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February 2020
Saturday, February 29:
With Know-Nothings in Charge in Washington DC, CoVid-19 Breaks Out in Washington State (3 comments)
The Trumpification of the 2020 Election (1 comments)
Fascism Alert: Trump Purging Those He Deems 'Disloyal'
Burning Assange at the stake (2 comments)
The Trump administration's incompetent and criminally negligent response to the coronavirus outbreak (2 comments)
Nina Turner speaking at Bernie's Nevada victory party
This Doctor explains why Medicare for All is existential for Black Women & POC.
American Fuhrer: Delusionary, Dictatorial Donald Trump Is Drunk on Power (6 comments)
America, What's it Gonna Be: Democratic Socialist or Democratic Fascist?
Requiem for the American Dream
Clouds of War: Russia sends Warships as Turkey kills 45 Syrian Troops and blackmails Europe with Migration (1 comments)
Media Whipping Covid19 Panic to Unprecedented Heights (4 comments)
Trump Visits Modi and Delhi Erupts in Anti-Muslim Riots
Take a Chance or Disaster (1 comments)
Cult-Like Ignorance is Death: Trump and the Coronavirus (2 comments)
Friday, February 28:
Snowballing Technology Destroys, Creates (2 comments)
At Times Like These, It Would Be Nice If The President Wasn't A B.S. Artist (2 comments)
The fall of socialist Bolivia shows how crucial it is to create a dictatorship of the proletariat (4 comments)
The Democratic Establishment is Freaking Out About Bernie. It should Calm Down. (1 comments)
Fair Fight? Bernie vs. The 'Highly Paid Bouncers' of the Corporate Media
Coronavirus spread sparks "bloodbath" on Wall Street (1 comments)
Why Are Stocks Crashing? (3 comments)
This Assange "Trial" Is A Self-Contradictory Kafkaesque Nightmare (6 comments)
The President Poses a Clear and Present Danger to the First Amendment (3 comments)
Living With Absurdity (4 comments)
Advice to Bernie: Always Attack, Never Defend (1 comments)
Coronavirus: Hysteria reaches "Tipping Point" (7 comments)
The Politics of Panic are Far Deadlier Than the Coronavirus (6 comments)
Bloomberg (Still) Wants to Cut Social Security (3 comments)
Thursday, February 27:
Homeopathy: The FDA vs Medical Freedom (1 comments)
Muslim massacre in Indian capital draws global condemnation (1 comments)
Yet Another Mass Shooter Was a Military Veteran (1 comments)
"...I Am Proud To Be A Socialist" (1 comments)
Don't Worry, Centrists. Bernie Isn't Radical. (1 comments)
Just Another Day in America (1 comments)
Pre-Super Tuesday Predictions (11 comments)
Punishing the Free Speech of Julian Assange
"Pence Is Not a Medical Expert": Is the Trump Admin Ready to Stop a U.S. Coronavirus Pandemic?
The Myth of Sanders Losing to a Sole Moderate
Syria: "Moderate Rebels" or "Intelligence Assets"? (1 comments)
Chill Factor: Wikileaks Trial is a Trump Travesty Aimed at Killing Truth (1 comments)
Police Arrest Indigenous Land Defenders After Justin Trudeau Demands an End to Blockades (1 comments)
Thanks to Bernie, Socialism is no Longer a dirty Word, But for How Long?
Breaking Up Is So Very Hard to Do
Trudeau's Extraordinary Campaign to Overthrow Maduro (1 comments)
Attacks against Sanders intensify ahead of South Carolina primary
Mike Bloomberg Wants to Know what I Think. (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 26:
Krystal Ball outs Establishment rigged debate audience
99.9 Percent of U.S. Citizens Unaware of Largest U.S. War Game in Europe in 25 Years (8 comments)
The Afghanistan "peace deal" riddle
Parable of Floundering Frogs (3 comments)
Protect Children From Deadly Religious Superstitions With Reason and Deism (9 comments)
Democrats How to Talk About Public Education
An Edsel or a Pinto?: Billionaire Bloomberg is Proving No Amount of Advertising Can Sell a Flawed Product (1 comments)
Civil War and Chaos in Libya Rages On
Election 2020: Those Meddling Kids ...
