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Don't be juked!

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Ed Tubbs
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Don’t be juked.


Genuine American football aficionados not only know what a “juke” move is., they can tick off the names of the all-time great running backs who were masters at it. Essentially the 2-step juke zigzag fake-out is a method the runner uses to avoid being tackled.


Here’s how it works. As the tackler approaches the runner who is heading toward the tackler, the runner hits a step right at the tackler, then “jukes” two short quick steps perpendicular either to the tackler’s right or left, then continues his dash forward.


When it works as it’s intended, boy, does the tackler look incredibly stupid. Good tacklers don’t get fooled frequently, great tacklers rarely, if ever, do.


All this noise from and about Dick Cheney: it’s the Right juking folks!


Parenthetically, without the parentheses, I consider Richard Bruce Cheney to have been, and what he remains, the most despicable, evil person in all human history; worse than Pol Pot, worse than Idi Amin, worse than Hitler, more incredibly notorious than the most notorious of them all. Every one of those and other adversaries were definitively external to who we are, or at least to who our ideals would have us be. Richard B. Cheney is worse because he was inside, and what he did and what he and his supporters seek to do brings us fully within the circle of the contemptible.


Had I my wish, were my hope concerning the ex-vice president to become reality . . .


That said, it’s all juking nonetheless. And we’re falling for it.


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An "Old Army Vet" and liberal, qua liberal, with a passion for open inquiry in a neverending quest for truth unpoisoned by religious superstitions. Per Voltaire: "He who can lead you to believe an absurdity can lead you to commit an atrocity."
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