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National Pantheon Of Grenadian Heroes

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Michael Roberts
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Celebrating Grenada's 44th Anniversary Of Independence

On February 7 Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique celebrated 44 years of independence from Great Britain. And yet many of the old vestiges of British colonialism still remain as the tri-island nation struggles with socio-economic and developmental issues that plague and bedevil all small mini-states of the world. An economy still warped and deformed by years, if not centuries, of lopsided development dictated by the colonial master, Grenada has lurched from one socio-political and economic experiment to the other with mixed results.

Badgered by a political system that in 2018 is still emerging, under-developed, backward and weak, Grenada still suffer from periods of tepid progress, pronounced retrogression, and limited improvements of the quality of life for all Grenadians (here I include Carriacouians and Petite Martiniquians in this characterization). Forty-four years after the country achieved so-called nationhood, the productive forces remain in pre-capitalist mode with successive governments -- since 1983 -- opting for a service based industry economy that has spawned a bag of mixed blessings.

There is much blame to go around, but I'll not go down that road today. Instead, I believe that one of the first things to do in rebuilding the confidence of Granadians at home and abroad is to embrace ALL of our history (I'm a very proud Grenadian) and a good place to start is to set aside a day to honor and recognize our own NATIONAL PANTHEON OF GRENADA HEROES. Before I make suggestions for how that can be done, I want to take this opportunity to resoundingly condemn as grossly insensitive and cavalier the present government's decision to hold national elections on March 13, the 39th anniversary of the Grenada Revolution -- a seminal and important historical event in Grenadian history, the English-speaking Caribbean, and indeed, the western hemisphere.

The Keith Mitchell Administration fails to understand the pride of Grenadians in the Revolution, the high esteem and political sacredness in which it's held today. In defecating on the memory of the Grenada Revolution the present government has demonstrated its ultra-backward and reactionary nature. Further, absolute arrogance and political immaturity runs through an administration whose politics is rooted in myopia and barely concealed contempt for the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

That said, lets talk Pantheon of Grenadian Heroes. I want to recommend that we establish three (3) tiers of recognition to acknowledge the contributions of Grenadians to the growth and development of the country.

1. The Grenada Gold Medal of Honor (Highest Civilian Award)

2. The Grenada Silver Medal (second highest civilian award)

3. The Grenada Bronze Medal (third highest civilian award)

The Grenada National Recognition Awards:

First Class (for outstanding work in politics/people/organizational development)

Second Class (for outstanding work in medicine and education)

Third Class (for outstanding work in sports, youth and women's affairs)

That said into the Grenadian Hall Of Heroes I suggest that we induct the following:

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MICHAEL DERK ROBERTS Small Business Consultant, Editor, and Social Media & Communications Expert, New York Over the past 20 years I've been a top SMALL BUSINESS CONSULTANT and POLITICAL CAMPAIGN STRATEGIST in Brooklyn, New York, running (more...)

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