Third American Democracy - Installment 5 - Article 1 - Section 2 -- Items 6,7,8.
Item Six
There will be three divisions of the membership of the "Volunteer House Of The American People".
(1) The "Top Three Thousand" that go to the Central Governance Center, for three months, in direct physical and focused participation in the legislative affairs of Our Nation.
(2) The "Middle Millions" who participate, in support, with great excellence, digitally, from their Homes across The Land.
(3) The "Citizen Beginners", the youngest and those who have not yet attained the service status of "Middle Millions" in their dedication to the governance of Our Nation. But who are still valuable to Our Nation, because of their having registered to vote, their actually voting and their potentiality in Citizen Governance. Their age is from 18 to 21 years. "Junior True Citizens", so to speak. A kind of probationary period, in which they bring their energy, belief, knowledge and decision skills up to a minimum standard.
The intention for "Item 6" is to build a social progressive structure for participation in American Government by as many strengths of Individuality and Citizenship, as possible"positive and benign hierarchal levels that serve as a ladder of recognition of increasing personal growth as the Individual Citizen matures and strengthens self in service to the whole. This hierarchal structuring enables Honor and Pride in one's relationship to and place in, American Society. This provides a mechanism for Personal Incentive to "Be All One Can Be". (A never ending process of personal growth.)
Item Seven
The base and quarters of the central "Volunteer House Of The American People" will accommodate, under one roof, three thousand legislative seats and three thousand Family Sequestration Units. The People of this House will be sequestered, honored and protected, while they are there for their three-month term of service. This is in addition to the accommodation needs of all the other Legislative Advisory Bodies and the Governance Bureaus.
The intention of "Item 7" is to provide for the welfare of the most dedicated core establishment of American Citizens and their Families who have progressed to the physical center of American Government. Nearby, or in the same huge, legislation Building, will be the "House" facilities of the other two houses of American Congress.
We The People might seriously consider the relocation of these Houses and the other parts of government to a more physically central location in Our Sovereign Territories. Kansas or Colorado maybe? Belle Fourche, South Dakota? Doesn't it make sense that Our Center Of National Governance should be located at, or near, the center of Our Sovereign Territories?
Item Eight
"Life Records" of each and every Individual will be kept. These should begin for Individuals at three years of age. Parents, Teachers and Record Keepers will work together on the design and formation of these personal records. We each have Our Place Of Honor in Our Culture. These records only to be seen by permission of the Individual only.
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