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August 2009

Monday, August 31:

Roger Hickey: Let's Pass Ted Kennedy's Health Plan (2 comments)

paul roberts: Why Not Crippling Sanctions for Israel and the US? (2 comments)

Kathy Malloy: Monday Madness (2 comments)

Mike Malloy: Death. As a ceremony. (1 comments)

David Fiderer: Are Banks Too Big? Don't Count on Downsizing Anytime Soon

R.H. Smith: PANETTA COMPLEX: A Liberal Down The Rabbit Hole (2 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Change We Can't Hope For: Obama's Narrowing Window of Opportunity (3 comments)

Monish Chatterjee: Edward Kennedy- The Last of the Genuine Liberals: A Cicero for Our Times

Rob Kall: Will Spiderman Become a Teabagger? Will Loss Of Super-Hero Diversity Hurt Our Culture? (16 comments)

David Glenn Cox: Losing Touch with a Good Friend (3 comments)

Sheila Dean: The Problem of Cosmetic Activism (5 comments)

Stephen Lendman: America's Tortured Past

Bill Hare: *Ted Kennedy's Ideal: Health Care Linked to Cost Containment (8 comments)

Sunday, August 30:

John Fountain: Generations of Changed Lives: "The Providence Effect" (6 comments)

Dean Hartwell: Obama's Dilemma (3 comments)

Ray McGovern: Media Ape Goebbels in Defending CIA Abuses (2 comments)

earl ofari hutchinson: Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam (4 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Good bye, Senator Edward M. Kennedy: Be at peace and rest (3 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Will Teddy Speak One More Time from the Grave? (3 comments)

Saturday, August 29:

David Michael Green: Who Won The Ideology Wars? (1 comments)

Mary Lyon: To This Partisan Irish Catholic, More Change We Can Believe In

allan arpajian: What George Orwell and Jack London can teach us about the Michael Vick Affair (5 comments)

David Swanson: Hurricane Dubya Four Years On (3 comments)

Don Smith: Failure to prosecute: why Obama is having trouble passing health care reform (38 comments)

James Brett: Now -- Onward!

Ellen Brown: THE MERCURY MISCHIEF: As Obama Warns of Hazards, the FDA Approves Mercury Dental Fillings (5 comments)

Ann Garrison: Privatizing California: S. B. 792 (7 comments)

Friday, August 28:

David Swanson: Torture Memos in a Book (2 comments)

Brasch: Michael Vick: Remorseful Eagle or Smirking Dirty Bird (8 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Forces That Killed Dr. Tiller Plan Campaign to Terrorize Dr. Carhart & His Clinic (7 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Kennedy's legacy: Dreams that never die, hopes that never surrender (1 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Hear the Liberal lion's roar and get healthcare passed (1 comments)

Richard Clark: *The CIA's Role in the Origin and Maintenance of America's Overclass (15 comments)

Emmanuel D Tayari: "Tanzania Mining Law Reforms: The Catch 22 for donor countries Ambassadors”

Val Strange: *SAVE FERRIS !

mikel weisser: Current Comedy 8/25/09: “Rev. Right's” Hell House: The 33 Minute Hate

Rev. Dan Vojir: Get FRC's Health Care Townhall Kit! (Obnoxious Idiot and Gun Not Included)

Mike Cowie: Canada: Top Ten Things To Love and Hate (1 comments)


William Fisher: Is This the DOJ's Detention Model?

Mike Cowie: The Great Anti-Canadian-Healthcare Fraudster Joins The Great American Healthcare Debate

Patrick Mattimore: When Newspapers Become Fish Wrap

Tim Hjersted: What's the Value of Conspiracy Theory?

magginkat: GOP Principles for Insurance Care (2 comments)

Chris Floyd: Big Brass Bull: Pentagon Deceit on Media Manipulation Confirmed (1 comments)

Shalom P. Hamou: *How Ben 'Systemic Risk' Bernanke Deliberatly Created The Great Recession.

Bernie Sanders: Farewell Senator (VIDEO)

michael payne: Barack Obama: master illusionist?

Ralph Lopez: *Hey NY Times, How About the "Palestinian Hanging" Torture?

Douglas C. Smyth: Answering Conservative Arguments Against Healthcare Reform

Jason Del Gandio: “Obama's Teleprompters and the Hidden Hands of Power”

Linda Schreiber: WALLY'S WORLD IS COLLAPSING (1 comments)

Shalom P. Hamou: *What If you Called 411 and The Crash Answered?

Kevin Gosztola: Pro-Choicers Come out to Defend Carhart's Abortion Clinic (1 comments)

Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Teaching Hate to School Children

Scott Baker: *Space Dreams: Keeping America from being Grounded and outa Space (9 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Wield the Sword, Mr. President (Sixth Piece)

David Swanson: Holder's Bad Applism and Our Own (2 comments)

David Swanson: *Bush Tortured (5 comments)

Bob Burnett: Healthcare: 2009's Political Super Bowl

Stephen Lendman: Early and Current Fears about Vaccine Dangers

Ed Martin: The Rise of the Barbarians (5 comments)

Bill Falzett, PhD: The American Mainstream Mean Streak

Rafe Pilgrim: Eight Years of Snazzy Signs, Nifty Slogans and Weekend Vigils Doesn't Hack It.

