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UN calls for worldwide internet surveillance and data retention in the name of fighting terrorism | End the Lie -- Indep

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Joan Mootry
Message Joan Mootry

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The UN is exploiting the irrational fear of terrorism to justify international internet surveillance. In a new 148-page report titled "The Use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes" the UN claims that the lack of an "internationally agreed framework for retention of data" is problematic along with open wireless internet networks in public places. It claims that "terrorists" are utilizing sites like Facebook, Twitter and You Tube to spread what it calls "propaganda." The nature of this "propaganda" is never clearly defined. Instead, the door is left open to call anything "propaganda" that differs from the government's manufactured accounts of events.
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I am a retired artist who is passionate about learning and sharing the truth about corporate/government control of U.S. citizens, with an aim to protecting health, freedom, human rights, and the environment. I support a truly independent audit of (more...)
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