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May 2016

Tuesday, May 31:

The Reductionist View of an Intifada

Carl Bernstein: The White House Is Terrified the Clinton Campaign "Is In Freefall" (34 comments)

What if Revolution Were More Than a Campaign Slogan? (3 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Sam Husseini on Greatness of Katharine Gun, How to Vote, and Hillary v. Muslims

How Dateline NBC Lies About Drones (3 comments)

Preparing for the Next Memorial Day (1 comments)

What Happened to Netanyahu? (1 comments)

Democrats at a Clinton-Sanders Crossroad (9 comments)

The Fatal Flaw of Our Fiat Monetary System (33 comments)

The Hypocrites Among Us (5 comments)

Sanders' Dream Team, The Platform and Palestine (2 comments)

The Opportunist and the Fanatics

A Brief and Cheery History of an American Future (2 comments)

What the Hell Does Bernie Sanders Think He's Doing? (6 comments)

Trump Changes the Subject Again, Brings Up 17-Year Old Rape Allegation (6 comments)

Mourn Deceived GIs! "US Foreign Policy Greatest Crime Since WWII" (Ex US Att. Gen. Ramsey Clark) (7 comments)

Basic Income - International experience (Brazil, Namibia, Canada, India) (2 comments)

Monday, May 30:

Yes, Hillary's Server Was Criminal, And The DNC and Obama Could Use it to Totally Subvert Democracy (35 comments)

Target Russia. Target China. Target Iran (2 comments)

There Has Been A Coup In Brazil

The Rise of "Donald The Goat" (7 comments)

Donald Trump clarifies position on guns in schools (1 comments)

Right to Farm or Right to Harm? (2 comments)

Nuclear Experimentation Year 71: A Shadow On the Collective Consciousness

For all you Trump fans - his new finance chairman is...wait for it... (14 comments)

Debbie Shultz Writes to Daniel Geery, Gets Short Reply (19 comments)

Is there any Supernatural Power? (5 comments)

The Hysterical Right Wing Lies About The Clinton Email Server (2 comments)

Lock Up the Men, Evict the Women and Children (4 comments)

M-Pesa - No More Banks (9 comments)

Bernie Sanders Makes Amply Clear He is STILL Looking to be Named the Nominee at the Democratic Convention (2 comments)

Sunday, May 29:

"Snowden's two goals -- alert people of mass spying, encourage future whistleblowers"

True Danger Signs in Clinton Email Flap (12 comments)

Unfair, Inappropriate and Merciless

Donald Trump's Hat Urges "Make America Great Again" (5 comments)

The Speech Obama Should Have Given in Hiroshima (15 comments)

"Woopsy Daisy" Not This Time! (1 comments)

Memorial Day Rattles America's trumped Campaign Cage (1 comments)

Sexual Assault On Campus: "We Believe You" (2 comments)

Memorial Day Crocodile Tears from Those Who Create Wars (42 comments)

What Is Memorial Day Anyway (1 comments)

Pennsylvania Republicans vs. Neighborhood Public Schools

Basic Income: Helicopter money (10 comments)

Did Black Lives in Africa and Haiti Matter to the Clintons? (10 comments)

Saturday, May 28:

David Swanson and Daniel Ellsberg on War and Peace

Clinton campaign in crisis over email controversy, declining poll numbers (1 comments)

Should Clinton Withdraw her Candidacy? (13 comments)

What's Really Best for Israel? (2 comments)

Sanders Has Always Wanted to Debate Trump -- or Any Other Representative of the "Billionaire Class" (1 comments)

Emails Show TPP "Collusion" Between Big Banks & Obama Administration (1 comments)

Time to End the "Hasbara": Palestinian Media and the Search for a Common Story

The Center Doesn't Hold (3 comments)

Will Americans Wake Up Before They Are Dead?

