Thanks to a recent admission by the USDA that it does not have the regulatory framework to even regulate GMOs, the world of biotech is set to unleash a tidal wave of genetically modified seeds upon the United States. This is the upshot of Scotts Miracle-Gro challenging the USDA over its GMO grass seeds, to which the USDA threw in the towel and essentially announced it can't technically regulate many GMOs at all.
Scotts Miracle-Gro is now moving full speed ahead on its GMO yard grass product, which could theoretically be introduced into the marketplace as early as 2012. This is a home consumer yard grass seed which, of course, resists glyphosate (RoundUp), and its introduction into the marketplace would almost certainly result in millions of homeowners across America planting these seeds in their yard and then spraying RoundUp across their entire lawn as a "treatment" for eliminating weeds.
RoundUp, in other words, may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you. And it's not just the lawns, either: This combination of Scotts GMO grass and RoundUp chemicals could be used on playgrounds, schoolyards, community centers and parks. Once this goes into production, there will be virtually no place your family can go in America that isn't contaminated with genetically modified grass seeds and toxic glyphosate chemicals.
A whole new wave of superweeds
The upshot of all this is not merely the astonishing lack of regulation now being admitted by the USDA (which always sided with the biotech industry anyway, so what's new?), but the cause-and-effect results we may soon see. We could be looking at a wave of superweeds spreading across America.
These superweeds will be the baddest, toughest and most chemically-resistant weeds our world has ever seen. They develop as mutant derivatives of the mass spraying of RoundUp chemicals across lawns. In much the same way that superbugs develop in the presence of widespread antibiotics abuse, superweeds, develop in the presence of widespread glyphosate abuse.
And of course once these superweeds take over America's sidewalks, driveways and lawns, there will be cries for newer, stronger chemical products to kill those superweeds, too. And who will come to the rescue? Monsanto, of course ... the very same company that produces RoundUp and thereby contributed to the problem in the first place.
Let the boycott of Scott's Miracle Grow begin!
Join NaturalNews
in boycotting Scotts products beginning today. We will maintain this
boycott until Scotts announces it will no longer pursue GMO seeds. Remember: GMO Kentucky bluegrass will cross-pollinate with other grasses in the wild, leading to widespread GMO contamination of lawns across our nation!
Join us in sending complaints to Scotts about their pursuit of GMOs. Click here to send Scotts an email.
Then call them by phone at 888-270-3714 (during normal business hours). When you call, let them know you are strongly opposed to their pursuit of GMO Kentucky bluegrass
and that you will stop buying all Scotts / Miracle-Gro products from
here forward unless Scotts announces it will back away from GMOs.
You may also mail them a letter by sending it to:
Scotts Help Center
14111 Scottslawn Rd.
Marysville, OH 43041
Why this matters
Please join us in this protest against Scotts Miracle-Gro. And to once again summarize why this action is important, remember these simple truths:
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