Archives for Life Arts

January 2009

Saturday, January 31:

Vi Ransel: Cat's Eyes

Grant Lawrence: Arthur Yensen's Inspiring Near Death Experience

Michael Bonanno: an american number

Friday, January 30:

Meryl Ann Butler: Heroic Dog Saves Life of Injured Dog

GLloyd Rowsey: Dinosaur Fossils Fit Perfectly Into The Evolutionary Tree of Life, Study Finds

Jane Stillwater: How to win a Supreme Court appeal & other helpful advice on how to become wise...

martinweiss: *A Superbowl Request for "The Boss" (1 comments)

Rob Kall: The Father Factor: How Dad's Age Increases Baby's Risk of Mental Illness

Jason Paz: The Mask of Obama

Mark David: Super Bowl Commercials

Thursday, January 29:

Barbara Peterson: Mercury In Vaccines Was Replaced With Something Even MORE Toxic

Mark David: Pre Super Bowl Thoughts

Iftekhar Sayeed: Freedom and 'Freedom'

Robert Jensen: Future farming: The call for a 50-year perspective on agriculture (2 comments)

Amanda Lang: Billy Powell dies at 56; Lynyrd Skynyrd keyboard player

Amanda Lang: Cardinals invite Tillman family to Super Bowl (1 comments)

Mark David: Favourite Classical Music Recordings

By Ingrid E. Newkirk: From D.C. to Delhi, compassion unites us

Wednesday, January 28:

Lance Ciepiela: *Mr President-Bush Escaping All Accountibility Please Act (6 comments)

Jason Paz: Egypt: Discourse on Geert Wilders Film Fitna (2 comments)

Tom Murphy: In Trying Times, A Bit of Good News Is Welcomed

Laudyms: Much High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated With Mercury

Laudyms: Take a break: Jennifer Steinkamp's virtual reality

Daniel Geery: Drowning In Our Own Bathtub

Margaret Bassett: Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of the Israeli State (4 comments)

Tuesday, January 27:

GLloyd Rowsey: John Updike Dead of Lung Cancer

Jim Miles: Book Review - Uncultured Wars

Patrick Mattimore: The Obama Effect and its Psychological Implications

Dr. William Smith: Alcohol Abuse and Economic Downturns (1 comments)

robert braunstein: coronation, celebration, subjugation (2 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Could Jon Stewart be Channeling Abbie Hoffman? (3 comments)

Monday, January 26:

Grant Lawrence: The Power of Appreciation (7 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Our Mother's Empire

Sally Stride: Another Embarrassing Fluoridation Birthday (1 comments)

robert braunstein: A Word to the Wise is Deficient (5 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: A Pictorial Essay - Abstract Expressionism versus Geometric Expressionism (2 comments)

Amanda Lang: Health industry lobbyist reveals $$ multi-million plan to derail Obama reform (2 comments)

Sunday, January 25:

Jill Jackson: The Crooked Man (6 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Groundhog Day: Escaping the loops of our lives (3 comments)

Bill Hare: Harvey Milk: American Hero

Betsy L. Angert: Praise Song For the Day; Inaugural Poetry

robert braunstein: carnivore evermore

Adam Bessie: 3 graphic novels for people who don't know what graphic novels are (3 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: The Wrestler: Of Love, Pain, and Glory (2 comments)

Hans Bennett: Interview with musician / poet Taina Asili

Saturday, January 24:

mary steigerwald: Ripples (1 comments)

Vi Ransel: GOTTERDAMMERUNG (1 comments)

George Washington: We're Smarter Than We Realize (3 comments)

Friday, January 23:

GLloyd Rowsey: John Singer Sargent - Portraitist-Extraordinaire to the Rich and Famous (3 comments)

Amanda Lang: One to Watch: "Waltz With Bashir"

Laudyms: Lawmakers Say GAO's Urgent Call for Food Safety Must Wait

Margaret Bassett: Hey, Obamas! Is this your dog?

Thursday, January 22:

John Jonik: Pesticide Industry War On Mothers (7 comments)

Laudyms: Algeria: Return of Black Death? (3 comments)

Laudyms: Send in the Sustainable Dozen!

Vi Ransel: (It's) Alimentary, My Dear

Wednesday, January 21:

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Aquarius New Moon Solar Eclipse/Year of the Ox 2009 (1 comments)

M. Wizard: "My Spiritual Journey", by Barack Obama (3 comments)

Rady Ananda: Lowery and Alexander Deliver for Obama

Tuesday, January 20:

GLloyd Rowsey: Five Watercolors by Jean Dufy, a Notable 20th Century French Painter (6 comments)

Laudyms: Food Safety: New Year, New Administration

Margaret Bassett: Michelle Obama shines in Isabel Toledo

Grant Lawrence: Heyoka's Guide to Earthly Living (4 comments)

Monday, January 19:

Amanda Lang: "This Land Is Your Land" Like Woody Wrote It

Amanda Lang: NASA Scientist Hansen: Obama has 'four years to save the world' (3 comments)

Jai Daemion: America Awakening - Casting Off Our Cloak of Shame (3 comments)

Vi Ransel: Piano Rain (1 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: An Occasional Quotation from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary – It's Just What the Doctor Ordered!

