The 67 Republicans can vote but they can't hide. On Saturday, the New York Daily News published the names and addresses of the 67 good moral Republicans who voted down the initial bill for Sandy Aid. Included in this group of 67, as Mike Lupica of the New York Daily News exposes is those of the most vile nature; Southern Republicans who ran to the Federal Government for aid when it came to Katrina, but voted to block aid from going to the states affected by Sandy.
A dirty dozen or so came from states that have had their own natural disasters. The people of New York and New Jersey got hit hard enough by Sandy. This week a bunch of Republicans came along and kicked them when they were down.
And to come a little closer to home, only 2 of the 18 members of the Pennsylvania Delegation to the United States House of Representatives. Keith Roth click here and Scott Perry, two Pennsylvania Republicans who must have forgotten that Sandy also affected over a million Pennsylvanians. Even my own Tea Party Hero Representative Mike Fitzpatrick put his callous nature aside to vote for those in need.
These 67 Republicans voted against helping FEMA make payments through the National Flood Insurance Program on legitimate claims. This wasn't the so called pork bill, which will be voted on January 15th. The same so-called pork that wasn't pork when Southern Republicans begged for the funding when Katrina hit their districts.
Now I can understand when the rest of the 51 billion of aid comes to a vote on the 15th that a good deal of Republicans would be against that bill. Many Republican's would be ideologically opposed to those spending measures. After all where they claim we have a spending problem, I believe we have a priority problem in this country. And those who voted against HR 41 have reinforced my view. These same spending problem Republicans will not vote against Corporate or Pentagon Entitlements. We could have offset the spending with cuts to the" title="ten to fifty-two billion we give to fossil fuel companies a years."> I mean come on my Tea-Partiers, I thought Government spending doesn't create jobs. However, that's an argument for another day. Today we are trying to ensure that those in need after a disaster have access to help them rebuild. And thankfully their were 162 Republicans in the United States House of Representatives who joined 196 Democrats in voting yes to the initial aid.
The 67 Republicans who on January 4th at 11:22 AM told an entire region of the country "You're on your own" Amash, Barr, Benishek ,Bentivolio, Blackburn, Bridenstine, Brooks (AL), Broun (GA), Chabot, Collins (GA), Conaway, Cotton, Daines, DeSantis, DesJarlais, Duffy, Duncan (SC), Duncan (TN), Fincher, Fleming, Flores, Foxx, Franks (AZ), Gohmert, Goodlatte, Gosar, Gowdy, Graves (GA), Graves (MO), Harris, Holding, Hudson, Huelskamp, Hultgren, Jenkins, Jordan, Lamborn, Marchant, Massie, McClintock, Meadows, Mullin, Mulvaney, Neugebauer, Palazzo, Pearce, Perry, Petri, Pompeo, Price (GA), Roe (TN), Rokita, Rothfus, Royce, Ryan (WI), Salmon, Schweikert, Sensenbrenner, Stutzman, Thornberry, Weber (TX), Wenstrup, Williams, Wilson (SC), Woodall,Yoder, Yoho