I just had to fire off this brief piece after writing my previous piece in which President Barack Obama indicted Bush in his inaugural address. But, as I watched the coverage on MSNBC yesterday, I was wondering how Fox News or as Keith Olbermann refers to it as ‘Fix News’ was taking it all in. This time however, I just did not care how they reported so I did not flip to their channel.
Well true to form, they are sounding like conspiracy nuts as one views this YouTube.com feed, where Chris Wallace questions whether or not President Barack Obama is truly our president.
According to Talking Points Memo, they write, “Strangely, Wallace, though he seemed to be posing his remarks in jest, didn't seem to understand that by the time Obama took his garbled oath, he'd already been the president for 4 minutes, as the 20th Amendment to the Constitution specifies, oath or no oath. True, the Constitution states that those who would be president must also repeat the oath, which Obama clearly had memorized, but then Roberts directed Obama to repeat his exact words, and those words weren't quite right. But Wallace is certainly right that there will be more than a few disgruntled Americans--let's call them Oathers--who, fresh from failing to convince the Supreme Court that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery, are looking for a new way to say "No, he can't!"
Will ‘Fix News’ spontaneously combust during these next four years with a President Barack Obama to deal with? Will they become conspiracy nuts who will claim over-and-over that President Obama is not our president? Well, Wallace, many did question whether Bush was our president these eight long years as the Supremes decided who our president would be.
To ‘Fix News’ my advice to you is this, deal with it, get over it, this is your new reality, time to move on and any other statement you have issued to we the people during these eight long years. We have a new president and his name is President Barack Hussein Obama. Oh how sweet the revenge here especially when served cold.
Author’s email address is, xmjmac@optonline.net