Originally published in Tom Dispatch,this article tries to ask questions confronting peoples around the globe on "desertification." It's not just Atlanta GA but Australia and Europe and Southwest USA. Population shifts, crop shortages, and lawsuits over tributaries trumps the 30's which left cowboys looking at tumblin tumbleweeds, as they sing "Water, water, water." |
Read the rest of the story HERE:
At www.salon.com
Margaret Bassett passed away August 21, 2011. She was a treasured member of the Opednews.com editorial team for four years.
Margaret Bassett--OEN editor--is an 89-year old, currently living in senior housing, with a lifelong interest in political philosophy. Bachelors from State University of Iowa (1944) and Masters from Roosevelt University (1975) help to unravel important requirements for modern communication. Early introduction to computer science (1966) trumps them. It's payback time. She's been "entitled" so long she hopes to find some good coming off the keyboard into the lives of those who come after her.