Yesterday was another rough day for those here in Liberty Plaza, but much better than Tuesday when the police harassment was a definite attempt to nip Occupy Wall Street in the bud.
Four more arrests yesterday. So what? Who cares? When will Ryan Reed, arrested yesterday, be back on the job? Soon. And I bet he's going to be very motivated.
Link: 11 Things You Can Do To Support Occupy Wall Street
What's four more arrests compared to watching the police walk all over your video equipment, your very way of getting out your message; then having them take the plastic tarps protecting it from the rain? Was the object to deny free speech?
For those of you at home keeping your box scores keep reading.
Arrests of peaceful protesters for minor infractions: 12
Arrests of Wall Street banksters on major charges for destroying the world economy: 0
TARP for Wall Street: $325 billion interest free loan, no collateral. Billions more hidden in Fed discount window transactions. And, these guys are still not solvent!
Tarps taken from peaceful protesters in the rain: several $10 plastic
Gasoline: Wall Street makes billions upon billions of dollars rigging both open and private oil markets for years.
Gasoline: a few gallons confiscated from peaceful protesters by NYPD (Taking somebody's gasoline! How unAmerican is that?)
Strategic Resources:
The police have, so far, taken away the protesters' gas, food, water, tarps, signs, megaphones, electric power, ability to narrowcast video (for a short time), some measly civil rights and their colored big stick chalk.
Other than that, this seedling organization has a few thousand dollars and its membership is basically living on the street.
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