The New York Times's (and Clinton Campaign's) Abject Cowardice on Israel

Sanders, Brown Speak Out On Gunboat Diplomacy For Corporations

Pro-Life Choice (5 comments)

Why Bernie's Strong Poll Numbers Against Trump Are For Real (8 comments)

US Attorney for Southern New York Preet Bharara Requested to Lead Drive for Redo of NY Primary (3 comments)

Putting Boots (Birkenstocks) on the Ground: Part II (7 comments)

The Duality of Polarity of Status Quo Politics

Memorializing the Horrors of War with 10 Must-See War Films (6 comments)

Hillary Clinton Has No More "Right" to the Democratic Nomination Than Does Bernie Sanders (10 comments)

Studying the Nuances of Media Lies and Deceptions, and The Making of a New Dirty Word; "Protester" (2 comments)

Friday, May 27:

France paralyzed by the "War of the Lefts" (1 comments)

The Urgency of Now: Fighting the "Hysteria Factory"

How the DLC Democrats Helped to Make Donald Trump Presidential Candidate (2 comments)

9/11 Disinformation: Saudi Arabia Attacked America

Silencing America as It Prepares for War (12 comments)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Should Resign as DNC Chair (5 comments)

Obama in Hiroshima Paints a Peace Sign on a Bomb (5 comments)

India's Turn to the Right for the Next Generation (1 comments)

Hillary Clinton: A Major Gold-Digging Liability (5 comments)

Thursday, May 26:

Peak Oil: Now Is A Good Time To Get Serious Pt 3

Socialism now (66 comments)

In Massachusetts, No Sex-Buying on Company Time (1 comments)

Privacy -- The Most Important Human Right! (3 comments)

Europe Revolts Against Russian Sanctions (5 comments)

Pent Up Fury Beneath The Bernie And Donnie Phenomena (11 comments)

We Have Entered The Looting Stage Of Capitalism

"Anti-Trump protests do what US media failed to -- hold him accountable" (2 comments)

Merkel's migration policy endangers German nation's health (1 comments)

Clinton's Imperious Brush-off of Email Rules (6 comments)

Rubes cross Rubicon! Washington calm! (1 comments)

"Looking Forward" Comes to Hiroshima

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Grants $650k to Accelerate Climate Change Solutions (1 comments)

The "Fear Vote" is Not a Democratic Vote (4 comments)

The End May Be In Sight For Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Reign (35 comments)

Cashing In at the Race Track While Facing Charges of "Abusive" Lending Practices

S E Hamilton: Albuquerque and Trump's Great Wall of Mexico (83 comments)

Wednesday, May 25:

Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic

Will Russia Succumb To Washington's Economic Attack?

Putting Free Speech Out to Pasture (2 comments)

Getting High On Interest Rates: What's New at the Fed

A Win-Win Way for Bernie to Lead Now (13 comments)

How the World Ends (2 comments)

Will You Join Me in Voting for Neither Trump Nor Clinton? (19 comments)

The US has become for all practical purposes a criminal enterprise (9 comments)

Republicans Demand Flint-Like Solution To Puerto Rico Debt (1 comments)

Canada Loses Legitimacy (4 comments)

US Election: Ignorance in Charge (28 comments)

Freedom and love it is easy to beat the caste system

Fort Hood Survivors Still Struggle to Recover (1 comments)

Behind the Politics of a Current Brouhaha in Iran: An ex-President Ayatollah's Daughter and the Baha'is (1 comments)

'Scary' Trump supporter called me after reading blog I wrote about her (20 comments)

The Birth of the Stupid Party

4 Myths Regarding the Relative Electibility of Hillary Clinton (6 comments)

When is Enough Truly Enough? Sanders Delegates Want Answers (3 comments)

War Profiteering Poisons American Soldiers (4 comments)

Tuesday, May 24:

United Methodists Answer: "What Does It Profit?" (1 comments)

Why I Am #NeverHillary (11 comments)

More Game-Playing on MH-17? (7 comments)

Chinese shadow over Maldives (3 comments)

Where's Our Damned Bailout? (1 comments)

More Than 1500 Groups Write Congress: No TPP (1 comments)

The Democratic Platform Committee Now Has a Progressive Majority. Thanks, Bernie Sanders. (4 comments)

Clinton's Poll Result Pattern Bodes Ill for Hillary and Democrats Post Trump's Pygmalionization (3 comments)

How Megyn Kelly's Softball Interview With Trump Signaled Fox News' Complete Surrender (2 comments)

Beyond the Philadelphia Soda Tax (1 comments)

Will The November US Presidential Election Bring The End Of The World?

