Essay #1
Central Banks! Income Tax!
Are They Scams Designed to Enslave Humanity?
by Verb
Do you know that if you live in the USA, the UK, anywhere in Europe, Australia and in many other parts of the world that the central bank in your country is a privately owned corporation?
Do you know that the government borrows the money it runs on from these central banks at interest, and this interest is pure profit for the owners of these private banks because they have the right to generate money out of less than thin air?
Do you know that in the USA alone it was determined by the Presidentially sanctioned Grace Commission during the Reagan administration, as early as 1983, that ALL of the income tax collected in the United States of America, that which they could account for (since a whole lot goes missing), goes solely to pay the interest on the national debt?
Do you know that portions of the American national debt have recently been sold to the Chinese government who will now not only be collecting that portion of the debt, but also the interest owed on it?
The information passed on here is a brief history of how the owners of the Federal Bank and those who control the IRS have conspired to enslave not only the American people but humanity.
All of the information I am going to share with you is verifiable fact and can be found in your local libraries, online and in the form of government and corporate documents. These facts and documents have been brought to light by a great many and more established and knowledgeable researchers. I owe these people a great debt of gratitude as without them much of the information I am going to pass on here might never have come to my awareness. I will be including extensive footnotes at the bottom of this article citing my sources and the research and researchers whose hard work has helped me expedite the verification and dissemination of this highly important information. This information is important for everyone and not just Americans! This is a global agenda of enslavement. If you do not know what is happening in other countries then you will be in for a very unpleasant surprise when you are the one being enslaved in a similar fashion.
In 1913 the majority of the few truly free people in America lost not only their freedom, but the freedom of generations to come, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This Act was passed on christmas while most of our elected officials were in their home states with their families. The fact is even after the abolition of slavery made as an amendment to the constitution many Americans were not truly free including the native Americans most non Caucasians most women and even groups from countries like Ireland. However in 1913 a cunning scam long in the planning was brought into effect, which would enslave the majority of those privileged few really free Americans along with everyone else, even those minorities who were tricked into believing they were now being granted freedom. This cunning plan was to be a two pronged attack consisting of a privately owned federal reserve bank and an internal revenue service to collect a constitutionally illegal unapportioned income tax. With these two institutions in place the machinations to enslave us all were turned on right under the noses of what has become an increasingly unaware public. It is a simple plan and diabolical in it's simplicity.
The Federal Reserve Act gave a private bank the right to print all of America's money created from nothing and loan that money to the government and other banks at interest. This was the end of the government in America printing it's own money and the beginning of the need to place a new and unconstitutional type of tax on the people of America to pay for this new plan of national indebtedness. Despite the fact that prior to 1913 the American government had printed its own money and had done so since it's formation! Income tax is unconstitutional and has been ruled so by the supreme court in multiple cases, yet most Americans are compelled to pay through a campaign of intentional duress propagated and perpetuated by the Internal Revenue Service and other compliant agencies including America's law enforcement agencies, lower courts and its intentionally under and even misinformed juries.
The lives of countless Americans are destroyed every year and their property stolen by an unconstitutional agency and this is being not only ignored but encouraged by the government. Of course the government is supporting this corruption that is what is funding them! Look at who their campaign contributers are! Look at who chairs the roundtable organizations they belong to! It's the same people funding them that profit off of the interest from the national debt, the private owners of the central banks! This is a considerable amount of interest we are talking about.
In 1983 the presidentially sponsored Grace Commission stated that all the federal income tax collected in America which could be accounted for, (they seem to just misplace a hell of a lot,) went directly to paying only the interest on the national debt. The practical upshot of which is not one penny of the federal income tax collected actually went to funding any kind of governmental program.
Think about that for a moment, more than 25 years ago the debt was so large that all the federal income taxes had to be used to pay only the interest. Which means they had to borrow even more money to run the government, which means the interest is of course now even more; it is a vicious cycle. The government is already taking one third of the income of many Americans in the form of income taxes. What will they do when that one third is not enough to cover the interest? How long will it take before even the full income of the American worker no longer pays even the interest on the national debt? Do you see how we have all been trapped and enslaved?
Before 1913 there was no income tax. By 1983, seventy short years after the creation of the federal reserve bank, Americans are now expected to pay in perpetuity the interest on a debt that has no hope of ever being paid back. A debt that need never have existed if America had truly remained sovereign over its' own money supply.
As always nothing remains static and now portions of the ever increasing American National Debt have been sold to China. Which means that yes, at least part of your income taxes are going to the Chinese Government. The sovereignty and the labour of the American people have been sold out to private and now foreign interests. Be careful peoples of the world if this scam has not yet arrived where you live it is on its' way. Once aware of the facts be aware we all have a choice. I will be choosing non-violent non-compliance.
All declassified governmental information on the Federal Reserve Act and the Grace Commission report can be obtained in the form of documentation provided by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Many of these documents are posted online. Some of the Supreme Court Cases which verify federal income tax as being unconstitutional are as follows:
Stratton Independence vs. Hobart
Southern Pacific vs. Low
Bowers vs. Kurbo Empire
Burnett vs. Hormel
Doyle vs. Mitchell
Instead of the usual footnotes I am listing all the researchers filmmakers and authors who pointed me in the direction of the information above and not only those whose work would normally be referenced in direct conjunction with the information in this article. These footnotes are not only an acknowledgment of the scholarship of the people listed below but are also sincere thanks for their contributions towards the education of all humanity.
Thank you:
Aaron Russo
Max Igan
Ben Stewart
David Icke
John DeCamp
Jordan Maxwell
Anthony J. Hilder
Alex Jones
Special thanks to my friend Knowthelies who helped me edit this essay.
More articles by Verb can be found at and