Field Marshal el-Sisi of Egypt executes 8 people after murky trial by kangaroo courts (1 comments)
The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream (1 comments)
US strategy in Middle East: create martyrs, weaken Taliban & Iran, help IS
Your Man in the Public Gallery -- Assange Hearing Day 1
Tuesday, February 25:
All Major Democratic Presidential Candidates Beat Trump in One-on-One Contests (1 comments)
Would You Like a Thirty-Hour Workweek?
Bloomberg's Freudian slip: He bought Democratic politicians (7 comments)
How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power (4 comments)
The Fall of France to the Nazis? Chris Matthews and Corporate Democrats' Bernie Derangement Syndrome
2020 Democratic Primaries And Debate Calendar
5 Ways William Barr is Turning America into a Dictatorship (1 comments)
As a Corporate Tool, Buttigieg Is Now a Hammer to Bash Sanders (4 comments)
Queen's Counsel Charges vs Assange "Significantly Overwrought" (1 comments)
A US war with China or Russia, insanity on steroids (2 comments)
We could be So-o-o Much Healthier (4 comments)
Bernie Finally Puts a Number on Cutting Military Spending (3 comments)
Biden Tells South Carolinians He's Running for Senate (16 comments)
David Ray Griffin's The Christian Gospel for Americans: A Systematic Theology (10 comments)
Canada and the Lima Group. Criminal Conspiracy Against Venezuela By Ken Stone and Mark Taliano (2 comments)
Lee Camp riffs on Corporate Crime
Monday, February 24:
LAUSD School Board Candidate Silke Bradford: An 'F' on Charter School Oversight
Bloomberg's 2008 Story About the Great Recession Is Still Racist and Untrue
The Descent into Tyranny (5 comments)
Republican National Committee is Sending Out Phony Census Forms
Gender equity and human rights are pivotal for advancing progress on SDGs
Saying Government-Funded Healthcare's Too Costly is Nuts"Unless You Think the US Uniquely Can't Do It (16 comments)
Ukraine Pay-to-Play: If the Facts Come Out, it Could Finish Biden (1 comments)
VP Possibilities to Run With Bernie: All Women (49 comments)
The Zionist Colonization of Palestine (3 comments)
Trump's Betrayal of Julian Assange (2 comments)
We're Asking One Question In Assange's Case: Should Journalists Be Punished For Exposing War Crimes? (3 comments)
Sunday, February 23:
The tackiness of Little Men (PCR) or we are in primary season??? Well excuse me for giving a shite. (15 comments)
As Trump visits India: India's 200 million Muslims are terrified of being deported (1 comments)
Why the Russian Petro-state is actually terrified of a Bernie Sanders Presidency: The Green New Deal (3 comments)
The Lie of Health Care "Choice" (2 comments)
The Real Cost of Doing Nothing
1984 All Over Again (3 comments)
Many, Many, Many Gods (1 comments)
Bernie's Cabinet (21 comments)
To my Dear Trump-Supporting Relatives (2 comments)
Saturday, February 22:
Intelligence Sources: All Candidates Are Russian Agents But Pete Buttigieg - Caitlin Johnstone (2 comments)
Out to Derail Bernie Again - It Won't Work! (1 comments)
Epic Love Story Created Black Town
No Weapon Left Behind: The American Hybrid War on China (11 comments)
Russia wants Trump reelected, and may be Making a Bet that Bernie Sanders can't Defeat Him (They're Wrong) (6 comments)
"The Donald Trump I know": Abbas' UN Speech and the Breakdown of Palestinian Politics (1 comments)
Three Major News Stories That Need To Be Exposed
Bloomberg Wants to Swallow the Democrats and Spit Out the Sandernistas (2 comments)
Why Sanders Will Slaughter Trump (9 comments)
I, Trumpius (6 comments)
Friday, February 21:
So, this is democracy? (3 comments)
No brokered convention!: If Sanders Wins a Big Plurality of Delegates, He Must Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee (17 comments)
Purpose-Driven Lives (1 comments)
How PC are PCs on PC, or How Politically Correct are Presidential Candidates on Peace Corps (4 comments)
Bernie's Great Fear the Superdelegates Could Torpedo Him Again
How Democrats Clean Up the Messes Left By Republicans (1 comments)
Republicans Block More Election Security, Paving the Way for Russia (1 comments)
Russian Influences: Sanders Repudiates, Trump Acts Like Russian Asset (19 comments)
Democrats Must Reject Not Just a Billionaire but the Billionaire Class (3 comments)
Bloomberg Has Spent Enough to Give a Nickel to Every Person Whose Life He's Ever Damaged
How Are We Going to Pay for Saving Trillions of Dollars?