History Must Not Repeat Itself: How the Democrats Could Lose the Presidency--Again (36 comments)

Clarence Thomas Continues his Big Payback

What It Takes to Be President of the American Police State (3 comments)

DNC Poised to Repeat Mistakes of 1968 (5 comments)

On Bernie Sanders and Experimental Journalism (1 comments)

Top 12 Reasons the Good War Was Bad: Hiroshima in Context (5 comments)

Revolution, Evolution and Reality (1 comments)

The Uncertain Kinship

Did Robert Reich Drink the DNC Kool Aid? (14 comments)

Monday, May 23:

Et Tu, NYT? (10 comments)

Edward Snowden's data dump: Where's the beef? (5 comments)

Thomas Farrell: Disaffected White Men (7 comments)

Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton's Emails (9 comments)

If Bernie Sanders Is Real, He Will Run as an Independent (5 comments)

Silenced Before We Could Speak! Washington State Sanders Supporters Blocked At Caucus (54 comments)

The Myth of Maximizing Shareholder Value (2 comments)

EgyptAir Flight MS804: In Public Eyes Which Are Defective (And how to correct it) (3 comments)

Financing economic programs can secure the development.

Americans: A Conquered People: The New Serfs

Let's Back All Moderates in Syria and the World (5 comments)

I Will Vote For the Democratic Nominee (13 comments)

Budowsky: Trump: The GOP's big lie (1 comments)

Are We on the Democratic Side Going to Blow It Again? (24 comments)

Obama is not first president at permanent war (6 comments)

Ban Russian Track Team from 2016 Rio Summer Olympics (3 comments)

Aviva Chomsky, Will the Millennial Movement Rebuild the Ivory Tower or Be Crushed by It?

What Does Bernie Want? (3 comments)

The Game of Ones (1 comments)

Hey Kids! Try Collateral Damage at Home (1 comments)

Donald Trump is going to win: This is why Hillary Clinton can't defeat what Trump represents - (11 comments)

Sunday, May 22:

Clinton calls Trump "unqualified" to be commander-in-chief (3 comments)

Beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war (7 comments)

Religious zealots waging a quiet revolution in Israel

Why Trump Might Win (4 comments)

Saving Farms In The Philippines & The Entire Planet Through Organic Farming Solutions (3 comments)

Kerry Threatens War-Without-End on Syria

Reform or Revolution (19 comments)

We Filed Suit to Prevent Mass Confusion at the California Primary (1 comments)

Major Democrat Dirty Tricks in California (11 comments)

Why Trump's Lies and Transgressions Appeal to His Followers (1 comments)

Why Is Congress Using Zika to Weaken Truck Safety?

Millennials: Life between Nixon and Trump (3 comments)

Putting Boots (Birkenstocks) on the Ground: Part I (12 comments)

Refugio Retrospective -- One Year Later

Saturday, May 21:

Why Bernie Is Helping, Not Hurting the Democrats

Tipping the Scales for Clinton?

It's The Two-Party System Stupid! (5 comments)

Sanders Scolded For Calling Attention To Rigged Primary (36 comments)

The CIA and Hollywood, an Unlawful Alliance (7 comments)

European Union: A House Divided (1 comments)

Watch: First Interview With Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff Since the Senate's Impeachment Vote (2 comments)

Trump Isn't Bluffing, He'll Deport 11 Million People (9 comments)

Israel and Saudi Arabia: Strange Bedfellows in the New Middle East

Let's give up the climate change charade: Exxon won't change its stripes (5 comments)

The Pentagon, China, India and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). (14 comments)

NSA Participated In the Worst Abuses of the Iraq War

The revolution must transcend partisanship (11 comments)

Trumpification (11 comments)

Obama's response to two other petitions asking for a AZ Primary (3 comments)

Why did Djibouti sue Facebook? (1 comments)

Peak Oil: Now Is A Good Time To Get Serious (Part 2) (2 comments)

The Hillary Gang Wants to Cut a Deal (5 comments)

Why did US seize Iran's $2 Billion? (2 comments)

Friday, May 20:

Five things people should stop saying about Bernie Sanders (2 comments)

Zionism Begins to Unravel

Policy Matters: The Drug War Must (and It Can) End (1 comments)

America -- the Most Frightened Nation on Earth (40 comments)

I Was There

Too Many Answers

Twilight of the Grifter: Bill Clinton's Fading Powers

An American abroad: Europe, the US and the Politics of Pissing and Being Pissed (1 comments)

Saying No to Hillary is Saying Yes to three More Thomas's on the Supreme Court (5 comments)

Without A Political Revolution America Cannot Achieve True Greatness (11 comments)

Ways Bernie Sanders Will Be A Force At The Democratic Convention (4 comments)

Thursday, May 19:

US Media as Conduits of Propaganda (8 comments)

Chelsea Manning Files Appeal Against "Grossly Unfair and Unprecedented" Conviction (3 comments)

About That Post-Bernie Movement (1 comments)

A Charter With Its Hand in the Cookie Jar?

