VHeadline guest commentarist Jose Herrera writes: These days, the many interpretations given to the appointment of Jacqueline Faria as the Chief for the Capital District in Caracas have become quite significant. The Venezuelan opposition -- more alienated and self-absorbed than ever -- tries to convince the entire country that it is about taking power away from the Metropolitan Mayor Of Greater Caracas, Antonio Ledezma.
It has happened many times before that the opposition misinterprets reality and spreads a misinterpretation of that reality in their television news shows ... in this case, it appears that the misinterpretation is under the following heading: The "Capital District" is the Caracas-Libertador municipality, whose current Mayor is Jorge Rodriguez (a Chavez-oriented candidate elected in last November 23 elections) not the Greater Caracas Metropolitan area, whose currently elected Mayor is Antonio Ledezma (who had been an opposition candidate in the November 23 elections). On its privately-owned TV stations, the Venezuelan opposition claims that the "Capital District" has been strategically created to sweep Antonio Ledezma out of power.
While it is true that some attributions and duties that used to be managed by the Metropolitan Mayor are transferred the "Capital District," it is also true that Antonio Ledezma has misused his powers and abused and mistreated Cuban doctors as well as others in the Metropolitan area's social-welfare programs. Some people say that more and more power should be taken away from Ledezma because he is lazy and spends his days in the TV studios where the Chavez opposition needs to have more innovative reasons to fuel violence. In the past (say last seven years) they used more innocent people, taking them out into the streets against the government. Today, they fuel violence to fewer and fewer groups ... but, unfortunately, these fewer groups are usually very wealthy and already terribly violent.
So, the Venezuela opposition basically turns every revolutionary change into a more desperate reason to go out onto the streets and be really violent. It's about a group of people who are extremely allied to a system that failed in Venezuela ... they continue to live here but they fail to understand the new system and it is incomprehensible that they use the power of their own TV stations in their attempts to revert to the old system since that epoch did not make it illegal for them to profiteer on the misfortunes of others. They say they are not able to survive any more because they are forced to pay taxes (?), social security etc., that are considered "normal" in most democracies around the world.
They understand that the new system is only a problem for them and they create their "parallel realities" claiming that the new revolutionary system is a problem for everyone, including those who do not have power ... so what it all boils down to is that these powerful people are trying to teach the powerless to think just as them and not to vote for the man who has the real power to positively change their lives and well-being.
Out of each and every headline, the Venezuelan opposition creates more reason to feel even more frustrated ... sometimes it appears as though they are trying to infuriate the people just for the sheer hell it. But in reality, they are infuriating the people because they need to magnify their own fury. They're furious about a new topic each morning ... many things may change but their abject fury remains.
As for fury, one only needs brains!
The Venezuelan government needs to fight many things simultaneously ... one of them being obsolete ideas, laws, programs and to enact new ones that do fulfill the quest of the Venezuelan Constitution. Essentially, the government has been doing this slowly since the Venezuelan Constitution was approved by an overwhelming majority vote in 1999. Not everything can be changed at one and the same time, mainly because not everything that should be changed is immediately obvious.
While democratic opposition obviously helps government overcome old structures and sometimes Globovision does spend an entire day campaigning to get people out on the streets to fight the government over a truly abandoned hospital ... the next day, the government's reaction is for the Vice President to come and set up a new structure for hospital management and to recover an obsolete facility. Sometimes these changes are not as easy as rebuilding a hospital ... they're about the fair distribution of power, money, justice, health, education, etc. While the opposition thinks only of how to privatize everything in sight ... power, money, justice, health, education.
As regards the "Capital District", the government, of course, has chosen the opportunity because it is the most convenient ... as soon as a violent character like Ledezma (who has antecedents as a terrible past Governor of Caracas) was surprisingly elected as Caracas Metropolitan Mayor, the government was forced quickly to see what it could do in terms of damage control so that it would not lose security control over key areas of downtown Caracas.
Ledezma meets each day with the Mayors of the "classier" sides of Caracas, calling for them for sabotaging and create chaos for central government. A case in point is where Ledezma chose new garbage trucks to "spit-and-polish" up-market streets and in doing so sabotaged the budgets for regular garbage collection in Chavez-oriented areas to foist the blame and discredit Mayor Rodriguez for that garbage chaos that ensued.
It is important to clarify that Caracas was not designed as a "garbage organized" city to begin with but this is a dirty game of politics, everywhere and, in Venezuela, politics is not simply dirty games any more.
Venezuelan politics seem to have taken on a particularity of dirty tricks and sleaze all of their own. And it appears as though the Chavez government is prone to react to opposition attacks by prioritizing the profit of power in each event that may arise. In this case, Ledezma unexpectedly won the Mayoralty that had too many functions assigned under unmodified laws passed years ago. YES, he was democratically elected... But, the government takes this opportunity to revise an old and misapplied law of power of Caracas from the 90s -- a time when Ledezma himself was appointed Governor of Caracas, by the way!
Why was it not this done when Chavez-oriented Juan Barreto was the Metropolitan Mayor? The most likely answer to that is that the government was paying attention to other opportunities where change was needed more immediately. There was a time when it became important to change the management of state-owned Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and if one considers that Venezuela's national budget depends on PDVSA for 63% of its operative, Chavez should have attempted to grasp control of PDVSA already in 1999 ... but, he gained control over PDVSA when it became important to change the structures within PDVSA according to the new system. Later on, Chavez took advantage of the oil strike (December 2002/January 2003) to fill PDVSA with new and younger employees. But the opposition lost no opportunity to shout and scream about it on their TV stations.
If nothing else it shows that truly there is Freedom of Speech in Venezuela since the opposition has been able to continue its haranguing of central government all these years. Anyway it is better for the government allow these oppressors to vent their spleens on TV since the government persistently aims to acting in favor of the oppressed!
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