Nano-technology: one world, one brain
The Myth of Our Democracy Exposed (2 comments)
Existentialism for Secular Humanists (1 comments)
US Religious Freedom Commission says: CAA may lead to disenfranchisement of Indian Muslims
Rumors of Trump's Possible Drug Addiction Need to Be Taken Seriously (4 comments)
Las Vegas debate reveals deepening Democratic Party crisis (1 comments)
A New USA: Post Impeached Trump, Pre-Pardoned Stone, Infighting Dems (3 comments)
Thursday, February 20:
Right and Wrong: A Daily Dilemma
Erdogan Wants Double-Front War in Syria and Libya
Descendants of Jews Who Survived the Genocidal Inquisition Feel Neglected by Spanish Government (1 comments)
Bernie Beats Trump in New Poll in MI and PA, behind in WI, Rolls out North Carolina Endorsements
ASD: A Pandemic for an Empire in Decline (56 comments)
"Fat Broads and Horse-Faced Lesbians": The Most Memorable 2020 Coup de Grace from Elizabeth Warren (1 comments)
Trump's Wall Is an Embarrassing Disaster -- Exposing Him as a Flimflamming Snake-oil Peddler (3 comments)
Bloomberg's Rising Polls Show The Power Of Billionaire Narrative Control (9 comments)
Making Choices (3 comments)
Bloomberg And His Own "Kids In Cages"... (4 comments)
You Can Believe The Bernie Sanders Campaign Juggernaut - It's Genuine (4 comments)
America's democracy versus Trump fascism. Which will prevail? (16 comments)
Trumpite Fascism: A view from 2016 (2 comments)
The Human Losers or the Husks in Power: Which Side Are You On? (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 19:
New Mexico's US Senator Martin Heinrich: Agent Orange [and the Crueler Story from Vietnam]
What's happening in Idlib Province Syria could explode into a major war (1 comments)
Mike Bloomberg Takes The Debate (1 comments)
Explaining Syria (4 comments)
To Paul Krugman on this Bernie Sanders and socialism thing (4 comments)
The Children Are Left Behind in LAUSD School Board Race (1 comments)
Democratic Candidates: It's Time to Start Doing Your Homework (9 comments)
With Bloomberg, Are African Americans Trying On the Iron Boot? (12 comments)
Trump Administration Now Weaponizing Migrant Psychotherapy Notes
Minority Abuse: A Slice of Life in Modi's India
DNC, Fearing an Unfriendly Sanders Takeover, Will Sell out to Bloomberg for Pennies (1 comments)
Will Censorship Prevail Over The First Amendment? (5 comments)
The New Rules of the Game (15 comments)
Tuesday, February 18:
Impeachment by Radio: The elephant in the room is not the GOP
Stephen Fox: Detroit's Metro Times Editor, Lee de Vito: "Bloomberg is terrible at this" (Largest circulating Michigan weekly)
Bloomberg Just Might Be the Dems' Best Shot at Trump (1 comments)
Anti-BDS Laws Violate Our Freedom
