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Were We Really All That Groovy?......My Generation Revisited

Steven Berry


Thank you..Were we ever that which we have been portrayed as? Or was the truth more an illusion that was being spoon-fed to the Rock and Roll generation (us) just the beginning of our eventual placement in the here and now place of our just rewards. Remember the 60's? Yes certainly we were hypocrites in waiting, and yes it was difficult to hear the message when Bill Clinton types were being promoted as Rhodes Scholars - sent to England to sit at the Masters Feet (Rothschild). It was also a bit over-the-top to have the "Green Weenies" doing a moon dance with The real Mothers of Invention (the New Left/right), which bought them sanction to be our spokes-people for what was good and bad for "Mommy Earth". But that coupling did produce "odd dogs" that the people would surely see them as the worst kind of hypocrite. Politician Type Hypocrisy led by Albert (and then I kissed her) Gore. If that sordid bump and grind could only come up with the likes of Gore then people would see that Hypocrisy 101 would always produce the plaster caster of sameness no matter how we proclaimed that we were not like our parents.

Guess what? One day the clouds parted and a brand new and improved Jesus became a movement. The Church spawned lots of members but "looks can be deceiving" and this gave rise to the "Mega Church" where pretty Pastors sold their Autographs on the cheap after whatever the sermon was about.  We felt so damned Holy. The only honesty that came out of all the sweat and feces smeared promiscuity of the Vagabond Left and the Repulsive Right was putting to death - thankfully - the smell and froth of the Hippie Vowel Movement (who were really unemployed vagrants from San Francisco, famous for it's fruits and nuts) by putting the best of the worst of them in "the slammer"


One love child we came to hug and hate (FEAR)..Charlie Manson....my hero...would go on to become our friend,our parent,our therapist... and our future..Now you purist can give me all the self righteous pout you want..at least Charlie was an original..He thought for himself..danced a mean boogie shoes rendition of "Keep your money ..BUT..Give me some honey from your.....daughters hive"..and all he may have done and the only crimes the Bugliosi Medicine Show knew he had committed were those of passion .....In the end Charlie won one for the perverts and cons ...US....as he finally proved himself a better
Spiritual Leader than Billy Graham..and Gram Parsons..and his prophecy's were spot on....But because as we would soon learn..Nothing ever changes..We would all morph to who and what we are today..As nauseating...as Ozzie and Harriet...As lost in space as Captain Kirk....As empty as Twiggy..We sit now close to the Bathroom door..just in case..As our children who were important to us just a few cocktails ago..Look upon us and hate us for our hypocritical lives...That way they don't have to acknowledge their miserable state..They know about our addictions.and our abortions..They are aware of our "other lives".....and once again ...another generation will never become what they might have become..If only they had been able to pick their ...parents..like they pick their friends they lament on-line....We who were the loud and profane demanding changes..for them ..not us..We who were only there to get Horizontal with....a sweetie.and..... got elected instead..We who were the Chicago 7 back than...and corporate 7/11 today ..Sit in dire Scared out of our wits-ville.as we allow the "Merry Pranksters"..AKA the left....right....MORE..tea tuggers..To sit in their Palaces ..and marvel ...like Borman, Speer, and Roosevelt and Churchill did at the beginning of..all of this....at "how easy it was"......Meanwhile we sit in our empty and pathetic vacancy filled trophy room..and wonder why someone does not do something about this mess...We have been given this one chance to acquire as much evidence as needed to once and for all tell us exactly who "Killed co*k Robin"..and we won't even...look... Instead of an army of angry citizens marching on Washington demanding the hide of these filthy bastards who have perhaps bent us to a final climax of pure and unadulterated frenzy of.... Was It Good For You. .?..We who will not ....are being represented by Octogenarians who wave tea bags at the muskets..and wonder what all the fuss is about...Aren't we all just sick to death about how groovy we were...how smart we were...how righteous was our chant and how we turned out to be exactly like..."them"..


There was never a "Woodstock Nation"..Only loud Music..and goofs offering.."ain't it groovy"..Otherwise we would still be cleaning up the raw sewage and used rubbers that still litter the farm where Gonorrhea became "in venereal yet again"...It was not about peace love and understanding..It was about a bunch of unemployable dirty and horny drunk and dusted creeps who came for a 3 day rape of tasty young girls ..and called it a gang bang...AND Jimi The Hendrix..laughing at the loons..This is who we were..Of course the current generation x failures in waiting look at us in a Skunky shorty.... as we lie about our "being there"..Good Christ if as many of us were really at the Gang Bang in New York as lied about it..The outbreak of S.T.D.would have been like the Plague in Europe a few centuries back..AND as we come to grips with our own part in the reality of whatever awaits us..We once again bend the Vietnam Vet at the waist..by ignoring them ..just as we did when they finally were finished with them ..over there..As those of us who came back to a place we didn't recognize...Spun Ducky Woo....was our aliby...You burned your bra...learned to cuss like my Drill Instructors..and grew your ass and legs hairy and plump..and said you were finally.... free....?.The Now Plow Girls...went miserable when their self infected lie was exposed as being financed by...ready kids...The Rockefeller Foundation....We had the ability to stop the genocide of ideals and freedom..Yet whenever one of us has the nerve to hold us accountable for failing JFK...RFK..and MLK..We show our teeth..call them theorists ...paranoid pontificates..while you tell your therapists about this very awful feeling..that you are being watched ...and followed..by someone...?...I get the message from well meaning folks that my BLOGS here are to ..."difficult" to understand...To heavy laden with a seemingly serious back beat..while the lyrics are jive like allegories that mean exactly....what?...I am ignored by the other group called Smug and Dandy...Because I make to many grammatical errors..misspell more words than does their talking Parrot..and am chided by some who just call me a "usual suspect"..Those .reality based phonies adopt another identity on the cheap and hoot and moan in a make believe tryst at face-butt.....all the while saying my kind..are a.... waste of time....Which is perhaps the one honest appraisal of this entire thing ..you have never read....
......................The End...?
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I was born and raised in a small town in Oregon..The two pivotal events that would shape my life and make me into the man I am today is the assassination of JFK Nov 22 1963..and my decision to join the Marine corps in Dec. 1965..I have been a (more...)
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