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A Legacy Review: My Original 40 Know Bush Facts from 2004, Part I.

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Barbara Bellows-TerraNova

In gratitude for the end of the Bush era (still knowing there is an immense amount of work ahead to undo what can be undone), I am moved to post here, over the next few days, the original 40 Know Bush Facts written and sent out as emails from January to October, 2004, to an increasing number of addresses. My last Know Bush Fact went out to almost 5,000 people.

In addition, in October 2004, I presented Know Bush: Launching Facts that Shock and Awe, A One Person Patriot Act, at various stage venues in Salt Lake City, available for viewing here.

It started with Al Franken and Molly Ivins. After reading their books, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right  and Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush’s America in the fall of 2003, I wanted to shout what I’d learned from the rooftops. Then, at the beginning of January 2004, I saw Robert Kane Pappas’ documentary, Orwell Rolls in His Grave , at the Slamdance Film Festival, featuring Greg Palast, Mark Crispin Miller, Charles Lewis and more, and revealing the ugly machinations of Michael Powell (Colin Powell’s son) at the FCC, selling out journalism and the truth.

It became clear that I had to do what I had to do.

If I, a working mother, using Google to learn more about what was behind the news, could come up with this information, even though the mainstream press did not, then why did we have to suffer through four more years?

Apparently because not enough people at the time were willing to consider the reality of deception permeating the White House – AND we weren’t prepared for the machinations of Karl Rove, the RNC, and a more thorough election theft.

Granted, if we’d gotten Kerry in 2004, then we wouldn’t have had Obama in 2008. But there are many whose suffering since 2004 can hardly be explained away with an "It all works out in the end" rationale.

We must not make this mistake again.

Meanwhile, here are the first 15 Know Bush Facts, originally sent January 25th to March 17th, 2004. Each one went out with the heading, "Based on the belief that the truth shall set you free."

This is what we all should have been openly discussing before the November 2004 vote.

* * * * * * *

So, here’s to Knowing:


Welcometo the
Inaugural Message
Know Bush

Based on the belief that
The Truth Shall Set You Free.

As an introduction, you know me. I am your friend, your neighbor, your family, your customer, someone I've shared moments with.

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