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Check Out Our New Ads Directed At Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Florida and Illinois Senate Races
We have been working closely with the Campaign Legal Center that filed this IRS complaint and we expect to file additional legal complaints in the coming days with the Federal Elections Commission and the Department of Justice. Our campaign has become the go-to resource for the media, politicians and even candidates who want to know about the shadowy groups trying to buy politicians. And we have just released four new ads calling on GOP candidates in Florida, Illinois, Kentucky and Pennsylvania to reject the support of Rove and American Crossroads.
We need your support to run these ads, press releases, and legal filings. Please make a donation here to help us and protect our elections this year.
There is a great deal of information on the AmericanCrossroadsWatch.org site, so spend some time there and pass it on to your friends.
Sign the letter to DOJ here:
Send the letter to Congress here:
Check out the other Action Items here:
Remember: Become a Fan of Velvet Revolution on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
And be sure to check out our other campaigns:
Protect Our Elections
Stop the Chamber
Disbar Torture Lawyers
Restore Justice at Justice
Stop Domestic Terror
Diebold: Return Our Money
All The Best,
We can't do this without you!
Help us push this campaign into the media by writing letters to the editor, linking to it on your websites and Facebook pages, and Twittering.
If you prefer to send check or money order, you can mail it to:
Velvet Revolution
PO Box 9576
Washington DC, 20016