Pat Robertson Has More Money Than God!
And poor Pat always seems to forget his tape recorder.
But for the new year of 2010, Robertson disappointed stand up comics everywhere because his statement from God, by God, is simply that He's mad at us for passing laws He doesn't like.
A Media Matters headline:
Pat Robertson says God is "telling" him there is "a cloud of God's wrath over America" due to "anti-God" legislation.
Of course Robertson says that CBN will be blessed in 2010 because "God takes care of His people." At the same time, "God is going to turn the screws on this nation." On The 700 Club, Pat depicts a God who absolutely delights in making us sinners miserable. Is God a sadist?
Well, if He is, then Pat's viewers are "God-fearing" masochists who enjoy the pain of their bank accounts being bludgeoned regularly.
From Ministry Watch:
Christian Broadcasting Network:
Some Critics Might Say:
- Robertson has been criticized for some of his more speculative business ventures, including his involvement in gold mining in Liberia.
- Some critics maintain that CBN is too politically biased to be objective in its news reporting and analysis.
- The constant appeals for money, sometimes by means of questionable tactics, on The 700 Club can tend to blur the line between genuine program activities and fund-raising activities.
- Robertson holds to a version of "Kingdom Now" theology, with emphasis on transforming every aspect of culture on the basis of the Bible.
- CBN teaches that there exists a "law of reciprocity" in Christian giving, wherein God obliges himself to financially reward people who faithfully and sacrificially give.