suchlike; and, which will be important not for the issues which are debated, but for all the crucially important ones which are slyly and very deliberately KEPT OUT of the debate/s: such as, for example, "derivatives gambling" by the bankers, and the "fractional-reserve lending" which continues to fraudulently add to the hundreds of trillions of Euros created "out of thin-air" for the purpose of feeding the ongoing "bankers gambling habits": the massive associated debts of which the 99% get saddled with.

Anyway, this seems to me to be a great and very badly needed initiative by Occupy Galway.

Hopefully, your efforts will help significantly to put a "spanner in the works" for all the tin-god/s , and their arrogant lust for trying to "play God": not to mention the "Hell on Earth" results they are producing for everybody else outside of their cliques.

"It's not God that's subjecting the people of the world to "Hell on Earth'; it's the tin-gods who are trying to "play God': and, making complete fools of themselves and the rest of humanity in the process." (From: http://www.humanrightsireland.com/InjuriesBoardIreland/20March2012/Email.htm)

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The above text has been copied from a comment dated May 6th 2012 at the following Indymedia (Ireland) location:


Human Rights Ireland:


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William Finnerty is back living in the Republic of Ireland at the present time, which is where he was born and where he grew up. His father was Irish (County Galway), and his mother American (New York City). He has worked mostly in the (more...)
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