Death of the Middle Class
Polls continue to show that people overwhelmingly blame Republicans for our recession and bad economy yet many still lean toward voting Republican this November. Would they do that if they really understood the consequences? I hope not because going backwards is not progress.
Voters need to pay attention and recognize which party has been blocking progress in the hopes of stalling recovery to assure their political resurrection. Those politicians want people like you and me to blame the wrong people for causing this economic mess while they hide behind a disgusting smoke screen of hate, racism, fear and bigotry and out right lies.
Personally I would turn off the sound on any political add because you will not find truth or even respect for your intelligence in any of those ads. When you hear a politician or special interest group cite any "fact" use your Internet if you have it, because facts are hard to hide if you really want them. Politicians hope you will not check the truth of what they say. Let's fool them.
One thing the GOP has admitted to, even bragged about is that they intend to shut down government if they regain control of the House. That will immediately increase our unemployment by several hundreds of thousands of laid off federal employees, leaving their families without incomes. The money those families spend in their local economies will vanish taking more jobs along with them. The job loss will spread far and wide if that happens. It will halt all but the most vital services including education grants. This is the only plan the GOP has offered, and it is really not a plan to fix anything. This is why they are hoping to keep us distracted with immigration, Islam, anti-gay rights, abortion, and anything else they can drag out to take our minds off our economic issues.
None of these issues were ever "solved" or resolved the last time they were in control and nothing will change the next time. These issues are their favorite tools used to manipulate fear amongst white Christian voters in order to get elected...but then it is always business as usual cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of the middle class. They don't want to solve these things because that would mean throwing away their tools of manipulation.
None of those other issues will go away and most are never even issues that bother us much except to the extent politicians love to drag them out during elections, to distract us from the real problems we face such as Jobs and keeping corporations from manipulating our elections with their financial clout. They don't support candidates unless they expect some special favors in return. It's business to them and the middle class does not matter.
The bottom line is a choice between the lesser of two evils. Moving back to the right is moving back to policies that trashed our economy and will put even more Americans out of work. Staying the course is prudent because it is working, slowly, but it is moving forward and I, for one, don't want to revisit the past. This is not about religious or moral issues because government cannot legislate those for you. This is about our economy and integrity in Congress and doing the right thing for the majority of Americans like you and me.
Your vote is always important even if you are not excited about the mid-terms they will have a major impact and only a wise voter can keep us moving forward. You MUST vote or you lose your right to complain when things go very wrong.
Paul Kruger
Interlachen FL