Elayne Clift: America Reveals Its Shadow Self (1 comments)

Mark W. Bradley: "Balls of Liberty"

Thursday, August 27:

Don Smith: Conservative bullies, progressive wimps? No more! (1 comments)

kellie bean: New Media Feminist Debate: Pornography

Rev. Dan Vojir: Anti-Health Care Reform, Anti-Obama: What's Been Going Out As "Gospel" Part Two

Mumia Abu-Jamal: 'Skip', Nadra and the Philadelphia Grand Jury

Richard Clark: *This Isn't a Recession, It's a Planned Demolition (3 comments)

Chaz Valenza: *The Putrid Stench of Private Health Care Insurance

Jason Paz: The West Bank Settler on the Wrong Side of the Fence

Doug Morrison: The Beginnings of a Conversation

Tim Fleming: Mainstream Media Play Stupid While Health Care Bullies Sway Opinion (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Obama's War: Afghanistan Is Spelled V-I-E-T-N-A-M (4 comments)

Èzili Dantò: Genocide in Haiti: Fulfilling Leclerc's imperative (1 comments)


Sandy Shanks: Endgame (2 comments)

Rowan Wolf: Monopoly Money Round Two with a Teetering Economy (3 comments)

MsCYPRAH: Edward Moore Kennedy - A British Tribute (5 comments)

Mari Eliza: Court Order the Fed to Hand Over Details of the Bank Bailouts (1 comments)

Mike Cowie: To America From A Canadian: Concerning The Hate-Filled Homophobes of The Religious Right

Andrew Bard Schmookler: About Changing the Law to Fill Kennedy's Seat Right Away

Judith Acosta: The Redeemed Kennedy? (5 comments)

Mark Karlin: FOX Won't Fire Glenn Beck: Here's Why

Dean Hartwell: Them and Us: Why Our Nation Is Divided (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Fight Back, Mr. President (Fifth Piece) (3 comments)

Joe Trippi: What Ted Kennedy meant to me (1 comments)

Mary Shaw: Rights Groups Mourn the Loss of Ted Kennedy (1 comments)

Wednesday, August 26:

George Washington: The Rising Tide of Unemployment in America: How Bad Will It Get, And What Can We Do? (2 comments)

George Erickson: Single-Payer Now! (2 comments)

Robert Bullard: Sept. 5 Labor Day “Call to End Toxic Racism” Rally in Dickson, Tennessee

Justin Soutar: Hurried, Corrupt and Evil Health Care Reform (1 comments)

Kathy Malloy: They're Coming to Take Me Away, hee-hee, ho-ho . . . (3 comments)

paul roberts: From Citizen to Serf in 200 Years (9 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: The battle of the sexes is still raging

Ray McGovern: Closing In on the Torturers (5 comments)

Elizabeth Adams Miller: *Did the Cat Just Really Say That?

Mike Malloy: Senator Ted Kennedy (9 comments)

Pro Jury: *Congressperson Lee, get off your cell phone! (1 comments)

Jim Horend: *"REMEDIES" 21st Century Approaches for Fixing Education (1 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Embracing women and gay rights

Federico Moramarco: Remembering 2008: A Book Review

shamus cooke: World Bankers Agree: The Recession is Over"Maybe (2 comments)

Douglas Drenkow: Kennedy's Greatness: Not Who He Was But What He Did (1 comments)

Anthony Wade: Common Humanity From the Words of the Late Senator, Ted Kennedy

Allan Goldstein: Ted Kennedy: The Last of His Kind

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Fourth Piece: Are You Being Guided, Mr. President, by the Wrong Advisor? (10 comments)

Ralph Lopez: *Does Being Dead Count for "Organ Failure" from Torture? (4 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: Senator Kennedy (3 comments)

David Waldman: Does the emerging reconciliation strategy make sense?

Stephen Lendman: Growing Poverty and Despair in America (8 comments)

Elizabeth Adams Miller: *Female Competitiveness at The New York Times (1 comments)

Jim Quinn: THE FEDERAL RESERVE MUST DIE (10 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: Birthers And The PENIS PROBE!! (6 comments)

Jerome Richard: We Should Live So Long (1 comments)

Lee Patton: MY DEATH PANEL: The Ultimate Fair and Balanced Judgment upon Six Irritating Right Wingers

Jason Paz: Shame on You, America (5 comments)

John Sanchez Jr.: What? No Public Option?

We Are Change Colorado Springs: Welcome To Our Hell: The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) (2 comments)

William Cormier: The Wealthy Begin Tumbling Down With No End In Sight

William Cormier: Is It Time To Cross Partisan Lines and Unite To Fight A Common Enemy?

Grant Lawrence: Senator Joe Lieberman: Recession Not a Good Time for Health Care Reform (2 comments)

Jon Faulkner: Blind American And The Exploitation Of Entrenched Ignorance (2 comments)

Tuesday, August 25:

Chris Floyd: Wrist-slap and Tickle: Obama Goes Mild on CIA Torture (1 comments)

Outcast and Castoff: A Letter to the Poor (11 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Is America a Sick Country or What? (4 comments)

Zin Linn: *Burma Question - sill a matter of regional concern (1 comments)

William Barth: Health Care Reform and the Libertarian Impulse

Scott Baker: FLAME Hotline: Sweden's blood libel accusation represents a new low, even by European standards (5 comments)

Dean Powers: NYTimes Paints Rockwell Portrait of Opponents to Health Care Reform (5 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: How Obama Can Put the Force Behind Health-Care Reform

Joe Bageant: Don't Need No Trojan Horse -- when Troy is your Home (7 comments)

Judith Acosta: PRIMUN NON NOCERE: First Do No Harm (5 comments)

Rob Kall: Wall Street Journal Reports On Health Care Rationing By US Insurers (2 comments)

Monday, August 24:

Dick Overfield: America Prepares for Its Next War (6 comments)

Chris Hedges: This Isn't Reform, It's Robbery (6 comments)

Kathy Malloy: Bang Bang... (15 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Obama Pentagon Employs Bush-Era Propagandists to Screen Embedding Journalists in Afghanistan

Steven Leser: Why Health Care Reform Failed (8 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: Cheney Stands Down For The 9/11 Attacks (6 comments)

Rob Kall: So My Congressman Calls Me In Response to Yesterday's Article... (22 comments)

thomas unger: ATLANTA WEATHER: RIGHT! not just right, FAR RIGHT! (3 comments)

thomas unger: Armed and Dangerous (but not in the usual way) (9 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: One Wrong Move and Your Credit Score Gets It (4 comments)

Scott Baker: Senator Gillibrand's Position on Health Care for all (3 comments)

William Fisher: Mubarak: Autocrat With Chutzpah (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: 2nd Piece: Re-Connect with the Force from Whence Came Your Power, Mr. President (2 comments)

Mary Shaw: The Irony of the "Socialist" Scare (3 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Codex Alimentarius Threatens Human Health (3 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Our Children Shouldn't Be Messengers Of Hate! (6 comments)

