I don't know where the "occupy" movement is headed, how it will evolve or what impact it will make down the road.
It certainly isn't dead despite most of the encampments being forcibly removed by the political authorities and their police in those jurisdictions.
The fact is you can't kill the "idea" of "occupy" by physically removing it. That's something that resides in the minds of those who embrace it.
There is no doubt that the "occupy" movement caused those in power to feel threatened by the protesters in their midst and overreacted in their usual way with often harsh, heavy handed tactics that drew sympathy from the public for the peaceful demonstrators and against the police repression that was often on display.
"Occupy" revealed many truths and exposed the rot undergirding our corporatocracy, i.e., the greed and avarice of the 1%, the gross income and economic inequality, the endless wars that only benefitted the military/industrial/political complex, the grinding student loan debt, the massive unemployment and foreclosure crisis, the usurpation of the electoral process sanctified by the "Citizens United" ruling by SCOTUS, a Wall Street dominated financial industry that became unhinged with rapacious greed, let loose by legalized deregulation with no oversight that created an orgy of speculation built on the house of cards of packaged sub prime mortgage securities and derivatives that inevitably burst the financial bubble and brought with it the great recession we're still living in.
And unlike the great depression of the 1930's where the financial industry perpetrators were brought to heel and regulated, our great recession and the financial industry that created it, has been bailed out and made whole again to continue its speculative excesses knowing it controls the levers of power and will again be rescued by the people's money the next time it creates a financial meltdown and economic calamity.
Now the American people were quite aware of the financial and economic calamity brought about by the financial "masters of the universe" in the fall of 2008, but it wasn't until the advent of "Occupy Wall Street" last September that openly articulated and exposed the financial perpetrators and their criminality.
So just where are we now? For sure the rotten, corporate, finance dominated, faux capitalist profit/socialized rescue system trudges on hardly missing a beat and the "state" it controls on the local, state, and federal levels becomes ever more surveillance oriented and militarized, determined to put down and crush any protest challenges to its authoritarian control.
Corporatist propaganda persists, our electoral system remains firmly in the control of the corporate oligarchs and special interests through "Super Pacs" and a gusher of political funding from undisclosed sources to the likes of the Chamber of Commerce. Meanwhile our compliant main stream media continues the charade perpetuating the fallacy that the politics of our two party dominated system of Democrats and Republicans, represents the interests of the people rather than the big corporate funders that underwrite the campaigns of the elected sycophants they control.
So to reiterate, the rot has been exposed by "occupy". It's a necessary ingredient for the people to know it and see it for what it is.
It's the next step that is unknown, not only for "occupy" but for the majority of people to take (or not).