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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/9/19

Nadler tells CNN, 'This is formal impeachment proceedings'

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Daily Kos
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Reprinted from www.dailykos.com by Aldous J Pennyfarthing

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Well, there you go. Looks like the campaign to take our country back from the rancid orange Jell-O mold is still on track.


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said publicly for the first time on Thursday that his panel is conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, adding that the committee will decide by the end of the year whether to refer articles of impeachment to the House floor.

The committee has said as much in recent court filings as it seeks former special counsel Robert Mueller's grand jury materials and testimony from his investigation's star witnesses. But it was a rare rhetorical escalation from the New York Democrat, who has privately pushed Speaker Nancy Pelosi to support a formal inquiry of whether to remove the president from office.

"This is formal impeachment proceedings," Nadler said in a CNN interview. "We are investigating all the evidence, gathering the evidence. And we will [at the] conclusion of this - hopefully by the end of the year - vote to vote articles of impeachment to the House floor. Or we won't. That's a decision that we'll have to make. But that's exactly the process we're in right now."

Nadler also said, "The fact is, we are doing an investigation. We are investigating the facts, investigating the evidence. We are going into court to get witnesses all with a view toward deciding and recommending to the House whether to impeach the president."

Okay, so that doesn't necessarily mean impeachment is a given, but the door is at least open a smidge.

Hopefully, it's a trap door. To hell. And specifically the part of hell that's two meters up Satan's a**hole.

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