Sunday, August 23:

David Michael Green: My Country, Misery (3 comments)

Bob Patterson: Living in the Hostel World

Andreas Umland: Democratic Ukraine, Autocratic Russia: Why? (2 comments)

Gary Price: 9/11 AND BOGEY MAN TERRORISM (7 comments)


David Swanson: Astroturfing on the Left (3 comments)

James Brett: Good-Bye America! (2 comments)

Larry Flynt: Common Sense 2009 (23 comments)

Ward Harkavy: Twitter Figures Out How to Make a Bundle (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: First Piece: Mr. President, It's Clear You've Made an Important Strategic Error (16 comments)

Rob Kall: Questions for My Dem Congressman after His Health Care Town Hall, where he pointed me out as a liberal he disagrees with (20 comments)

Ralph Lopez: *Nine Republicans Tell Holder "Don't Go There" on Torture (5 comments)

Daniel Volman: *U.S. Military Carried out Cheney's Assassination Plan When CIA Rejected It (2 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: Anti-Health Care Reform, Anti-Obama: What's Been Going Out As "Gospel" Part One (4 comments)

Ralph Lopez: *Tom Ridge Bombshell Only Scratches Surface: Plame II

David Glenn Cox: Who Are These Democrats? (2 comments)

Mark W. Bradley: Wall Street Journal Reports Santa Claus Going Out of Business

thomas unger: The Huckabee Solution (1 comments)

John Sanchez Jr.: Scenario- Give the Noisy Town Hallers What They Want; Eliminate All Socialized Govt. Programs

Zak Maymin: Six simple steps to fix our healthcare (14 comments)

Chaz Valenza: I Know the Barter Secret: It's a Rip-off (2 comments)

Jay Janson: *Imperialist Media Hails Democratic Elections Under Murderous US Occupation

Jason Paz: Criminalizing Your Backyard Garden (6 comments)

Jon Ross: Why the hard sell? - It is now very suspicious. (1 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: Town Hall Protest Mentality: The View From The Bottom Of The Barrel


Ismael Hossein-zadeh: Reflecting on Iran's Presidential Election (2 comments)

Peter Van Nguyen: Lee rethinks hardline on North Korea

Emily Spence: Running Out Of Fossil Fuels: A Cause For Glee? (3 comments)

Carmen Yarrusso: *Why single-payer is the ONLY sensible health care reform (explained in plain English) (7 comments)

Rebecca Anon: *American Choices (1 comments)

Saturday, August 22:

Jamison Foser: How the media made this summer's political insanity inevitable (5 comments)

James Brett: What a Revolt of the Left Means (8 comments)

Steven Leser: Unemployment – Yes I bet 7.5% or lower by August 22, 2010 (3 comments)

earl ofari hutchinson: President Obama's One Term Nightmare (5 comments)

Suzana Megles: Inhumane Slaughtering - Does it exist in the US? (12 comments)

steve warren: Sherry's Going To Jail (3 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: Liberals Have Guns Too, Ya Know... (18 comments)

Scott Baker: *How to fix Scarecare (10 comments)

Donald de Fano: Follow the Money (6 comments)

Friday, August 21:

Philosopher Jay: The American Government Should Dissolve Fox News Corp Immediately (15 comments)

James Raider: America, End Your Fear Of Wall Street (9 comments)

Amy Lee Coy: Who Is Bill Maher?? (8 comments)

earl ofari hutchinson: President Obama's One Term Nightmare (2 comments)

Anthony Wade: There's Nothing Progressive About the Dem Party; Time for a Common Sense Movement (25 comments)

Don Williams: On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings (4 comments)

Rob Kall: American Justice is At Risk. What Are You Doing About it? (30 comments)

Judith Acosta: There is No Help. (8 comments)

Bob Burnett: At Last Liberals Get Angry (9 comments)

Frank Paynter: Slouching Toward Medicare (2 comments)

Eric Walberg: Russia and Georgia: Caucasion catastrophy continues to brew (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: The Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform - Private Insurers and Big PhRMA (4 comments)

Come Carpentier de Gourdon: possible next stages in the global economic situation (2 comments)

james mcgeever: The **** List

Frosty Wooldridge: The Boom No One Wants: The Population Explosion (2 comments)

Gene Marx: Draft Redux: Betting On the Come (1 comments)

Michael Collins: Screwing the Self Employed Out of Health Insurance (3 comments)

Ray McGovern: Unwritten Death Contract Awarded to Blackwater (5 comments)

Thursday, August 20:

Dana Jill Simpson: My Response to the article "Closing in on Rove" (10 comments)

Don Smith: Where are the religious protesters? (10 comments)

Brent Budowsky: The Lion's Roar: Ted Kennedy Moves to Save Healthcare

Michael Bonanno: Let Them Have It (3 comments)

Joe Bageant: The Entertainment Value of Snuffing Grandma: A Nation of Children Roots For the Mafia

David Fiderer: Karl Rove's Non-Denials About the Siegelman Case Segue Into Lies in the Wall Street Journal (11 comments)

William Fisher: The Constitution Lives! (3 comments)

Allan Goldstein: You blame Obama, I blame You (12 comments)

Bob Cesca: Bipartisanship porn (2 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Is US Really Supporting Taliban And Terrorists?

Shalom P. Hamou: *Æta Tumultuosa: Votus Pro Bono Novo Ordo Seclorum.

Bob Koehler: Guns That Talk; Are we launching a new civil war? (39 comments)

Scott Baker: *A modest proposal for the settlements on the Israeli West Bank (7 comments)

Katie Gonzalez: Obama Administration Offers Asylum to Battered Women


David Swanson: Obama IS Leading, But in the Wrong Direction

Jason Paz: Minnie Mouse Groped (4 comments)

paul roberts: Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs (23 comments)

David Glenn Cox: Do I Trust the President? (3 comments)

William R Castlelich: Senator Grassley: A Corn-Fed Mis-Speaker (1 comments)

Arthur Avalon: *Evil Masquerades as Good Because It Thinks It Is. (12 comments)

Welsh Terrier: Dean of the Disenfranchised Democrats?