Julian Assange Must be Freed, Not Betrayed (1 comments)
Bipartisan standing ovation for Guaido showed the Democratic establishment's hostility to social democracy (6 comments)
NATO Wars Against Freedom and Justice and Humanity (2 comments)
Painting A True Christ: A review of Terrence Malick's film "A Hidden Life" (6 comments)
Freedom for $5.30 -- and This Time Mexico Really IS Paying For It (2 comments)
If No One Was "Above the Law", Trump Would Already Be in Prison (12 comments)
Compliance 101: Gun-Toting Cops Endanger Students and Turn the Schools into Prisons (1 comments)
Capsule Shells for Medications and Supplements (4 comments)
Mistrial Is Another Blow To U.S. Coup In Venezuela; Our Work Continues (4 comments)
Profiting from loss: how business in illegal Israeli settlements continues unchecked (1 comments)
Monday, February 17:
Stephen Fox: Analysis of North Carolina Primary by Feature Editor of The Outline (Durham); Major Progress in Nevada and Virginia
Trump Wants to Inflict Severe Pain on Disabled Community Just Because He Can
Extradition of Assange Would Set a Dangerous Precedent (1 comments)
Sanders Gives the Democrats Legitimacy
Logic Disproves All-Merciful God (2 comments)
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid? (122 comments)
Don't Let Trump's Budget Proposal Be Used to Distract You From the Real Spenders
The Escalating Class War Against Bernie Sanders (1 comments)
Sunday, February 16:
Chuck Todd's Biden interview boils my Medicare for All Progressive blood. He thinks we're dumb. (4 comments)
In Defense of Michael Bloomberg's Mindset on Race and Urban Crime (1 comments)
Fascism Alert: Trump Orders All Federal Architecture Be 'Classical' (1 comments)
US prosecutors close controversial terror case against Hamid Hayat
Policy of Self-Destruction: Turkey supplies Syrian fighters with military equipment
"Democratic Socialism" -- Bring it on Corporate Socialists! (2 comments)
Tom Steyer calls out ThisWeek host Martha Raddatz for toeing the Trump economic narrative
Democracy vs Dictatorship: Don't Let Bloomberg Muddy That Choice (2 comments)
Thomas Gumbrecht: True Confessions of the Political Kind (18 comments)
Truly Remaking Social Security is the Key to Having a Livable Society in the US (6 comments)
Evangelicals Vote, 'Nones' Falter (1 comments)
A Plague of Billionaires-- The Most Dangerous People on the Planet (12 comments)
In his assault on justice, Trump has out-Nixoned Nixon
Constitutional Tensions Flare Between Trump and the States (2 comments)
White People Are Being Erased (31 comments)
The Democrats Have a Catch 22 Black Problem
Fascism Alert: Border Patrol Tactical Unit Deployed to 'Sanctuary Cities'
Saturday, February 15:
The Bloomberg Conundrum: kakistocracy or oligarchy?
