Some Americans are speaking out; they're saying that they are afraid of President Barack Obama's upcoming speech to the children. To me this seems like they are trying to force the Republican Party agenda by trying to create a little turmoil.
Is it possible that some of the people in this country are still trying to push the Republican Party's agenda, which took the American people down a blind alley and dumped them? After invading Iraq, which created a costly war in lives and money, would some folks rather remain stupid as they did in the appalling Bush administration? When the Bush administration invaded Iraq, over 4,000 American men and women of our armed forces were murdered, along with thousands of others that were permanently injured; did the Republican Party and citizens in this country not learn anything? Why would some people want to press hard to disrupt a brilliant presidency, when they didn't have the balls to impeach a murder?
A lot of this criticism is coming from an inept Republican Party, which seem to have found it empowering to murder and destroy. Remember that as this war goes on, it continues to drain our economy by robbing our own people of things that are still needed here at home, such as food, jobs, housing, schools and health insurance.
Haven't the Republican Party learned anything after the Bush disaster? Those Americans that are behind the smear campaign by the Republican Party, and who don't want our president to speak to our children about education, must have been terrorized by the Republican Party. I say terrorized because terrorism is great for brainwashing people, even the American people. Look at what it did to the African-American people of color during slavery; this terrorism was done so well by this nation that it has continued through today. The terrorist have an agenda; the Bush administration and Republican Party had an agenda, and they used the element of fear, which spread lies to trick the world and the American people into allowing the Bush administration to do what was done. The price of this war continues to be tabulated, as our soldiers aren't home from Iraq. To date the price of the Iraqi War is over $680 billion dollars.
When will the Republican Party and those who are followers learn that no good comes from arrogance and impulsive behavior? The egotistical and impetuous behavior by the Bush administration and of this Republican Party is nothing less than disgraceful. The United States of America lost its prestigious standing in many countries around the world because of Bush and his policies. Other countries are only now beginning to look at this country in a more receptive light, and this is due to President Obama, but unfortunately it seems that the cronies of the Bush administration, along with the media would like to revert this country back to when it was ruled by someone of a Third Reich mentality.
To make a statement that parents fear that President Barack Obama's speech reminds them of what Hitler did is insane; if they believe that, then they really are showing their stupidity. To speak in these terms makes one believe that perhaps they are on a psychedelic trip induced by using some kind of LSD drug of the 1960s, or some other kind of drug.
LSD was a drug that the 60s generation used to go on a mental trip, a mental high, which proved very dangerous. Some parents are saying that they are afraid of President Obama spreading his own agenda. When Bush was in office that's when they should have been afraid.
Is America to come unglued before it has been firmly glued back together? To make comments that President Barack Obama's upcoming speech to the children reminds some of an earlier time in Germany is ludicrous. Simply put, we have a brilliant President of our country, who happens to be a young African-American man of color, and who knows how to get the American people involved without wheeling and dealing. President Obama is at the helm and knows how to navigate the ship of this country, unlike the ship of fools headed by Bush, and the drowning of our country in debt.
The America people need to wake up and know that bad policies, arrogance and stupidity are not intelligent ways in which to get America back on track. America needs to survive, and in order to do that, certain groups need to stop listening to the Republican Party, whose goal is to only fatten their pockets and leave its people high and dry.
The American people need to stop buying into the mentally polluted propaganda of the Republican Party. Would this country rather have a president that can't pronounce words as in the previous administration, or would they rather have a president who is an advocate for education, and sees education as a preventive medicine? President Obama knows that the youth can strive to be anything that they want if they have a good education; he knows that with an educated America that this country can begin to achieve harmony here at home and edge closer to world peace.