Dustin Ensinger: China Investing in U.S. Mortgages (1 comments)

Mary Shaw: Bush Is to Blame for Afghan Voting Problems

Larry Brown: A Rebuttal to Dick Armey (2 comments)

Joan Wile: The Real Hillary Clinton Tumbles Out (5 comments)

Jim Goodman: 'Deathers' One, Obama Zero

Paul Karsh: Time to Unsubscribe from "Organizing for America"

mikel weisser: Current Comedy: 8/18/09: This is What Democracy Looks Like? (5 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: G 20 -- or More G-Money?

Suzana Megles: Will the Reader's Digest Pull out of Bankruptcy?

G J Lau: Armed and Dangerous (4 comments)

Wednesday, August 19:

Rabbi Brian Walt: A Post from Rabbi Brian

Kevin Gosztola: The Enemy in the "War on Terror is Us, We Continue to Fight at Our Own Peril

Suzana Megles: Sarah Palin and Betty Sutton --Betty who? (2 comments)

shamus cooke: It's Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead

Travis Kelly: Health care howlers: Sept. 12 vs. Sept. 10 (2 comments)

Jennifer Epps: "If Stephen Hawking Lived in England" and Other Great Points the Left Doesn't Want You to Know (12 comments)

Larry Brown: A Rebuttal to Dick Armey on Conservatism (1 comments)

Marc Eisner: Good Health: Too Big to Allow (5 comments)

Chaz Valenza: *Let's Eat Our Own: Hold NJ Governor Corzine Hostage for Healthcare Reform Ransom

Andreas Umland: Europe's Share in the Ukrainian Malaise: The EU commits a historical mistake denying Kyiv a membership perspective

Free Press: Help Us Expose Astroturf (1 comments)

William Cormier: Is President Obama Being Set-Up For Assassination? UPDATE 2 (16 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: He's Just One Bad Apple! We're Not ALL Like That!

Richard Clark: *Former Accused Iraqi Agent Susan Lindauer Reveals Startling Facts About Early 9/11 Warnings (7 comments)

michael payne: Advice for President Obama: If you can't explain it, you will never sell it

Michael Fullerton: Why the Harrit Nano-thermite paper has not yet been debunked

Jim Quinn: AMERICAN IDIOTS (2 comments)

Barton Kunstler: Palin's Death Committee as a Projection of the Fundamentalist God

Lynn Petrovich: An Unpopular War

earl ofari hutchinson: President Obama will Likely Dump the Public Option, and Here's Why (6 comments)

David Swanson: Truckfuls of Bodies (2 comments)

Welsh Terrier: Dean, Democrats and the Disenfranchised (1 comments)

Kathy Malloy: Dancing with the White House

Ann Garrison: Peace Now? Not without national health care

Harold Hellickson: --- America -- A Land of Myths, A Path to Perdition

Rita Inklovich: British Citizen Speaks Out in Favor of British Health Care System (1 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Never Trust Those Liars Again (3 comments)

Rowan Wolf: Things Falling Off the Table - Economy (3 comments)

April Moore: Plastic Bags: A Primer and a Guide

Scott Baker: *How to Fight Like a Republican and Win like a Progressive (2 comments)

Judith Acosta: ANGIE: A Teacher in Life and Death (6 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: Profile in Courage Time for Big O (2 comments)

Dean Powers: NYTimes' Distorted "Public Opinion" Reporting On Health Care Expands (2 comments)

Robert Borosage: Health Care: Let the Majority Be Heard (4 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Global Depression and Regional Wars - Part II (1 comments)

Rob Kall: Why Holder and Obama have not fired the Bush Appointed, Rove-Vetted DOJ Attorneys (33 comments)

Tuesday, August 18:

Robert Parry: Why the Right's Propaganda Works (5 comments)

David Swanson: Nascence to End Work

Dennis Kucinich: HEALTH CARE WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE (9 comments)

Ari Bussel: A Changing Reality (1 comments)

Mark Karlin: Wanted for Murder: Antonin Scalia (4 comments)

William Fisher: The Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Limbaugh. Beck. O'Reilly. Hannity. Dobbs. (4 comments)

George Washington: "It's Almost As If The Administration Is Opting for a Rose-Colored-Glasses PR Strategy" Instead of Looking at Reality (3 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: The President Exhibits Crazy Speech Patterns (8 comments)


Dave Lindorff: When 1st and 2nd Amendment Conflict: Protests, Guns and Double Standards (42 comments)

Brent Budowsky: The President Should Fight for the Public Healthcare Option (7 comments)

Rob Kall: Abolish the Senate, Starting with Some Whittling (36 comments)

Thom Hartmann: A Modest Medicare Proposal (10 comments)

GL Rowsey: American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass, by Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton (1998)* (2 comments)

Rev. Robert Vinciguerra: Healthcare Reform: How to Save the Public Option (2 comments)

Monday, August 17:

David Michael Green: Hey, (Cowering-In-The)Barracks Forshame Obummer: If You Would Lead, Maybe We Would Follow (5 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Clinton and Obama: The Worst and Best Thing to Happen to the Democratic Party in Years (5 comments)

Thom Hartmann: From Thom Hartmann; Dear President Obama: A Modest Medicare Proposal (12 comments)


Linda Milazzo: Don Lemon & CNN, NO To "Real Americans" - YES To Real Journalism! (1 comments)

Bill Hare: Losing Football Coach, You're Fired! Failed CEO, You're Enriched! (5 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Don Lemon & CNN, NO To "Real Americans" - YES To Real Journalism (1 comments)

martinweiss: *President Obama bows to GOP protests, excludes them.

OpEdnews: Apology and Retraction (3 comments)

Kathy Malloy: D.O.A.