The Man Who Would Be King (1 comments)
Michael Moore eases Chris Matthews' mind on Central Park execution if Bernie elected :)
Michael Moore schools Chris Matthews on healthcare: Dependency on boss & insurance profit center
Engel: Trump gave out False Justification for Whacking Soleimani, Nearly starting a war with Iran
How Electronic Cheating is Baseball's Novel Coronavirus (1 comments)
Buying the Presidency (1 comments)
The Intemperate Masses: Our Common Virus
The Code of the Universe (1 comments)
The Belief That Everything Will Be Fine Once Trump's Gone Is More Dangerous Than Trump (13 comments)
FDR was a Liberal Democrat (3 comments)
Friday, February 14:
A Soft Landing for American Empire? (4 comments)
LAUSD District 7 Endorsement - Parent Patricia Castellanos
Shut Down Canada Until it Solves its War, Oil, and Genocide Problem
The Philippines Are Choosing New Allies -- Asia Is Watching (3 comments)
No One Can Pass the Democrat's Litmus Tests (2 comments)
Socialism vs. Capitalism? It's a Mixed Economy, Stupid! (4 comments)
Regime Change Wars Have No Basis in International Law (1 comments)
Pope Francis' New Apostolic Exhortation Is Visionary (REVIEW ESSAY)
Capitalism, Materialism, and Imperialism Prevent World Peace
Trump Unleashed: The Trump Presidency Enters Its Most Dangerous Phase (2 comments)
In America, People of Color Have the Right to Support and Vote for Bernie Sanders! (1 comments)
A.G. Barr Fathoms the Depths of Malfeasance (3 comments)
What We Already Owe to Bernie Sanders
Antisemitism Threats Will Keep Destroying Labour (1 comments)
How Are You Mancipated? (10 comments)
What Horses Teach Us About Love
Evaluating the Democratic Candidates
Fringe Candidates Are Integral to Election Manipulation (1 comments)
Thursday, February 13:
Breaking with Washington: Arabs and Muslims Must Take a Stance for Palestine (2 comments)
What Might a Second Trump Term Look Like? It Will Not be Fun, Folks
Stop and Frisk Still Could Stop Bloomberg
Health Care for People...or for Corporate Profits? (4 comments)
When CNN Introduces Bernie-Bashers Only as "Former," CNN Is Lying To You
Ronnie Cummins, Founder Organic Consumers, now Board President Citizens Regeneration Lobby, Endorses Bernie (3 comments)
Western Anti-Chine Propaganda Exaggerates Coronavirus Danger, Creates Panic (3 comments)
Fascism Alert: DOJ is Now Donald Trump's Personal Retaliation Apparatus (53 comments)
Sander's monumental mistake: failing to explain exactly what a democratic socialist government is (42 comments)
Still Torturing the Truth, After All These Years (1 comments)
GM Seeds as Bioweapons (1 comments)
Wednesday, February 12:
What is it that Feels so Unsettling About Buttigieg? (14 comments)
Chicken Little: Revisited (Reflections on Elections) (1 comments)
Why This Election Is Different (1 comments)
5 Ways Donald Trump Has Not Drained the Swamp
Improving, Saving, And Making Social Security More Progressive (6 comments)
Trump's Retaliation Tour Targets NY Travelers in Recent Immigration Policy
Bernie is Not a Radical - He is a Pragmatist (3 comments)
Tuesday, February 11:
Affordable Health Care, a Constitutional and Practical Approach to the Problem (1 comments)
7 Ways The Media Is Freaking Out About Bernie Sanders
Why the Buttigieg Campaign Tried to Have Me Arrested for Handing Out These Medicare for All Fliers (7 comments)
The bio-weapon theory of the China epidemic -- Staging the production
Yes, the ERA Has Been Ratified (7 comments)
We're All in This Together: A Case for Not Giving Up on the American Dream (1 comments)
President Trump Had No Right to Fire Lt. Col. Vindman (8 comments)
Donald Trump lies like most people breathe. (6 comments)
Rattled by Trump's Erratic Violence, Senate to vote on Forbidding War on Iran without its Approval (3 comments)
Let Not Iowa Caucus, Trump Acquittal or Coronavirus Steal Our Juice (1 comments)
City Council Candidate Seeks A Working Relationship with School District
What Bernie Sanders Taught Us About the Essence of Spiritual Leadership This Week (2 comments)
Biden Got it Right, Bernie's Socialism Is Still DOA With Voters (3 comments)
Italy Tries to Kick Out The Right-Wing Extremist Steve Bannon From The 'Gladiator Cloister'
