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Tim Ryan is the Managing Editor
This is where Senator Sander’s strength in motivating young voters can really make the difference. In 2016 only 36% of Michigan’s 825,000 voters aged 18-24 participated in the election. In Florida, out of 1.5 million 18-24 year olds, only 33% voted. If youth participation in 2020 even comes close to the 50% seen in 2008, then defeating Trump looks much more feasible. This is why nominating a candidate that can turn out the youth vote is so imperative. Sanders, unquestionably, is that candidate.
My generation is ready to lead. We’re ready to transform this country into something that resembles its great promise, but we need the help of our parents and grandparents, our teachers, and all the older people in our lives. We need them to stand at our side and trust that we know what is right for the world we will live in after they are gone.