Ari Bussel: Land Mine of Lies (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: *Clinton and Obama: The Worst and Best Thing to Happen to the Democratic Party in Years (3 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Let Rachel Maddow Talk! (On Meet the Press) (7 comments)

Douglas Drenkow: *Video Clips of Schiff Town Hall: Democracy Will Not Be Silenced (4 comments)

Lawrence Velvel: Amicus Brief filed in Bankruptcy Court

Stephen Pizzo: Co-Ops: The Three-Card Monte of Health Reform (3 comments)

June Werdlow Rogers: Use Seized Monies for Treatment


Rafe Pilgrim: The Rewards for Speaking Truth to Power

Kevin Gosztola: 40 Years On: My Generation and Woodstock (3 comments)

Kenneth Briggs: Health Care Reform (1 comments)

Dean Powers: Failure is Better Option than Non-Profit Co-ops (8 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Reinventing No Child Left Behind (2 comments)

Bob Patterson: Pig in a (trauma) blanket

Grant Lawrence: Stupid Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking Supports Socialized Medicine (15 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Maddow, Olbermann & Shock Troops for the Radical Right (4 comments)

Sunday, August 16:

Jill Jackson: Drafting Doctors (4 comments)

Robert Parry: WTimes' Hypocritical Obama-Nazi Slur

Barack Obama: Why We Need Health Care Reform (6 comments)

Jennifer Epps: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Health Care Forum (3 comments)

Michael Sauvante: Publicly Owned Banks: A Multi-Purpose Solution

Mark Biskeborn: Mexico: Heads Will Roll (2 comments)

Jason Paz: General Electric Has Shackled MSNBC News (2 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: The Rise In Militias: Palin's "Rallymen" Coming Home To Roost! (2 comments)

Erik Larson: *Sibel Edmonds Deposition: Deep Corruption Beneath the Surface (5 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: The Enemy in the "War on Terror is Us, We Continue to Fight at Our Own Peril (6 comments)

Brina-Rae Schuchman: Voters Should Abandon Quick Fix of Computer Counts (1 comments)

Siv O'Neall: Money is God, Greed is King and Corruption Runs the Game (8 comments)

Mary MacElveen: I cannot forgive, Michael Vick who profited off of death (10 comments)

Saturday, August 15:

abbas sadeghian, Ph.D.: *Open Letter to President Obama (7 comments)

Ward Harkavy: Pocket Rockets: The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs of 2008

Media Matters: Please give a warm welcome to our death panelists

Chaz Valenza: Wall Street vs. Small Farms: Put Your $$$ Where Your Mouth Is (1 comments)

Dustin Ensinger: Pay Czar Put to the Test

Jason Paz: Health Insurance Reform May Be a Bridge too Far (2 comments)

SM Kovalisnky: Howe and Strauss Envisioned another Civil War era : They may be right

Chris Hedges: Nader Was Right: Liberals are Going Nowhere With Obama (4 comments)

June Werdlow Rogers: Blame It on the Boogie?

Emily Spence: Why Won't Universal Healthcare Be Provided? (4 comments)

Zin Linn: Burma's verdict on Suu Kyi may bring civil strife

Sandy Shanks: Afghanistan Is Another Afghanistan (1 comments)

Mark Karlin: A Tale of Two Nations: the Civil War may have been won by the North, but in truth the South never emotionally conceded

earl ofari hutchinson: Why the Right Is Winning Its War against Obama (8 comments)

Brasch: The Great Government Swine Flu Conspiracy (3 comments)

Barbara Bellows-TerraNova: Tim Griffin Did More Than 'Bow Out'

James Nimmo: GOPer Okie Rep Fallin's not for Vegetarians

Friday, August 14:

martinweiss: *Social Justice is the Foundation of Public Health (2 comments)

Ray McGovern: Pundits Trying to Help Cheney Avoid Jail (15 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Boycott Whole Foods; CEO against healthcare, and food and shelter, as a right (6 comments)

Leon Thompson: *Why The Auto Clunker Program Should Be Made Available To All Clunker Owners (3 comments)

William Rivers Pitt: Howl (5 comments)

Karl Grossman: FAA--Forget About Administration (1 comments)

Chaz Valenza: *Vicious Lie: Small Businesses Side with Big Greed on Healthcare (4 comments)

William J. Kelleher, Ph.D.: Internet Voting and Election Integrity

Suzana Megles: California Dreaming.... (7 comments)

Jay Janson: *No Hillary Apology For Ike Ordering the Murder of Lumumba (2 comments)

Robert Fiddaman Dip.Couns MOC & MSFTR: Field of Dreams - The SSRi Scandal by Bob Fiddaman

Dean A. Banks, MCIWD, DD: *Sieg Hiel, Corporate America!

Glenn Kirk: Riding Shotgun With a Bowhunter: An Anti-hunting Odyssey. (2 comments)

Èzili Dantò: A Giant Step for Mankind Made in Haïti (5 comments)

Hayesml47: Social Medicine, There I Said it! (7 comments)

Èzili Dantò: What Special UN Envoy Bill Clinton may do to help Haiti (9 comments)

Richard Girard: Incompetent at Every Level (1 comments)

Jason Leopold: Rove "Driving Force" Behind US Attorney Firings (3 comments)

G J Lau: Self-Care Reform (1 comments)

June Werdlow Rogers: Disorderly Conduct, Disorderly Cops or Disorderly Reaction? (2 comments)

Mad Jayhawk: Dear Congresswoman

Greg Palast: Obama on Drugs: 98% Cheney? (12 comments)

Bob Burnett: The GOP Chooses Fascism (7 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Shame on Philadelphia Eagles: Many pit bulls used in dog fights do not get a second chance (12 comments)

Bernie Sanders: Health Care Town Meetings (1 comments)

David Diderot: The Commonwealth of Morons (15 comments)

Kenneth Anderson: AG Holder's Former Employer (1 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Global Depression and Regional Wars - Part I (3 comments)

George Washington: "Obamacare Is to Health Reform What Bank Bailouts Are to Financial System Reform" (7 comments)

Thursday, August 13:

Deena Stryker: Selfishness is Un-American

Rafe Pilgrim: Government Prostitution Must be Stopped (1 comments)

Don Smith: Thoughts on the White House chain letter (1 comments)

Ben Dench: Illegal Aliens and Workers' Rights

Dave Lindorff: A Few More Thoughts About Single-Payer and Medicare (9 comments)

Mickey Z.: The world's worst polluter: U.S. military

Chris Floyd: Addicted to War: America's Brutal Pipe Dream in Afghanistan (1 comments)

