As President Barack Obama made his way to The Hill on Tuesday to meet with House and Senate Republicans to gain their support for the $825 billion dollar stimulus bill, it was met by all of them with the frost that remains days after Pres. Obama was sworn in. In the spirit of bipartisanship that Pres. Obama is trying to instill in Washington, the Republicans would have none of that. I would first like to add, weren’t they listening to the American voters on November 4th, 2008 as they swept Pres. Obama into office with a greater amount of Democrats in both houses of congress? Wasn’t that a clear signal to all of them, their leadership in D.C. was a failure? I guess they were still wearing the ear-muffs they wore on Inauguration Day.
In the first six years of the former Bush administration, the GOP was in power of both the executive and legislative branches and they expected Democrats to capitulate to their will all in the name of patriotism. America is staring down a different yet still devastating threat today that cannot be seen and it is up to the GOP to rise to the occasion to show how patriotic they really are in the face of this crisis which has equally imperiled the American people.
I would say that this economic threat is far more devastating than Al Qaeda, since it tentacles reach from sea to shining sea. I would also love to remind the GOP that former President Bush lied to the American people as to why we invaded Iraq. Yet the GOP expected not only congress, but the American people to fall for that hook, line and sinker.
As people have lost their jobs, and have continued to lose their jobs along with that are the health benefits they had and their ability to put food on the table as well as keep a roof over their head. This economic threat does not reside in terror cells, but in corporations that are no longer able to sustain the ability to employ these workers or states which are no longer able to meet their citizens needs. It was reported on Tuesday in The L.A. Times, “The budget deficit is $40 billion and growing. The state is so short of cash that, within days, it may issue IOUs, rather than checks, to pay its bills. The Legislature, bitterly divided, seems unable to agree on a way out. The governor warns of "financial Armageddon."
Yet, the GOP squawk at the amount it will take to get America working again in order to rebuild this economy, but no squawking took place when it came to the price tag of the Iraq War. To me, the Iraq War was the ultimate earmark and it did not get as much in-depth discussion of it and its price tag by former Pres. Bush, the congress and the media.
Since I chose California to prove the dire straights they are in economically, so far this war in Iraq has cost the American tax payer as a whole, over $591 billion dollars and counting by the second. Listed below is what the State of California could have used their portion of the funds for.
Taxpayers in California will pay $83.1 billion for total Iraq war spending approved to date. For the same amount of money, the following could have been provided:
34,208,306 People with Health Care for One Year
148,087,070 Homes with Renewable Electricity for One Year
1,484,827 Public Safety Officers for One year
1,174,122 Music and Arts Teachers for One Year
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