Eileen Fleming: In honor of King and with Hope for Change

Sunday, January 18:

Jeffrey Fleishman and Batsheva Sobelman: Israeli TV News Broadcasts a Gaza Father's Heartbreak (8 comments)

Amanda Lang: Palm oil frenzy threatens to wipe out orangutans

Allan Wayne: Bush Exiled to Isle of St. Helena

Kathy Guillermo: What researchers must resolve to do in 2009

GLloyd Rowsey: An Occasional Quotation from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary – Just What the Doctor Ordered! (5 comments)

Amanda Lang: Mountain Tops Across America Forever Altered by Bush Push for Coal

Marni Levin: The Soldier and "Cinderella" (3 comments)

Tim Cerantola: It's so cold, on my way to work I saw a dog frozen to a fire hydrant! (4 comments)

Saturday, January 17:

Munich: I Want My Bailout Money (1 comments)

mikel paul: A minute thirty is all it takes. (7 comments)

2kiwipress: A Fashion Movement: Voluntary Simplicity and The Curtain Club (3 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Recycled, Inflatable, 3-D Animated Street Art!

Charles L. Riccillo: "To President Obama"

Kevin Gosztola: The Visitor and the Value of Human Connection (2 comments)

Friday, January 16:

Dustin Ensinger: A True Maverick (3 comments)

Vi Ransel: The Necromancer (2 comments)

Theresa Paulfranz: Humans Ensouling New Level (4 comments)

Patrick Mattimore: Why the Insanity of College Admissions Will Change (6 comments)

Thursday, January 15:

Vi Ransel: The Businessman's Dilemma (2 comments)

chuck hillestad: Progressions/Digressions

Anita Stewart: In the Quiet and Stillness

Dennis Diehl: Ok, that's it! "Holy Land " Label Is Officially Revoked (5 comments)

Ginger McClemons: Heart Attack Symptoms for Women (1 comments)

Rachel Clift: Can't Stop Crying Over You (8 comments)

Ashin Mettacara: *Burma: Myanmar Blog Academy Award 2008 Winners Announced

Betsy L. Angert: An Inauguration Invitation (1 comments)

Shalom P. Hamou: *A Credit Free, Free Market Economy Is Possible

Laudyms: We're not doomed, but we're in danger (2 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: The Healthy Fish Myth (2 comments)

Wednesday, January 14:

M. Wizard: Unedited Video of President Bush's Farewell News Conference (1 comments)

Andrew Glikson: *The Price of the Earth (2 comments)

Peter Duveen: Culinary Archeology II: How to make a kick-ass cup of coffee (5 comments)

Laudyms: Medicinal Plants on Verge of Extinction

Kenneth Briggs: Alcoholism (4 comments)

AJ Buttacavoli: Jacqueline Kennedy for Eternity: Part Three (2 comments)

Amanda Lang: Conyer's Report: Reining In The "Imperial Presidency" (1 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Extreme East

Meryl Ann Butler: Inauguration Day: Hooray, Hooray! (Poem by by Calvin Trillin)

Tuesday, January 13:

Rob Kall: Slumdog Millionaire: the first film of the Obama era

Amanda Lang: TVA Disaster Spreads Far and Wide (1 comments)

Deborah Emin: Write What You Know

Vi Ransel: Globalization

Theresa Paulfranz: Delving Into "The Dark Side" (8 comments)

Cenerentola: A Minimalist Review of Two Heavy Flix

Patrick Frank: Homelessness, Creativity, and Recovery from Bipolar (2005)...with a Postscript... (8 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Wofford Sees Bright Future for National Service

Vi Ransel: The Crystal Ball(s) (3 comments)

Monday, January 12:

Grant Lawrence: Past Life Experiences and What they Taught Me. (7 comments)

Tim Fleming: Review of Three New Books on the JFK Assassination (6 comments)

Joel Gill: Is US Food Truly Safe? Part 4 Corrective Actions Needed (4 comments)

the web: "W" Library (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: An Occasional Quotation from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary – Just What the Doctor Ordered! (2 comments)

Ben Dench: The Three Discussions (1 comments)

James Raider: Cell Phone Invasion Of Thought (10 comments)

Sunday, January 11:

RevBlake: Sweet Greens (1 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Bottom Line Blues (1 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: Detecting Osteoporosis

sometimes blinded: Being Unbalanced Can Make You More Productive

GLloyd Rowsey: Protest Art – Five Photographic Works by Three Contemporary Artists (3 comments)