Drew Westen: Change We Can Believe In

Rob Kall: Death To Granny!! But by who? (10 comments)

Dustin Ensinger: Banking on Overdraft Fees (1 comments)

Robert Edwards: Take Away Medicare (6 comments)

Nicolai N. Petro: Conflict Unfrozen: One Year After the Russo-Georgian War


Lani Massey Brown: Sarah Palin and "Obama's Death Plan:" The truth about Healthcare Reform and the Lies Palin Tells (7 comments)

William Cormier: The Radicalization Of America By GOP Operatives And America's Future, Part 1 (6 comments)

mikel weisser: Lone Protester DOES NOT Disrupt Kingman GOP Meeting, Still Makes Point. (3 comments)

shamus cooke: Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (1 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: 9/11 Mind Swell (1 comments)

FAITHCARR: It's Time to Make Them Afraid of Us, Again. (18 comments)

Harold Hellickson: How long have we got? (2 comments)

Barton Kunstler: Time for the President to Take an Unequivocal Stand Against Torture Policies (3 comments)

Ann Garrison: Yes we can expand the Africa Command; Hillary channels Barack and Bill

John Basel: Invoking Reagan to Fix Health Care?

Glenn Kirk: Riding Shotgun With a Bowhunter: An Anti-Hunting Odyssey. (3 comments)

Dr. Michael P Byron: Clash of Realities (3 comments)

William Cormier: President Obama, Your Administration Is Embracing Fascism (2 comments)

Wednesday, August 12:

Patrick Martin: What is Behind the Opposition to the Obama Healthcare Plan? (2 comments)

Daily kos: Comcast favors Fox News, charges $204 more for MSNBC package. ACTION NEEDED (8 comments)

Jodie Evans: Pelosi Is An Expert At 'Drowning Out Opposing Views' (20 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: The Best Offense: Bankrupt Hate!

Stephen Soldz: UN Special Rapporteur Calls on American Psychological Association to Withdraw Psychologists from Guantanamo

Kathy Malloy: She's Not There (2 comments)

George Washington: The Truth About Unemployment (4 comments)

William Cormier: Important Facts You May Not Know About No Child Left Behind (2 comments)

Judith Acosta: The Danger Inside: Denial (2 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: Health Care Guide for Complete Dummies (10 comments)

Steven Leser: Healthcare Reform Foes Claim US Citizens To Be Made Into Vampires (3 comments)

John S. Hatch: Denial & Depravity

Donald de Fano: Professor Gingrich (3 comments)

Allan Goldstein: The Government Conspiracy Agency: Annual Report (5 comments)

suraj sazawal: Americans Support a Foreign Policy that Targets Terrorism's Roots (5 comments)

mike ferner: Strother Martin Nailed It: "You gotta get your mind right!" (4 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Hecklers at town-halls are a selfish bunch as people die without healthcare (3 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Religious Fundamentalism in Israel (5 comments)

Monday, August 10:

David Michael Green: My 1933 Nightmare (7 comments)

Steven Leser: My Debate with Fox News' Neil Cavuto Regarding Healthcare Forum Protesters (1 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Progressives Should be Shutting Down These So-Called 'Town Meetings' Too! (11 comments)

Kathy Malloy: Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? (11 comments)

George Washington: The State of Civil Disobedience on the Left and the Right (2 comments)

Ross McCluney: What Our Leaders and the Media Are Not Telling Us (20 comments)

Bernie Sanders: Senator Sanders Unfiltered: My New Online Show from Brave New Films (1 comments)

Dr. B. Cayenne Bird: Outrageous rates charged for prison phone calls breaks family ties (4 comments)

Richard Clark: *What is the Likelihood of Full Economic Recovery, Really? (3 comments)

Carola Von Hoffmannstahl: Fish For Obama My Precious

Rob Kall: Double Standards and Disingenuosity On Bellowing Townhall Disruptors (24 comments)

Stephen Lendman: No Letup in Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama

Radh Achuthan: Meet the Minimum Needs of All, (MMNA)- Intention: WEBINAR

Ed Tubbs: The survey says: Republicans really are that stupid . . . But (2 comments)

Mary Wentworth: *How Would Single Payer Work For You? (8 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Death Panels Already Exist, They are Called Corporate Health Insurance Bureaucrats (8 comments)

Jim Goodman: Obama Needs to Take a Stand on Trade (1 comments)

Jonathan Ayers: Town Hall Tirade (1 comments)

robert dodge: *Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered - The Way Forward (2 comments)

Rev. Dan Vojir: Glenn Beck By Numbers: The True Story (We Think) (2 comments)

David Glenn Cox: Raising Baby Bubba (1 comments)

Krishna Hari Pushkar: Diplomacy for Visa Lust?

Don Smith: Song for Rahm Emanuel (5 comments)

William Fisher: Sotomayor: The Umpires Strike Out! (1 comments)

Sunday, August 9:

shamus cooke: A Cure for an Ailing Economy: Taxing the Rich (9 comments)

Dean Powers: Tea-Baggers Are Like Sept. 11th Terrorists; Remember: 19 *Box-Cutters* Over-Powered 246 Passengers (7 comments)

Judith Acosta: Shall We Trance? (2 comments)

Douglas Drenkow: *The Would-Be Town Hall Putsches (2 comments)

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The "What a Planet!" Experience (7 comments)

JAcosta: I Fear, Therefore I Buy: A New American Economy (4 comments)

Mickey Z.: Humans vs. Birds: Hitchcock in reverse

Mary Shaw: Bush Tortured Children, and America Yawns (10 comments)

Walter Barton: David Wood and Mary Jo Sharp: Apologetics Assaulted? (12 comments)

Kyle Griffith: An Open Letter to Rep. Bobby Bright

Muhammad Khurshid: Voice For Peace Announces An End To War On Terrorism (1 comments)

Doug Morrison: Some anti gay people just don't see themselves as bigots (1 comments)

Deborah Goldemberg, Global Voices: Fighting Contemporary Slavery in Brazil

Bill Hare: Rush Limbaugh, a Demagogue to Live in Infamy (4 comments)

