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Press TV Correspondent Killed For Exposing Truth : Information Clearing House: ICH

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Joan Mootry
Message Joan Mootry

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Maya, a 33-year-old Syrian journalist knew what was at stake. "My people are dying and I am waiting my turn," he wrote. Maya knew that powerful forces were at work maligning his country. He knew that Western governments, the US, Britain and France, were fueling a covert war of aggression in his country by arming foreign mercenaries, who for the past 18 months have unleashed atrocities and carnage on the Syrian people. Yet all the while, these Western governments and their powerful media organizations have turned reality on its head by insisting that the violations are being committed by the Syrian government against its people and the "rebels". He knew what was at stake. "My people are dying and I am waiting my turn," he wrote
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I am a retired artist who is passionate about learning and sharing the truth about corporate/government control of U.S. citizens, with an aim to protecting health, freedom, human rights, and the environment. I support a truly independent audit of (more...)
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