China's Complicity In Pakistan's Islamist terrorism (2 comments)

The Despicable False Narrative Of Violence In NV (35 comments)

Can Russia Survive Washington's Attack?

Statement of September 11th Advocates Regarding Passage of JASTA and White House Response (4 comments)

To Trump Voters: Please Think; Voters: Your 2017 America -- a country defined by hatred (12 comments)

Make No Mistake, Sandersism Has Defeated Clintonism (1 comments)

Deradicalization In Refugee Camps And Beyond

There's No Time to "Debate" Climate Change: We Need Global Transformation (3 comments)

Brazil's Neighbors Warn of President's "Dangerous" Ouster -- but US Press Isn't Listening (3 comments)

Wednesday, May 18:

Doublespeak Dana (3 comments)

Roots of the Conflict: Palestine's Nakba in the Larger Arab "Catastrophe" (1 comments)

The Test of Leadership as Sanders Rolls in Oregon

Bernie Supporters Are NOT Sheep (1 comments)

What about violence from the Clinton campaign? (4 comments)

Thomas Farrell: Is Donald J. Trump a Fascist Candidate, or a Semi-Fascist Candidate? (3 comments)

Sanders' strong showing in Oregon, Kentucky extends Democratic presidential contest (1 comments)

NATO exercises on Russian border: Are these people actually mad? (3 comments)

Obama is bullish on war, no matter how you spin it (1 comments)

What Should a Morally Responsible Republican Do Now? (10 comments)

Superdelegates WILL Switch To Bernie. Here's Why (187 comments)

Trump's Top Ten Tax Tricks

Hillary Clinton & Rep. Nita Lowey, the Probable Causes of Brooklyn Voter Purges (10 comments)

On Debunking Hillary's Specious Claim about WTPV: A better Guesstimate (1 comments)

Tuesday, May 17:

Israeli General: Holocaust Signs "Among Us Today" (4 comments)

Indicting Hillary (15 comments)

The Danger of Demonization (3 comments)

Is China a House of Cards?

Michael Ratner's Death Is a Loss for Freedom, Peace and Justice

Can Donald Trump Teach Us About the National Debt? (1 comments)

The United States Needs to Realize FDR's Dream and Adopt the "Nordic Model" (16 comments)

Statement on Nevada (7 comments)

Peace, Not Russia, Is Real Threat to US Power (3 comments)

Politics is a Rock Concert, Not a Seminar. (22 comments)

Shame on the U.S. Supreme Court for Making a Mockery of the First Amendment

Screening for breast and cervical cancer is a public health imperative

Canada's Saudi arms sales: 'Don't be a sucker' (3 comments)

Education Should be Based on our Children's Needs (78 comments)

Organic Farming - One Of The Best Alternatives To End Global Warming, Climate Change And Environmental Destruction (3 comments)

This Week Is Infrastructure Week, But Every Week Should Be

There IS a Way to Stop Crooked Hillary If We Can Stomach it (12 comments)

Monday, May 16:

Nader Elected Bush, Now He's Trying to Elect Trump (4 comments)

Could the Problem of the 21st Century Be the Gender Line? (3 comments)

Why I Keep Fighting (13 comments)

GOPers Probing Iran Deal Turn to Cheney Aide Who Was Involved With Bogus Iraq Intel (1 comments)

The Moral -- and Financial -- Cost of Exposing Government Wrongdoing

Life & Debt/Death In The Philippines Under Debt Finance & Usury

Exposing Government Wrongdoing (1 comments)

The Coming Democratic Crackup (29 comments)

It's hard to reconcile being an American and what America is perpetrating on the rest of the world (3 comments)

The Intercept Is Broadening Access To The Snowden Archive. Here's Why

The Art of the Double-Dealing Megalomaniac (18 comments)

What's Killing the American Middle Class?

