When he essentially threatens them with nuclear weapons, this does not help his efforts at reaching out to the Iranians. If Iran ever gets nuked, it will not just be the conservatives or the fundamentalists that get nuked. It will be all Iranians including the liberals and reformists. If President Obama is serious about building better relations with Iran, then he must stop threatening to nuke it. Although he did not actually say he would nuke it, implying it is just as good as saying it.
President Obama, last year, called for a new beginning with Muslim communities around the world. A new beginning based on mutual interests and mutual respect. And now he had threatened to nuke Pakistan, a country with a nuclear arsenal and the third largest Muslim population in the world. If you are a person living in Iran or Pakistan, it is hard to trust Barack Obama since he says one thing and does another. At times, he says one thing and then says another thing.
He says he wants to build better relations with Iran and Pakistan, and then he proceeds to threaten to annihilate millions of Iranians and Pakistanis. He claims to respect Muslims, but he has no moral qualms about murdering hundreds of innocent Muslims in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. He claims to stand for civilization against the barbarism of al Qaida. But there is nothing more barbaric than developing nuclear weapons. There is nothing more barbaric than possessing nuclear weapons. There is nothing more barbaric than threatening to use nuclear weapons thereby taking millions of innocent lives.