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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 11/19/09

Media Disseminated Myths about Obamacare

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Stephen Lendman
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Media Disseminated Myths about Obamacare - by Stephen Lendman

Pro or con, major media spin distorts, exaggerates, and lies to avoid key truths on this critically important issue. After the House passed HR 3962: Affordable Health Care for America Act, a November 11 Nation magazine editorial (likely by editor, publisher, and part-owner Katrina vanden Heuvel) admitted the bill's faults, yet praised it saying:

-- "something remarkable happened on November 7 when the House voted 220-215 for legislation that the Congressional Budget Office says will extend insurance coverage to 36 million uncovered Americans....in the House bill there is certainly something to work with, and something to fight for."

Earlier on MSNBC's Morning Joe, she hailed the moment as "a historic day....a victory in Congress....this is the most important piece of legislation we've seen in decades."

In a September 9 article titled, "Obama Shows His Progressive Spine," vanden Heuval praised his "plain-spoken, at times tough, and masterful address to a joint session of congress....about the importance of healthcare reform as a test of our nation's character."

Never mind how HR 3962's 1,990 pages ration care to enrich the insurance, drug and large hospital chain cartels that love it but want more. Insurers especially are lobbying furiously for its no public-option dream bill to give them an open field for millions more customers returning billions more profits.

The drug cartel endorsed HR 3962 for the millions more customers it'll get, forced to pay 70% more on average than consumers in other OECD countries, according to a 2008 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) study.

On November 15, New York Times writer, Duff Wilson headlined, "Drug Makers Raise Prices in Face of Health Care Reform" in explaining that the industry raised wholesale brand name prices about 9% in the last year when the CPI fell 1.3%. According to industry analysts, it added more than $10 billion to the cost that will exceed $300 billion this year.

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