Timken Roller Bearing Co., calendar, September 1950, teacher at desk
(Image by George Eastman House) Details DMCA
Public education GOES DOWN, AGAIN: "TEACHERS in The Chester Upland school district in Delaware County, Pa, has no money to pay teachers, because of former Governor Corbett's deep budget cuts and the charter schools that drain funding from the public schools. Public charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately run, have grown and now educate nearly half the students who live in the Chester Upland district, which pays local charter schools about $64 million in tuition payments — more than it receives in state school aid and thus faces a $22 million deficit that could grow to more than $46 million. This is due to mismanagement, state cuts in education spending and a state law that requires traditional school districts to pay charter schools significant amounts for students who live within their boundaries but attend charters.