Donald Excoriated for Being like Most Men (10 comments)

The Age Of Political Stupid (9 comments)

This Precedent Must Not Stand: New Thoughts on the Crisis over the Supreme Court Vacancy (14 comments)

Will America have a Revolution in 2016? (26 comments)

'57 Mutiny Day: It's modern relevance (2 comments)

"Lord Rama was not a fictional character" (1 comments)

Plan B Is Not Bernie (1 comments)

We are Seeing Revolution Arising. Can We Stay the Course? (3 comments)

Who will secure Lithuania? (2 comments)

From Palin to Trump--the GOP's degradation of American politics (1 comments)

Fascism in America -- Donald Trump's America, That Is (1 comments)

Lesser of Two Evils Vote is Counterproductive and Morally Corrupt (49 comments)

GOP Pathological Path from Peace Dividend to Trump to Toilets (1 comments)

"Those Pledged Super Delegates would run like rats from a sinking ship" ---NY Primary Redo Could Win it for Bernie (5 comments)

On Burning Out, Burning In

Sunday, May 15:

With Rousseff Out, Brazil's Interim President Installs Conservative All-White, All-Male Cabinet

Why Bernie Sanders Should Stay in the Race--and How He Can Win (13 comments)

A sustainable progressive revolution requires patience and reality based pragmatism (16 comments)

FBI holds 80,000 pages of secret documents on Saudi-9/11 links (5 comments)

Shame on Shell: Ecocide by oil extraction in the Niger Delta (2 comments)

John Kiriakou: Exposing the Injustice of Vengeance Against the Convicted (2 comments)

I (heart) Joe Scarborough!? Hell Done Froze Over (6 comments)

Are Western Democracies on the path to collective suicide? (6 comments)

Tobacco control must be a priority for health professionals (1 comments)

John Scanlon: My Favorite Conspiracy Theories 2016 05 22

Saturday, May 14:

Five Refugee Camps in Mud on the Greek-Macedonia Border (1 comments)

A Palestinian Perspective on Britain's "Anti-Semitic" Controversy (2 comments)

Is This The Return Of U.S. "Gunboat Diplomacy" Serving Corporations? (2 comments)

"Print the Money": Trump's "Reckless" Proposal Echoes Franklin and Lincoln (21 comments)

Political Pressure Stymies US-Iran Ties

Welcome to 1984 (10 comments)

Donald Trump Can Easily Win in November (3 comments)

Hillary and the Lesser Evil (12 comments)

Can we together end artificial money problems in the world?

Who Needs Panama When You Have the Home State of Joe Biden?

How the Electoral College Could Make Paul Ryan President in 2016 (1 comments)

How Obama Can Break the Impasse on the Supreme Court Vacancy (2 comments)

Student Privacy and the Military (3 comments)

Beyond Bernie: The evolution of a revolution (1 comments)

Refute the Los Angeles Times Endorsement of HRC with Short Published Letters + Some Longer Polemics not Publishable (1 comments)

Democrats, Too Clever by Half on Clinton (17 comments)

Friday, May 13:

Just War Lies (3 comments)

A Document with a Mission (1 comments)

Trump U-Turns... Russia Beware (1 comments)

Trump signals backing for cuts to Social Security, Medicare (4 comments)

Dear Bernie, your nuclear power plan is unacceptable - here's why (17 comments)

Interview With BDS Co-Founder Omar Barghouti: Banned by Israel From Traveling, Threatened With Worse (1 comments)

Dear Hillary, your nuclear power plan is unacceptable - here's why (3 comments)

What does it Mean to "Gig" American Workers? (8 comments)

Dilma out: Brazilian plutocracy sets 54mn votes on fire (2 comments)

The Game of Nuclear Titans Leads to the Apocalyptic Threat

New Yorkers and Others Give Reasons to their Attorney General for a Redone Clean Primary Election: Installment III (5 comments)

Trump's Support Isn't just from old, Racist White Guys (2 comments)

Army Chaplain Resigns over Drone Wars (4 comments)

Thursday, May 12:

Bernie Is Pointing to a "New Way" -- Well, the "Old Way" (3 comments)

How Turkey Became A De Facto Dictatorship

On Facebook, Trump's Longtime Butler Calls for Obama to Be Killed (8 comments)

Hillary Clinton, the Conveniently Negligent Queen (10 comments)

What I Think Paul Ryan Is Trying to Do (4 comments)

Bernie Sanders Has Already Won (4 comments)

Naomi Klein: Radical Solutions Only Proper Response to "Unyielding Science-Based Deadline" (5 comments)

Jerry Lobdill: Quote Of The Year. And The Next. And The One After (8 comments)

Hillary's "Miracle in the Desert" Is Bad Decision (2 comments)

Iowa case shows age discrimination persists, despite law

Evil In England: The Rise Of Islamophobia (23 comments)

Captain Trump Sets A Disastrous Course For The GOP Ship Of State (7 comments)

