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All Homes Matter, Until...

By       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   3 comments

John Basel
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For your consideration...

The street I live on has many beautiful homes and people who care about them. All of the homes on my street matter.

But if one of them catches on fire, that home matters more.

I can react in a number of different ways.

I can ignore it so that it doesn't bother me.

I can watch it and act like I am concerned.

I can ask how I can help to put it out because I am concerned about it.

I can throw gasoline on the fire because I don't like that home or the people in it.

Or I can decide to do nothing because I believe that all homes matter equally and I don't really see that a house is on fire at all.

What would you do if the home that is on fire is directly next to your house?

If you weren't concerned before would you be concerned now?

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A graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo with an MBA in 1980, John went into the banking business from 1981-1991. John went into the gymnastics business with his wife, with whom he has two children, in 1992 and grew it enough (more...)

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