The Geopolitical Deployment of Bioweapons (Part 2) (3 comments)
Mike Bloomberg secret racist tape worse than you think. (1 comments)
Canada celebrates agents of Palestinian misery
Monday, February 10:
Julian Assange Wins 2020 Gary Webb Freedom of the Press Award (1 comments)
The Travesty of Trump: Why he was acquitted: Making Government and Politics work for all
Megachurch Mess (1 comments)
10,000 Scientists in Seattle Want Data, Not Politics, to Drive Research And Policy (2 comments)
Rare Bernie Sanders foreign policy lapse in New York Times questionnaire (4 comments)
Bernie Sanders' Commie Kill Swarm (1 comments)
Bloomberg Becoming Oligarch-in-Chief of Democratic Party (4 comments)
How To Spot Skepticism Triggers (1 comments)
Elizabeth Warren did not fall for Stephanopoulos' Socialism trap (1 comments)
Three Old White Guys - Bernie, Biden and Bloomberg
The World's First Laboratory-Grown Presidential Candidate (6 comments)
Biological Weapons: A Timely Historical Overview, Part I
Keep War, Environmental Degradation And Profit Out Of Space (2 comments)
How to Nominate Lt. Col. Vindman for a Profile in Courage Award (13 comments)
Step to Nuclear Doomsday - US Puts Low-yield Nukes on Submarines to Counter Made-up Russian 'Strategy' (8 comments)
What Is Happening to Assange Will Happen to the Rest of Us (14 comments)
Sunday, February 9:
Interview On #FreeAssange Vigil (1 comments)
Comments on Trump's Madness (1 comments)
Nine-Tenths of Coal Miners are Gone
Trump Trolls Disrupting the Iowa Caucus is Another Harbinger of the Times
Bernie requests Partial Iowa Recount: Nate Silver predicts Bernie Super Tuesday Winning All but 2 States (AL and SC) (4 comments)
OK Boomer-- It's Embarassing to Be A Boomer (10 comments)
A Culture of Cheating? (2 comments)
Michael Bloomberg is trying to buy the presidency - that should set off alarms (1 comments)
Andrew Yang: Choose human values over economic values
Bernie schools Chuck Todd on counteracting Trump socialist attacks
Trump's First Offer was a Better Deal for Palestine -- and Israel (2 comments)
Duh, Jared! So Who Built the PA as a 'Police State'?
Accelerating progress on sexual & reproductive health & rights is key driver towards SDGs
Does God Exist? (2 comments)
How U.S. Imperialism is Exploiting the World's Growing Crises (1 comments)
Trump's Housing Policies Are Racist Enough to Make His Old Man Proud (1 comments)
Saturday, February 8:
Sit Your Parents Down and Read Them the Riot Act - Again! (3 comments)
Andrew Yang slams hyper-corporate capitalism on opioids' blood-money (1 comments)
Lawrence O'Donnell nails Trump: Most dangerous thing is that he feels nothing. (3 comments)
An Acquitted Trump Deploys New Nuclear Weapon and Democrats Start the Self-Flagellation of Primaries (1 comments)
Torturing Assange for Information; Secondary Prosecutions
The Vengeful, Lawless, Corporate Toady Trump Explodes (5 comments)
OPCW Report Smears Whistleblowers
Inside the Iowa Democratic Party's "boiler room" meltdown
Would you want your son or daughter to model Trump's character or behavior? (1 comments)
A modest proposal for the settlements on the Israeli West Bank (3 comments)
Israel's 'Peace Camp' Flirts With Oblivion (1 comments)
Those Who Resist Revenge and Swallow Anger Are Winners (28 comments)
Friday, February 7:
Thank you, Mr. Trump (4 comments)
DNC in Disarray While the Sanders Campaign Gains Momentum (15 comments)
Why Both Republicans and Democrats Want Russia to Become the Enemy of Choice (3 comments)
Global Plastic (1 comments)
Grenada Independence - Still Moving On
Tuff Gong Still Rules - Remembering Bob Marley at 75
Black History -African And Caribbean American Partners
Nikos Kazantzakis: Brilliant Skeptic (4 comments)
State of the Union: No, Nick, Your Children Owe Nothing
Pelosi is a National Hero (15 comments)
10 Things You Should Know About Socialism (4 comments)
Getro Elize Answers Education Questions In CA-25
2020 Is Going To Get Much Crazier. Prioritize Your Mental Health. (4 comments)
Of Course Bloomberg's an Oligarch -- and He's Coming For Your Social Security
Plutocracy on or off Steroids? Fascism on a Silver Platter? (8 comments)
German TV Exposes the Lies That Entrapped Julian Assange (3 comments)
Notes From Fantasyland (4 comments)