Washington's Military Addiction And The Ruins Still to Come (1 comments)

Federal Solutions are in Semitic Tradition and Arabian Peninsular States Should Embrace Them (3 comments)

What's Wrong with America's Schools? (25 comments)

The EVIDENCE of GOD PARTICLE - Metaphysically, speaking! (20 comments)

Western Governments Lose Legitimacy (31 comments)

Welcome to Trump World: Immigration (1 comments)

Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Wednesday, May 11:

The Real Target of the Panama Papers (7 comments)

Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill (2 comments)

Trump backs end to the federal minimum wage (2 comments)

Trump's White Supremacist (2 comments)

If Facebook hides conservative news, a Senate inquiry is a bad idea (4 comments)

The EPA's Ties to Monsanto Could Be Disastrous for the US (4 comments)

New Rules On Corporate Secrecy Have Glaring Loopholes (2 comments)

Bernie Takes West Virginia (2 comments)

How to Oppose the Draft for Women and Not Be Sexist (2 comments)

Cruzbio's Cuba, and Selling the System (1 comments)

A Corporate Convention: "Comcast Presents ... The Democratic Party. Welcome to Philadelphia." (1 comments)

Bush-Obama Powers Will Pass to Next President (2 comments)

Numbers Prove Sanders Has Earned a Path to White House (19 comments)

Debunking Hillary's Specious Winning the Popular Vote Claim (53 comments)

Peak Oil: Now Is A Good Time To Get Serious Pt 1 (5 comments)

Government and Technology: A Modest Proposal (2 comments)

Tuesday, May 10:

Crappy Politics (4 comments)

Ralph Nader: Sanders Should Stay in Democratic Race, Is Only Losing Due to Anti-Democratic System (5 comments)

Will the Unfair TPP Turn Silicon Valley Into Detroit?

Republicans Only Care About Children Before They're Born (1 comments)

Derailed in D.C.: "Bomb Trains," Poison Tracks and My Chemical Exposure (3 comments)

The Left Needs a Vision: A Response to Chris Hedges, Sheldon Wolin, and Pepe Escobar (27 comments)

Mutiny: Wall Street Vultures Swoop In to Install Biden and Ryan as Duopoly Candidates

Calling Israel a "modern day miracle" and "vibrant bloom in desert," Clinton says BDS is anti-Semitic

Talk Nation Radio: Jean Trounstine and Karter Reed on Murder, Juvenile Injustice, and Redemption

Open letter to Democratic Superdelegates (3 comments)

Clinton and the DNC Are Not Just Colluding -- They're Changing the Rules for Superdelegates (8 comments)

Which Is Worse For The Environment -- Poultry Or Beef? (6 comments)

American Horror Story: The Shameful Truth About the Government's Secret Experiments (5 comments)

Seymour Hersh Erases Public's Role on Syria (3 comments)

Monday, May 9:

Bernie Sets His Sights on Transforming the Democratic Party (3 comments)

Once, most Jews viewed Israel as the anti-semite's best friend (3 comments)

Share EVERY Day To Win Bernie's Share And Tell The DNC #beFair (2 comments)

Helping Poor Students And Democracy

The riddle Ramanujan left unsolved (1 comments)

Clinton Commits: No TPP, Fundamentally Rethink Trade Policies (5 comments)

Those Funny Anti-Semites

On the Misuse Of Anti-Semitism (2 comments)

An Inspirational Romanian Grandmother

It's Time We Come Together (48 comments)

Should Donald Trump Be Tried For Treason? (8 comments)

Sunday, May 8:

Why is the Left helping Donald Trump to win the Presidency? (21 comments)

Bearing the Cross (3 comments)

Washington's Terrorism as Usual (6 comments)

Quantitative easing: a strategy with no exit. (1 comments)

Colson Task Force Leads on Prison Reform, Will Congress Follow?

