If there is a single hallmark of my writing it has been the pursuit of strategies for Americans to adopt on an individual or group basis on the local level in order to cause large scale change. It is from this point of view that I take an interest in legendary prosecutor and best selling author Vincent Bugliosi's new book "The Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder." I'll come back to that hook after some context.
While I just ordered the book from
Amazon and have not yet read it, the title conveys the simple premise, the basic details are amply explored online, and the book is already a best-seller despite a near media blackout. On this last point it is interesting to see the
NY Times interview Bugliosi, as well a CNN video clip focusing on the media's disinterest posted at
Raw Story.
The shortage of coverage is primarily on the TV talk show circuit, which has previously featured Bugliosi promoting his earlier books. It has also been reported that ads for the book have been rejected, including by ABC Radio for the Don Imus show. The book's exposure has come mainly through radio interviews, online ads, and significant word of mouth. Here is a transcript from
Democracy Now! and a brief interview with
The Nation.
On July 25, Bugliosi was also one of the witnesses who testified before the House Judiciary Committee (C-SPAN video via
YouTube below). The Committee's business that day was instigated by the
single article of impeachment against Bush introduced July 10 by OH Congressman Dennis Kucinich (not part of his previous
35 articles against Bush or his
three articles against Cheney from April 2007). In typical
false alternative fashion the hearing into the "Imperial Presidency" had some
limited parameters mentioned here and in the opening of Bugliosi's statement below:
Bugliosi has been adamant that his proposed prosecution of Bush is not hypothetical or rhetorical. He claims the book establishes jurisdiction for hundreds of state and federal prosecutors as well as thousands of district attorneys throughout the US in any community that has seen a military member die in Iraq. Copies of the book have been sent to many such prosecutors, and really, all it takes is one.
So here's the thing. As justified as impeachment is, I'm not the only one to offer
an explanation for why it hasn't and won't happen. But even if somehow all the reasons were rendered moot, it is still a strategy that depends on convincing a large number of people to do something. On the other hand, at least to get the ball rolling behind Bugliosi's idea, all it takes is one. That makes it much more appealing from the standpoint of
transformational strategy, lower hanging fruit that can be pursued not only by individuals and small groups, but both independently and in tandem simultaneously across the land.
I would think that the way to start in any community is first finding family members of fallen soldiers who are willing to encourage their local district attorney. This surely requires a high level of tact and sensitivity, though perhaps
Gold Star Families For Peace may represent a head start in any given location. I welcome referrals to or direct
contact with any such people.
Yes, this is still a long shot and I'm not anticipating dropping everything to focus on it. However, as I said here at
WDNC as recently as
two night ago, all pretenses of progress will be mere illusions (and slogans of hope and change unfortunate delusions) unless and until we restore justice and the rule of law.
It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now
--Rage Against The Machine, "Guerrilla Radio"
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