Image uploaded from a quicklink (Image by Unknown Owner) Details DMCA | Democrats are horrified, but not exactly shocked, that Boehner plans to tee up a new debt limit fight. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer attributed the development to Boehner's weak grip on his party. "Let me say that the dollar-for-dollar [requirement] led to the sequester which none of us like," Hoyer said. "So while it sounds good, the execution of that principle does not seem to be very disciplined. We need to have a big, bold, balanced deal... It's not just frustrating for Hoyer to see Boehner kowtow to the right flank of the GOP. Republicans are using the debt limit to achieve ideological goals, when raising it is the means by which the government pays off existing debt, most of which the country incurred under GOP rule last decade. Hoyer added, "The Republicans are good at buying and lousy at paying. " |