When They Killed JFK, They Killed America

Sanders Vows to Fight DNC for Progressive Agenda that Voters Want

500 Words on Roof Knocking (3 comments)

2016 America: Vision or Concussion (5 comments)

Pre-President Sanders is Winning Fair and Square, without Vote Theft by Flipping and Purging (4 comments)

Price for Witnessing Against War (2 comments)

Trump Earned his Stratospheric Negatives, But why Hillary? (33 comments)

Saturday, May 7:

The New Normal: Cold War 2.0 (1 comments)

Thomas Farrell: Darcia Narvaez's 2014 Book and Donald J. Trump's 2016 Presidential Primary Campaign (REVIEW ESSAY) (5 comments)

In Europe, Anti-Semitism Allegations Are Used to Silence Dissent Against Israeli Policies Toward Palestinians (3 comments)

Stories To Watch: Europe, Turkey, Russia

Dire Future

Obama's Last Gasp Imperialism (3 comments)

How Opponents of U.K. Labour Leader Corbyn Advanced a Political Coup With Antisemitism Smears (1 comments)

The Republican Party Made Its Own Bed -- Now It Will Lie in It (9 comments)

Let the Fourteenth Amendment End Citizens United (24 comments)

How Sanders Wins! (13 comments)

Poverty In America

Friday, May 6:

Supporting Clinton is a sign of the battered spouse syndrome (15 comments)

Corruption in the Time of Cholera

Voting for Empire is the Sole Option for Democrats and Republicans (22 comments)

Korea Trade Data Shows The Potential For The TPP To Do Real Damage

The Spirit of Nelson Mandela in Palestine: Is His Real Legacy Being Upheld?

Pundits' New Lament: Clinton Might Win, But She Won't Win The Right Way (5 comments)

Fossil Fuel Billionaires Kill Children (1 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Trump, The GOP, and Rape (16 comments)

Our awful elites gutted America. Now they dare ring alarms about Trump, Sanders -- and cast themselves as saviors - Salo (1 comments)

Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China -- Can the world wake up?

Sanders to DNC: Don't Stack the Deck at Philly Convention (1 comments)

How Libertarian Conservatives Ape the Communists (6 comments)

How the Islamic State Obtains German Weapons (1 comments)

America: Democracy or Oligarchy?

It's Time to Turn Up the Heat on Those Who Are Wrecking Planet Earth (1 comments)

Why Bernie Sanders Must Fight for a Contested Convention

White house correspondents dinner - A critical analysis (1 comments)

Hillary Clinton's House of Cards (85 comments)

Election 2016: Wherever You Go, There You Are (11 comments)

Thursday, May 5:

A Contested Convention Is Exactly What the Democratic Party Needs (2 comments)

A Need to Clear Up Clinton Questions (3 comments)

Yowza, yowza: The Rassling Blond v. the Queen of Wall Street

Stolen: The 2016 Primary; Deja Vu of the 2000 Election? (7 comments)

28 Pages Later (4 comments)

"Stability and electoral systems (6 comments)

An "Intensity Gap": The Nation's Problem Crystallized (15 comments)

Who Will Watch the Watchers -- at (41 comments)

Donald Trump And The Republican Party (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders Wins Indiana -- And The Political Debate (1 comments)

Don't Let What Happened in New York Happen to You. New Yorkers on Why Repeat Their Primary (5 comments)

Russians Calling Medvedev a "Traitor" for Not Vetoing UN NATO War on Libya in Larger Context (3 comments)

Rama Rao Malladi: Bangladesh Jamaat in overdrive

Don't Like Hillary? Now That Trump's In, Vote For Bernie #TrumpTrain #TCOT (17 comments)

Welcome to Trump World: Foreign Policy (2 comments)

"The Assassination Complex": Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald Probe Secret US Drone Wars in New Book

Wednesday, May 4:

Who Is More Electable? (3 comments)

Mum's the Word (6 comments)

Thomas Friedman's Grand Bargain Scheme: Lie About the Folks You Disagree With (5 comments)

"Supine Compliance with Israel's Narrative"

If it had been up to Hillary Clinton, there would be no Iran Deal

Three Centuries of U.S. Writing Against War (1 comments)

NATO on trade, in Europe and Asia, is doomed (4 comments)

Patriarchs and Politicians Weigh In on Women (3 comments)

Peak Oil: We're Not That Different Pt 2

Employers Take Note -- New Graduates Have Some Demands

Politicians & Their Political Parties And The Philippine Elections 2016

Danger Zone: CIA Agitators Disrupt Trump Rallies as Warmonger Obama and Media Shills Dance on Grave of Democracy (6 comments)

Trump's "Tremendous" Victory Speech (3 comments)

Crimes Against Women And Economy (1 comments)

Casino Twist to Bangladesh Bank Heist -II ( Second & Final Part)

TTIP -- American Economic Imperialism

Don't Sleep Through the Revolution: A Graduation Message for a Dark Age (3 comments)

Dan Berrigan: "How can people who are supposedly so wise, respond to realities in such a base or baseless manner?" (4 comments)