Ward Harkavy: Was Obama 'Conned' by Big Pharma or Is He Just Running a 'Protection Racket'? (3 comments)


Saturday, August 8:

the web: Progressive activists are being "f^cking stupid"? Hey Rahm, kiss my f^cking uninsured ass (18 comments)

Michael Richards: *The Killing of Small Town America (2 comments)

Brad Kirsch: Paranoia, Sanity and Right Wing Violence

Jill Jackson: You're out! (3 comments)

Jamison Foser: Time for media to clarify the health care debate (4 comments)

Uzi Silber: What's in a (Country's) Name? (2 comments)

Kathleen Bushman: MoveOn and Me (17 comments)

Robert Weiner: The Prognosis for Health Reform (7 comments)

Michael Chavers: Protesters don't want any government interference with health care (4 comments)

Jill Lawrence: Why a Doctor in Congress has no Medical Insurance

David Glenn Cox: At My Nose

MedicalWhistleblower: *Gifted Surgeon now Prisoner in the System (4 comments)

Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 21 of 21

David Glenn Cox: Video Killed the Radio Star

Pat Buchanan, RealClearPolitics: Time to Go, Grampa (9 comments)

Mary Batten: *The Party of Pinocchio (1 comments)

Mary Batten: *The Hypocritic Oath (3 comments)

Philip Greene: The Cycle of Empires

Lawrence Gist: Sick for Profit: Insurance Companies Systematically Deny Care to Ill Policy Holders while their CEOs Reap Benefits

Jay Janson: *Should Indian Leaders Who Spend Billions on Submarines While Others Starve Go Unpunished? (3 comments)

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster: Justice for America - Now (2 comments)

PETA: If you love your cat, keep her inside

Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 20 of 21

R-CALF USA: Group Requests CFTC to Reform Cattle Markets; Joins Commodity Markets Oversight Coalition

Friday, August 7:

David Glenn Cox: How Far Must Johnny March?

michael payne: Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan; is there no end? (2 comments)

Richard Girard: The Hope For Audacity

Brent Budowsky: Fox Should Fire Glenn Beck (26 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Stop Complaining about Right-Wing Protests! The Left Should be (Re)Learning How It¹s Done (13 comments)

Rob Kall: America Under Attack-- Today (38 comments)

Dana Jill Simpson: Eric Holder's Conflict of Interest (9 comments)

Mick Youther: *Bush Torture Program Comes Back To Haunt America (6 comments)

JAcosta: Words Are Medicine: The Legacy of A True Physician and A Healing Between Father and Daughter (2 comments)

Robert Parry: Olbermann-O'Reilly 'Truce' Frays

David Sirota: The Me-First, Forget-Everyone-Else Crowd (3 comments)

martinweiss: *Stolen Infinity

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Spirit of the Christians? Another Possible Radio Show (13 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Congressman Kratovil wins how ?

Bill Hare: Sotomayor Vote; Republicans a Party Out of Touch (2 comments)

Bob Burnett: Ten Telltale Signs of Republican Disease (10 comments)

Douglas C. Smyth: *Honduras and My Venezuelan Family (2 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Will Venezuelan Destabilization Follow the Honduran Coup? (2 comments)

Don Smith: H.R. 676: a stronger public option than expected (3 comments)

Thursday, August 6:

Ellen Brown: The Public Option In Banking: How We Can Beat Wall Street At Its Own Game (17 comments)

James Brett: The Far Side of Prudence (5 comments)

David Swanson: Six Months of Immunity

Colleen Turner: Best Communications Practices for Making a World of Difference

Allan Goldstein: Republican Autoerotic Asphyxiation (28 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: I Was At the Birth... (11 comments)

Don Williams: *Our mountains are not for sale (7 comments)

Ward Harkavy: How Buffett Was Bailed Out -- Kinda, Sorta, But Yeah, Really (1 comments)

Olga Bonfiglio: The Oak Ridge Conundrum on War and Peace (5 comments)

Wednesday, August 5:

HR: Introducing The Hardline…A Blunt Biden Upsets Moscow (1 comments)

Chris Floyd: Shackles and Chains: America Leads the World Again (5 comments)

Mike Malloy: Christian Reconstruction (7 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Health Care Reform Sell-Out: Why Obama and the Democrats are Either Shysters or Idiots (10 comments)

James Brett: Nagasaki (8 comments)

paul roberts: The Expiring Economy (8 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Military letter to the APA: Drop the Nuremberg Defense from psychologist ethics code (2 comments)

Mark Karlin: Isn't It Ironic Orly Taitz, "Birther" Leader, is Foreign Born and Raised Making Lunatic Claim Obama Wasn't Born in U.S.? (57 comments)

Margaret Bassett: Town and Country - Adams and Jefferson

Michael Collins: Corporate Tantrums Can We Trust these Companies with Our Health? (2 comments)

Dean Powers: Hey NYTimes, STOP FABRICATING "Growing Unease" Health Care NARRATIVE (1 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Blackwater Founder's Visions of Christian Supremacy in Iraq (9 comments)

George Washington: Do We Really NEED The Giant Banks? (4 comments)

Scott Baker: Exposing the Fiction of Low Tax States

Rachel Gladstone-Gelman: Multiple Intelligences--And the Average School Board

Rob Kall: kymcrs794t (2 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Real Health Care Reform - Universal Single Payer (1 comments)

Linn Washington Jr.: Wrongs in Civil Rights Underlying Mumia Abu-Jamal's Conviction

Jason Paz: The US Public Volunteered to Roll Under the Bus

Eugene Elander: It's All a Matter of Interpretation!

A. Scott Piraino: The Third Depression

boomerang: FROG BOIL

Muhammad Khurshid: US Again Betting On Wrong Horses In Pakistan (1 comments)

Scott Sanders: The DTV Transition Puts Corporate Profits Ahead of the Public Interest - by Scott Sanders and Steve Macek (2 comments)

Media Matters: Out of touch: Conservative media argue insured don't need health care reform (2 comments)

Bill van Auken: CIA Director Issues a Warning to Congress (2 comments)

Tuesday, August 4:

Steven Leser: Book Review - The Conscience of a Libertarian by Wayne Allyn Root

David Michael Green: Hey, Did You Hear That Democrats Won The Election?! (2 comments)

James McKinzie: Defining Conservative...


