When I hear the word "Bailout" bandied about by G. Bush and cronies, I see a hundred golden parachutes opening in the wind, as the plane of finance crashes and burns.
I see a burning fuselage laid directly at the doorstep of the middle class. A middle class that has borne the burden of the Bush policies with grace, as their jobs and hopes were flown away to foreign shores.
I see a middle class who saw their sons and daughters flown away into a war of choice, not necessity. I see a middle class who bore these burdens with a solid faith in their country and a faith in an administration that did nothing to repay that faith.
I see a leadership who for political gain, flew those same sons and daughters, who had given their lives for this country, back to America under the cover of darkness, so they would go unnoticed, as the likes of Rumsfeld and Cheney spouted platitudes and disparagement towards anyone who might question their conservative judgment. Oh, if only there had been parachutes for our best and brightest. Or at the very least, some body-armor.
Unprotected, lied to, and under dubious leadership, the middle class tightened its belt, stifled their tears and continued on the quest of the American Dream.
Where were the Compassionate Conservatives when the middle class asked for affordable health-care? Where was the leadership as the Middle Class watched their joblessness rate soar, and benefits be denied them? Where were the slogan kings as middle class mortgages turned into massive Middle Class foreclosures? Where were they when the middle class warriors asked for stronger education benefits, only to be told that if the benefits were too good they might quit the military they had bled for?
The middle class is the heart and soul of the American Dream. When they are young they fight our wars for us. When they are in need, they are ignored. Looking at the state of the VA Hospital shows just how uncaring the Compassionate Conservative has been. "Discard After Use." A Conservative slogan?
Now, when the middle class is in an economic free-fall, not of their making, they are being asked to manufacture parachutes that they have been denied and hand them over, without pausing to think about the ground that is rapidly approaching.
Now, Bush and the boys are trying to rush America into a Trillion Dollar con game.
Sorry Mr. Bush, the middle class is wide awake and will not be fooled.
Congress must take its time and protect the middle class, for this time, no one, will be forgiven.
Don't Jump to this tune.
p.s. Could you at least give us a para shoes?