AJ Buttacavoli: Jacqueline Kennedy for Eternity: Part One (4 comments)

sadelaine: The Constitution: Post W. (1 comments)

ErikOD: Hue-ing the line (2 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: Cheap kicks: Doggy dancing (3 comments)

Saturday, January 10:

John Little: O Israel, How Many Terrorists Did You Kill Today? (2 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: OJJDP News

Jennifer Hathaway: The Highest Finance

Kevin Gosztola: Gran Torino and the Politics of 'Get Off My Lawn!' (14 comments)

Amanda Lang: Barack Obama 'kidnaps' 24 hero Jack Bauer, complains conservative torture lovers (3 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The special "Everybody Hates Jane" issue of my housing co-op newsletter (5 comments)

Friday, January 9:

M. Wizard: Wall Street Is Big Donor to Inauguration (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: Letterman's Top 10 moments of the Bush years

GLloyd Rowsey: An Occasional Dose of Definitions from Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary." They're Just What the Doctor Ordered! (7 comments)

George Washington: First Bees, Now Birds (43 comments)

Thursday, January 8:

Jennifer Hathaway: Art, Apples, and Safety Concerns (2 comments)

Amanda Lang: Bill Moyers Journal to Air Footage of March of the Dead, Arrests in Senate Offices (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: First flight of algae-fuelled 737 jet (1 comments)

Amanda Lang: 1-800-GOOG-411: Find and connect with local businesses for free from your cell phone. (1 comments)

chris rice: Obama Stimulus '09

Rob Kall: Ten extinct beasts that could walk the Earth again

Munich: Pelicans fall out of sky from Mexico to Ore.

AJ Buttacavoli: John S. Greenway

Wednesday, January 7:

Amanda Lang: Watch Sanjay Gupta's Error-Laden 'Hit Job' on Sicko Challenged by Moore (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 6:

richard bushway: The Music These Days

Cathy Lynn Pagano: Cancer Full Moon January 10-11 2009 (2 comments)

Laudyms: Regulate untested and unlabeled nano-silver pesticide products! (2 comments)

Richmond Gardner: A review of "Expelled," a film by and starring Ben Stein (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: A Late Fauvist Belgian Painter – Rik Wouters (1 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Write Your Own Version of the Inaugural Address

Rady Ananda: Ad Hominem Attacks (167 comments)

Monday, January 5:

Rob Kall: Rewarding Mr. Ayers' courage

Vi Ransel: The Peculiar Insitution

Suzana Megles: Education for Peace: Greg Mortenson (5 comments)

AJ Buttacavoli: On Being a Letter Writer (7 comments)

Patrick Lafferty: New Words 2008 [satire]

Jennifer Hathaway: "How is a spiritual experience different from a sensory experience?" (6 comments)

Sunday, January 4:

Laudyms: Metals Pollute Waters Near US Coal Ash Spill

Tim Cerantola: G.I. Jesus -Thank god I am not religious. (Satire) (6 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Your Third Daily Dose of Medicine From Ambrose Bierce's "The Devil's Dictionary" – It's Just What the Doctor Ordered! (7 comments)

2kiwipress: A Celebration of The Duchess: Book, Movie and DVD

Grant Lawrence: The Thunderbird and Thunder Beings (11 comments)

Bob Sommer: Barack Obama could do worse than keep "The Education of Henry Adams" on his nightstand while he stays at the Hay-Adams

Jane Stillwater: Suing the DoD: How my small claim just became a Federal Case.... (9 comments)

Saturday, January 3:

Keith Pope: Madness and Miracles in Central France (2 comments)

Richmond Shreve: Obama's Health-Care Community Discussions – Update 2

Vi Ransel: Dust Thou Art... (1 comments)

Gene Messick: Proposal: A great deal on a New Deal (2 comments)

Aurora: Tara & Bella - Unlikely best friends (Includes video) (3 comments)

Friday, January 2:

Betsy L. Angert: I Resolve . . . (1 comments)

bobzaguy: Federal Reserve closes for lack of interest [satire]

Carola Von Hoffmannstahl: Them! Them! [humor]

Meryl Ann Butler: 120th Tournament of Roses Parade: An Intimate Photographic Essay (7 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: An Early Impressionist American Painter – Mary Cassatt (3 comments)

Thursday, January 1:

Laudyms: "Biohackers" tinkering with the very foundations of life on Earth (1 comments)

Vi Ransel: The ABCs of Atrocity

Suzana Megles: Madeleine Pickens - Another "Wild Horse Annie?" (2 comments)

GLloyd Rowsey: Grape-seed Extract Kills Laboratory Leukemia Cells, Proving Value Of Natural Compounds (2 comments)

Elayne Clift: Taking Another Look at Breast Cancer

Roy S. Carson: Voracious vultures whose only quest is to "grab the gold and screw the natives!"


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