The End of the Bill of Rights is at Our Fingertips

Sanders Wins another Purple State, But Is Still Lost in a Haze of Bad Strategy and Rigged Delegate Math (16 comments)

CNN Lies That Primary Is Over (1 comments)

Clinton: It's About 'Hard Choices,' Admits Many of Hers Were Wrong (9 comments)

5 Reasons Bernie Sanders Wins Big With Cruz Dropout (2 comments)

Tuesday, May 3:

Largest Civil Disobedience in History of the Environmental Movement Begins Today (2 comments)

Indiana Primary Open Thread (29 comments)

Inside The Assassination Complex (10 comments)

Donald Trump's views are impossible to discern. Why pretend otherwise? (3 comments)

Solitary confinement is "no touch" torture, and it must be abolished (4 comments)

Bank of North Dakota Soars Despite Oil Bust: A Blueprint for California? (6 comments)

The Trump Doctrine (2 comments)

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Breaking The Deadlock

Indiana's Carrier Factory Cuts Focused The "Trade" Election Issue (4 comments)

Thinking the Unthinkable--A Trump White House Win (31 comments)

The Cessation of Monetary Charity Aid Culture In The World(?) (2 comments)

So Much Money In The Midst Of Broken Humanity -- The Control Of Money Is The Intrinsically Pernicious And Pestiferous Ev

Talk Nation Radio: Peter Enns on How Public Punitiveness Led to Mass Incarceration

Asthma: We can beat it but not kill it

Puppy Mill Mothers (6 comments)

Petition for Redo of NY Primary Filed today with NY Attorney General Schneiderman (11 comments)

Kansas is a Cautionary Tale of Big (Koch Industries) Money Drowning Out Voters Voices (3 comments)

Demise of the "Progressive Left" (11 comments)

Dan Berrigan: in Memoriam (7 comments)

Monday, May 2:

The United States Just Bombed Germany (3 comments)

White House correspondents dinner: A degrading spectacle of conformism (1 comments)

The Third Way: Share-the-Gains Capitalism (7 comments)

Washington Brings Regime Change To Venezuela

Baiting The Bear: NATO and Russia (5 comments)

The "extraordinary sense of loss from war." (3 comments)

Uproar Over the 28 Pages: The Saudi/CIA Connection? (3 comments)

Casino Twist to Bangladesh Bank Heist -1 (1 comments)

Libya: The New Pipedream of the Opium of the Aristocrats (1 comments)

How are Shooting a 12-Year-Old on a Playground and Bombing Hospitals Related?

Sanders Fights On for "the Strongest Progressive Agenda That Any Political Party Has Ever Seen" (8 comments)

Who Needs Superdelegates? (4 comments)

Empire of Chaos meets Global Dracula: Trashing Democracy: What is Our Way Out? (29 comments)

The new troika in the Middle East? (1 comments)

Why Is the Philippines A Poor Country In The South East Asia? By Eric V. Encina

Let Them Talk: The Piano Prince (1 comments)

For my friends who think it's important (now) to elect HRC and take back the Senate - a short history lesson (75 comments)

Hillary Clinton and The Democratic Party - Our Own Home Grown Terrorists? (7 comments)

Freedom of Speech and Closed Primaries (21 comments)

Sunday, May 1:

The Socialist Alternative (24 comments)

Time to think of legacy? The Obama Doctrine (7 comments)

Getting Rid of Bad Examples (4 comments)

Prepared Remarks -- National Press Club (7 comments)

Lucy Parsons: The Anarchist and Intersectional Feminist Who Inspired May Day (1 comments)

What Is Bernie's Price for Playing Nice? (2 comments)

Working for the U.S. Government Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry (2 comments)

Obama Out -- What's Next? (3 comments)

Asthma - can we live with it?

Why Superdelegates Who Will Choose the Nominee Should Vote Bernie (16 comments)

The Political Godfather of the Common Core: A Brief History of Politics and Ideology 1983 -- 2105 (3 comments)

The Necessity of Not Voting Clinton. (46 comments)

Supremely Broken Process...

Bernie, You're The Best of What We Are (4 comments)

A Philosophical & Practical Diagnosis of Corruptions(?)

Want to Save the Elephants and Rhinos? Privatize Ivory and Horns (2 comments)

Government Reform Needed for the Welfare of the Filipino People (2 comments)

What Is a Global Citizen, and Can it Save Us? (3 comments)


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