Archives for Life Arts
March 2015
Tuesday, March 31:
My Friend Decided to Die Last Week (45 comments)
The Cosmic Story: Libra Lunar Eclipse, April 4, 2015 (1 comments)
Why Are We Still Eating Chicken? (8 comments)
American Constitution - Direct Democracy - Installment 8 - Article 1 - Section 2 -- Items 14 - 19 (1 comments)
Monday, March 30:
The Healing Power of Meditation
Kevin Anthony Stoda: "Islam in America": A Conversation with Jonathan Curiel (Book Q & A) - See more at:
Beauty on the Beaches in Cape May
Sunday, March 29:
Sound, the Marriage of Being and Non-Being and the Work of Todd Glacy (3 comments)
This is the planet (2 comments)
Saturday, March 28:
A Single Pop Song Can Now Make Its Songwriters Over $16 Million? (3 comments)
"Red Meat Can Kill You" by Dr. Andrew Weil (4 comments)
Friday, March 27:
Common bacteria on verge of becoming antibiotic-resistant superbugs -- ScienceDaily (2 comments)
Thursday, March 26:
Poles Apart: Adventures of a Nat Geo Cover Photographer (2 comments)
The Concert for Social Justice -- An Event Not to be Missed
Video: "The Complete Skinny on Obesity"
A guide to understanding our times (4 comments)
Wednesday, March 25:
Video: "Sugar: The Bitter Truth", by Robert H. Lustig, M.D.
Tuesday, March 24:
On-Line Gamers Getting "Swatted" ie., Swat Teams Sicced On Them (3 comments)
Dying on the Digital Streets: The Tech Addiction of Our Children
Monday, March 23:
Restricted Free Will and Conditional Universalism (6 comments)
Bottom-Up Governance, or Sociocracy (1 comments)
Sunday, March 22:
Danny Schechter (1942-2015): A Eulogistic Dissection
Thomas Farrell: *Ayaan Hirsi Ali says Islam is not exactly a religion of peace, as President Obama says it is (REVIEW ESSAY) (3 comments)
About a Book and The Power of Stories (1 comments)
Saturday, March 21:
A village in India plants 111 trees when a girl is born
Don't go, Jon! (7 comments)
Chris Hedges on C-Span's "In Depth" (1 comments)
Hollywood's Great Generation Gap Fail (7 comments)
Topple Down to Bottom Up: The Work of Paul Cienfuegos (2 comments)
Friday, March 20:
Thomas Farrell: *The Pursuit of Happiness (REVIEW ESSAY) (1 comments)
Underappreciated American Geniuses (1 comments)
Our Founding Fathers On Rebellion
Thursday, March 19:
Karen Armstrong: "Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time"
"Today Show": How Some Children Have Memories of Reincarnation (1 comments)
Wednesday, March 18:
The Power of Empathy (5 comments)
Starbucks Has an Awkward Plan to Heal Race Relations in America
Shylights: Unfolding Kinetic Lights Bloom like Flowers
Tuesday, March 17:
Reality continues to ruin my life. (4 comments)
Atheism: A Path to Peace? Or Just Another Ism? (17 comments)
New images of the brain show the forgetful side effect of frequent recall -- ScienceDaily
Russian history exposes media lies
Third American Constitution - Direct Democracy - Installment 6 - Article 1 - Section 2 -- Items 9,10,11 (1 comments)
Monday, March 16:
Harper's Robin Hood fantasy (1 comments)
BBC Documentary on Johann Sebastian Bach (1 comments)
Considering our history, I can think of nothing more American than an immigrant. (6 comments)
Sunday, March 15:
The Cosmic Story: The Pisces Solar Eclipse & Spring Equinox of March 2015 (5 comments)
Thomas Farrell: *Getting Our Bearings from Jung (4 comments)
Teaching critical thinking to high school students (3 comments)
Saturday, March 14:
"Making Manna" - A Novel about Incarceration and Baking Bread (4 comments)
Cary Woodworth on his latest projects, film festivals, Chinese films and independent film (1 comments)
Hacking Consciousness: A Review of the Stanford University Video Series (4 comments)
Here's What I Did When Online Targeted Ads Started Stalking Me (2 comments)
Friday, March 13:
Thousands Sign Petition Asking Death To 'Bring Back' Author Terry Pratchett (1 comments)
Flip a coin? (5 comments)
Americaville (1 comments)
God's not Dead, She Evolved. (10 comments)
Uranus Square Pluto Part Seven: At The Threshold (7 comments)
Before I Go: A Stanford neurosurgeon's parting wisdom about life and time - The Washington Post
Thursday, March 12:
'Ouch zone' in brain identified
Drug restores brain function and memory in early Alzheimer's disease -- ScienceDaily (1 comments)
Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions (7 comments)
Iran Offers to Mediate Talks Between Republicans and Obama
Blowing the Whistle on the USDA (6 comments)
Wednesday, March 11:
Do We Embrace Divide and Conquer or Unite and Prosper? (5 comments)
Third American Constitution - Direct Democracy - Installment 5 - Article 1 - Section 2 -- Items 6,7,8. (1 comments)
Tuesday, March 10:
Should the Swastika be Rehabilitated or Forever Damned? A Surprising Debate (9 comments)
Monday, March 9:
"Getting Things Off My Chest" About Breast Cancer (4 comments)
Why Libertarianism is Wrong (13 comments)
The Season of Abundance and Bunnies! (5 comments)
Looking for Leaders on Climate? Follow the Women Farmers
Sunday, March 8:
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Summary by Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
Finddancingman: Heartwarming solution to cyber-bullied dancer
Too Controversial : How to Talk Dirty ... on International Women's Day (2 comments)
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: GMO Fraud Exposed (2 comments)
Christian Chaplain Fired for Preaching Compassion and Love Over Violence of American Sniper (5 comments)
Saturday, March 7:
France: New National Law Bans WIFI in Nursery School (2 comments)
Friday, March 6:
J. K. Rowling's Commencement Address at Harvard University
Fact checking Hemingway (2 comments)
Merle Haggard: It's Almost 'Criminal' What They Do To Obama (1 comments)
Wednesday, March 4:
Noam Chomsky's Talk at Google (15 comments)
Tuesday, March 3:
The Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon March 5, 2015 (1 comments)
No Rhyme-No Reason Department (1 comments)
Maybe the 1% Isn't the Only Sector of the Population Which Is Perverse
Third American Constitution - Direct Democracy - Installment 4 Article 1 - Section 2 -- Items Three, Four and Five (3 comments)
The Incarnate Sophia of God: Is Christ Separate from Us? (5 comments)
Monday, March 2:
What Was the #1 Song the Day You Were Born?
Sunday, March 1:
'Nature Is Speaking': 'Mother Nature'