Eileen Fleming: *The 64th Anniversary of USA Terrorism Enlightened by the Wisdom of Nonviolence (2 comments)

shamus cooke: Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela (3 comments)

Ari Bussel: The Second Disengagement (1 comments)

Joe Walsh: Was Lincoln Wrong?

Federico Moramarco: Is Democratic Debate Any Longer Possible?

Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 19 of 21

William Cormier: Is China Weaponizing Plague that Can Kill Within 24 Hours? (1 comments)

Matt Reichel: Platform 2010: A Voice Against Violence

Dr. Michael P Byron: Crisis and Opportunity (1 comments)

Georgianne Nienaber: Dear Secretary Clinton: Could You Please Find Out if This Congolese Child Is Still Alive? (5 comments)

Abdus Sattar Ghazali: Pakistan Supreme Court’s Anti-Musharraf Verdict Shields President Zardari

John Nichols: Why Single Payer Advocacy Matters Now More Than Ever (23 comments)

NancyT: *Counting our votes must be as open, secure, and accurate as counting our money: Tell Congress "NO" to the "Holt Bill" (9 comments)

Monish Chatterjee: On Black Elitist Pandering to the Halls of Power

Kevin Gosztola: Obama Considers Courtroom-Within-a-Prison Complex for Indefinite Detention (6 comments)

Brasch: Disrespectful and Disgraceful: The Republican Policy Against First Responders

E. T. SIMON: *Health Care Reform? INSURANCE BAIL OUT is more like it. (3 comments)

Ralph Lopez: *Anti-Torture Rock (2 comments)

Monday, August 3:

Roberta Seldon: Legalize Pot... Now What? (6 comments)

Pulladigm: The Professor and the Policeman (1 comments)

Mari Eliza: *Bail out local health clinics

Kathy Malloy: Baby, You Can Drive My Car . . . (5 comments)

JOHN LORENZ: How Democrats are Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Last Year's Election Victory (3 comments)

Walter Barton: The Effects of Social Institutions on Homosexual Youth

Ward Harkavy: Israeli-American fraudsters swindled tens of millions from IRS, say Israeli cops

Stephen Pizzo: GOP to America: Be Afraid... Please. (9 comments)

Rob Kall: Specter Supports Single-Payer, Sort of, At Teabaggered Town Hall With Sebelius (13 comments)

Don Smith: Conservatives' selective concern about deficit spending

Dave Lindorff: Keeping It Real: This Recession Ain't Over by a Long Shot (6 comments)

James Dunham: The Healthcare Speech Obama SHOULD HAVE Delivered (3 comments)

Ann Garrison: Don't drink the uranium (1 comments)

Barry Krusch: Why We Need A New Constitution: Part 18 of 21

Dori Sig: Big money in Icelands CEO-s

Pubali Ray Chaudhuri: The Zen Tiger: India 's Elections And The Magic Of Fareed Zakaria

Andrew Bard Schmookler: The Toxic Stench of Hateful Lies (14 comments)

JAcosta: Did Democracy Kill the Sabbath? (6 comments)

Joe Bageant: A Yard Sale in Chernobyl (3 comments)

Emily Spence: Chasing Terrorists VS. Chasing Swine Flu (2 comments)

Peter Barus: Now, everybody knows the day and the hour: a little healthcare fantasy

Sunday, August 2:

gabby hayes: Why Obama Is Driving Us All Crazy (2 comments)

Mickey Z.: Urban Cavemen (living life out of balance) (1 comments)

Jason Leopold: Holder Ponders Limited Torture Probe (8 comments)

Douglas Drenkow: Fact Check in the Health Care Debate (2 comments)

Jason Paz: Elizabeth Kucinich and Fannie Lou Hamer - Soul Sisters

Emmanuel D Tayari: The Tanzanian Kesho Culture And The Need To Act Now

Rev. Dan Vojir: Whoopi Goldberg to Sister Act to Pedophile Priest to Mother Theresa

Kevin Anthony Stoda: Corazon Cojoangco Aquino Passes Away--Taking the Limelight Off of Philippines President Arroyos Visit to White House

Ed Kinane: Life in the Bubble: At Home in the Israeli Settler State (1 comments)

Sandy Shanks: Okay, I've Had It Up To Here

Joan Wile: "GUANTANAMO" --a song

Dean Powers: Nelson Threatens "No Health Care" Because of His Temper Problems (2 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: *Nothing in Sight to Replace the US DOLLAR as an International Reserve Currency

Barton Kunstler: Thomas Friedman as War Propagandist (10 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The San Francisco 8 -- No More!

Kevin Gosztola: The Right Wing War on Reproductive Health Care for Women (1 comments)


Pamela Hennessy: Bill the Barbarian (4 comments)

Scott Baker: Why God Condones Torture (16 comments)

Deena Stryker: The Real Health Care Culprit (2 comments)

Bill Hare: Rush Limbaugh, Global Hoax (5 comments)

Rob Kall: On Blog and Media Site Policies on Censorship, Filtering, Noise and Artifact-- an Engineering Metaphor

Ed Tubbs: The marriage counseling visit, Republicans, and It ain't deja vu.

James McKinzie: Liberal the word defined, the term accepted (6 comments)

Michael Corcoran: The Limits of the Debate on Single-payer Healthcare (2 comments)

A. Scott Piraino: An Apology to Iran (2 comments)

Saturday, August 1:

Dr. Michael P Byron: Of Microbes and Men

Frosty Wooldridge: Part 2: Mass immigration decimating Black America (1 comments)

Nancy Hanover: How I Became a Socialist (2 comments)

Mark Sashine: Summer Of Our Discontent. Rant By The Red Beaver (4 comments)

A. Scott Piraino: An Apology to Iran (2 comments)

David Glenn Cox: The Gate Keepers of Death (7 comments)

Ray McGovern: “Christians” Wink at Torture (10 comments)


Complete Archives