By Michael Collins
Here is perfect example of crony capitalism. Greek leaders do a very bad deal in secret with the help of the geniuses on Wall Street. It turns out badly for he Greek people by creating an economic crisis. As he crisis worsens, predicted shortages of medicine and exponential price increases emerge. Patients with multiple sclerosis, cancer,diabetes and other critical diseases face drug shortages and out of control price increases.
Thursday, the [Greek] multiple sclerosis patients' association warned
that if the problems persisted, sufferers could be 'led to their
deaths'. Associations representing cancer, diabetes and kidney disease
patients have also spoken of the gravity of the situation. 'Finding
medicines,' said the MS association, 'has become a marathon for people
with chronic illnesses.'" Guardian, June 8
What happens if multiple sclerosis is untreated?
"Conclusions: This first large study in untreated patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) with different disease subtypes shows that brain atrophy proceeds relentlessly throughout the course of MS, with a rate that seems largely independent of the MS subtype, when adjusting for baseline brain volume." Assessing brain atrophy rates in a large population of untreated multiple sclerosis subtypes, Neurology, January 31, 2012
German Chancellor Merkel and the central bankers who see the need to act tough with Greece and other nations in financial crisis plus all of those complicit with the denial of health care based on economic deprivation are directly responsible for everyone suffering as a result of those efforts. They belong in jail. Unfortunately, they're the leaders of the advanced economies.
The system is beyond broke. It is assaulting the people it claims to serve.
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