The Rwandan Democratic Greens have rallied round the internationally recognizable Green Party banner, and thus kicked a hole in the huge IMF/World Bank/U.S.-U.K. State Department/Clinton/Rev. Rick Warren lie about Paul Kagame's Rwanda, the U.S.-sponsored dictatorship they all point to as a beacon of hope for Africa. And, in the lies wrapped around the covert U.S. War in Central Africa---the most lethal, but least understood, conflict in the world.
The Rwandan News Agency took its website offline, after removing news of state suppression of the Rwandan Democratic Greens. Reuters is, on October 12, 2009, on its way to Kigali to speak to interim party leader Frank Habineza and other members of the fledgling party, including defectors from Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front.
May the international LGBT flag now fly over Rwanda as well, because Kagame's Rwanda, suppresses, and persecutes Rwanda's LGBT community even more severely than the Rwandan Democratic Greens. According to official policy, reinforced by de facto U.S. Ambassador Reverend Rick Warren, homosexuality is not a problem in Rwanda because it does not exist.
See: Rwandan Green Party cries foul over possible sabotage
Rwanda's Democratic Greens shut down, for the third time
Rwanda president petitioned over registration of opposition party,
Rwandan President Paul Kagame questions Euro justice