It's even been said that lies are the glue that holds civilization together.
And now, before our eyes, lies accumulate like flies on flypaper -- germy, nasty things that get processed, pasteurized, and homogenized into history. Examples seem endless: from elections rigged with e-voting, to the heinous false-flag circus of 9/11, to the Global War on Terror, to evisceration of the Constitution to "protect" people, to the off-the-charts upward transfer of wealth of bankster bailouts, to the murder of over a million people amid destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya....
Look around, look in the rearview mirror. Lies, and lies about lies ad nauseam...becoming history. Napoleon implied that it has always been this way, but one might wonder: Has it always been this bad? Might we respond to Napoleon's observation with, "You ain't seen nothin' yet?"
Your Brain on TV
Studies over the years have developed an impressive database regarding how the human brain responds to TV. Surprising, even alarming, much of the information ... is easy to deny or ignore by the afflicted partly because of very real cognitive impairment, even actual physical damage.
As one watches TV, higher brain activity shuts down, energy is shunted to lower brain functions, potentially leading to atrophy of higher brain regions. Also, content of most contemporary, especially mainstream programming, is stultifying, based copiously on fear, desire, sexual titillation, sensationalism, guilt, pathos and pride -- sometimes all together in a brainstem whirlwind!
Not only can TV addiction destroy the ability to concentrate, reduce intelligence and increase chances of developing diseases of neurodegeneration (Alzheimer's, dementia), it has been shown to physically impair development of children's brains -- frontal lobes especially.
TV viewing can significantly shorten attention span, and elevate the risk of attention deficit disorder (ADD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in both children and adults.
Our local news paper even had an Associated Press story this morning titled: "Fast-paced 'SpongeBob' tough on preschoolers." Seems a new study shows that just 9 minutes of watching the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants caused short-term attention and learning problems in 4-year-olds. The study also measured significant negative impacts regarding self control and impulsiveness. A spokesman for Nickelodeon, who disputed the findings, offered the reassuring jabber that "SpongeBob is aimed at children ages 6 to 11, not 4-year-olds." Hello?
Guess we might have to crack down on those pesky 4-year-olds getting in the line of fire at 6 to 11-year-olds.
Within 1 to 3 minutes of TV viewing, brain activity tends to switch from the left hemisphere (Beta waves -- active, logical thought) to the right hemisphere (Alpha waves -- hypnotic state, high suggestibility opening direct access into the subconscious mind).This promotes increased levels of endorphins.
The term "endorphin" is a portmanteau of endogenous and morphine denoting a morphine-like substance originating withing the body. Endorphins are opoid peptides produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus; like opiates, they induce analgesia and feelings of well-being.
Certainly, people have trouble kicking the TV habit for various reasons. The primary physical dynamic is their addiction to the endorphin rush; without the rush they experience symptoms virtually identical (if far milder) to opiate withdrawal: depression, anxiety, anger, obsession with scoring a fix. And scoring a fix is as easy as planting yourself on the couch, pushing a button -- don't think much...just relax, and, watch... aahhh....
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