What I Learned at the Dog Park (1 comments)
Ayanna Pressley's (D-MA) Poignant Revelation (2 comments)
Israel's Palestinian Minority has Good Reason to Fear Trump's Plan (3 comments)
Preparing for Death: an Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh from Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox (8 comments)
Thursday, February 6:
Mainstream Media finally sour on Biden. What took so long? (1 comments)
Two CA-30 Congressional Candidates Answer Questions About Federal Education Policy
Saving the Republic from Republicanism (1 comments)
My God, How the Money Rolls In
Buttigieg's (and the Democrats) Big Troubling Black Evangelical Problem (1 comments)
Pinkerism and Militarism Walk into a Room
Iowa Should Be a Warning -- It's Time to Switch to Paper Ballots
After Iowa, The Democratic Party Faces a Crisis of Legitimacy (3 comments)
Potomac Kabuki: Dems Deliberately Ignore Corruption for Doomed Impeachment Ploy (1 comments)
Trump's SOTU Speech Bristled With Fascist Politics (1 comments)
Religion and Sexual Shame (1 comments)
Does the Constitution need Amending? (8 comments)
There's No "Great American Comeback" (3 comments)
The United States of America's Doll House: A Vast Tapestry of Lies and Illusions (17 comments)
Founding Fathers' fateful decision gives Trump a free pass; the way to evade removal (13 comments)
Krystal Ball: DNC Bias In Your Face
Two New Constitutional Rules: Of Dershowitz and of McConnell
The State of the Union (3 comments)
What Does the Future Hold for US-Bolivia Ties?
Your Child Will be Bullied - Get Used to It - Ramifications of Failure to Convict! (2 comments)
Sanders Odds-On Favorite to Win Democratic Presidential Nomination
Wednesday, February 5:
Will Democrats fall for the public option scam again? (12 comments)
Bankers shape Canadian policy in Latin America
Corporate Media Bias and the Iowa Caucus (3 comments)
When it comes to climate hypocrisy, Canada's leaders have reached a new low (1 comments)
The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears (1 comments)
Theology and Honesty (2 comments)
The Pornification of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed by Sexual Predators (2 comments)
The Real State of the Union (2 comments)
The Washington Post and CNN Tries to Discredit American Herald Tribune (1 comments)
The Consequence of Globalism Is World Instability
Trump's State of the Union address, theater of the absurd
Stop Playing Games With the Mangled Iowa Caucus Count (4 comments)
Hunter Biden Was Highly Qualified for the Burisma Board: Attacks on Him Are a Diversionary Cover-Up Tactic (7 comments)
By Laurie Dobson: Advice from a Sanders campaign veteran: How to Combat Caucus Crap in 2020
Almost went bankrupt with private health insurance, $160K hit in a year (2 comments)
Our Problem is much more than Trump, and certainly not Iran (8 comments)
Why "Revealed" Religions Are Hypocritical When They Oppose Hate and Fear (5 comments)
The Challengers In The CA-29 Congressional Race Answer Questions About Federal Education Policy
Chaos is in the eye of the beholder.Chaos is the State of Our Union (4 comments)
Tuesday, February 4:
Nancy Pelosi tears up Trump's #SOTU speech on LIVE TV (2 comments)
EZ-Out Pills (1 comments)
White Helmets prepare for yet another false-flag chemical attack in Idlib (1 comments)
Einstein: Brilliant Skeptic (1 comments)
"Where Are Your Scars?" (1 comments)
The Creation Myth of the Buttigieg Campaign (8 comments)
Freud Goes to the Super Bowl (2 comments)
Brian Wilson, Beach Boys Founder, Castigates Reno Gig Playing Before Trump Jr, Asks Boycott Protesting Trophy Hunting (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders Can Silence His Critics in New Hampshire
America: Land of Make-Believe (1 comments)
With Sanders headed to victory, Iowa Democratic Party blocks release of caucus results (1 comments)
Iowa Open Thread: Multiple Corruption Alert (21 comments)
Election 2020: The State of the Union is Screwed Up
The Trump plan is just a cover for Israel's final land grab (1 comments)
Trump's Own Words, "Bernie would have been tougher." (1 comments)
Monday, February 3:
Would You Trust LAUSD Candidate Marilyn Koziatek To Hold On To Your Wallet?
