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Iran: A Manufactured Threat

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Stephen Lendman
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Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) on Anti-Iranian Propaganda

On February 2, FAIR's Peter Hart headlined, "Iran: This is What Propaganda Looks Like," saying:

Like crabgrass infests lawns, it's "everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper."

Yet his comments fell far short of justifying heightened anti-Iranian propaganda in response. "His main point was that Iran could launch attacks if it felt threatened." He also cited falsified claims that should have been condemned, not repeated as alleged facts.

For example, he said:

"The 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States shows that some Iran officials - probably including (Ayatollah) Ali Khamenei - have changed their calculus and are now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States in response to real or perceived US actions that threaten the regime."

At the time, CBS News called the report "dire," saying "Iran would likely launch terrorist attacks on US soil as pressure mounts against the regime in Tehran."

NBC's Matt Lauer asked if an Israeli "preemptive nuclear strike" was justified in response.

Only the Wall Street Journal couldn't stomach the ludicrous charge. Obama officials claimed it was "authorized at the highest levels in Tehran," according to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace" analyst Karim Sadjadpour and many other paid-to-lie commentators, reporters, and opinion writers.

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