Nina Turner slams MSNBC pundit Jason Johnson for challenging her use of oligarch to define Bloomberg (1 comments)
On the Big Issues, Bernie Sanders is the Only one who Can Save America
Do We Need the First Amendment?
Making Fascism great Again (2 comments)
D-Day In Iowa Update - The 2020 Election process Begins Today (4 comments)
The DNC's Move to Accommodate Bloomberg Stirs Outrage in Iowa (5 comments)
Mitch McConnell, King of Cover-Ups (1 comments)
The Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Real Presence
Misleading Categories and Trump's Swamps
My 28-year-old daughter's stroke's a wake-up call to all: Medicare for All. (2 comments)
Sunday, February 2:
41 New Hampshire Community Leaders Endorse Bernie, plus Utah Dem Progressive Caucus, plus large Arizona Hispanic Group (11 comments)
DOJ Confirms Withholding Ukraine Emails Hours After Senate Vote (2 comments)
Let's Talk About Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Team Player (1 comments)
The Real Reason America Is Divided (3 comments)
moveon petition for a secret ballot in Senate on Trump's guilt (6 comments)
Formal Recognition of Rohingya Genocide
Bloomberg Bucks Can Strike a Blow Against "Modern-Day Poll Tax" in Florida (3 comments)
Urgently Needed: Struggle in the Streets--The Senate Vote to Suppress Witness Testimony Is a Victory for Fascism (1 comments)
The Party's Over: Bernie's Last Dance With The Dems
An Acquittal of Donald Trump Is By No Means a Certainty (3 comments)
The Keystone Issue is Narrative Management (5 comments)
It Walks by Night - Terror in the Streets - 5th Avenue Closed! (3 comments)
Saturday, February 1:
Seekers, Not Finders (1 comments)
Mr. Trump Can Run But Not Hide (1 comments)
It Walks by Night - Terror in the Streets - 5th Avenue Closed!
"The 'Never Bernie' apocalypse is coming, Dem insiders warn"~~New York Daily Post's Hatchet Job (1 comments)
The "Repo" Fiasco; the Fed's Cash Injections Send Stocks Soaring (2 comments)
With Trump's Impeachment Trial, Republicans Have Convicted Themselves (10 comments)
"Balfouristans" for Bibi: "Apartheid" Isn't an Insult, It's a Blueprint
A View from Iowa: The 2020 Campaign Isn't Heading into the Gutter -- It's Already There
Break up the CIA! (6 comments)
Disregarding the Needs of the LAUSD's Most Vulnerable Students
Trump--Not the DNC--Should Be Terrified of Bernie (3 comments)
The Plowshares 7 in the Age of Nuclear Terrorism (1 comments)
As Registration Deadline Nears, Ruling Expected in Voting Rights Case for Florida Returning Citizens
Grand Theft Property (2 comments)
This is How it Ends, Not with a Bang but a Whimper
Not Guilty! And Not Simply Because of GOP Brute Partisan Politics (2 comments)