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Positive News    H2'ed 5/9/23

Protect Yourself

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   9 comments, 2 series

Bob Passi
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full body armor
full body armor
(Image by Bolt of Blue from flickr)
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When will we learn the lesson, you must always protect yourself. No one can protect you against the Constitution, nor should they. You are on your own. The law may step in if you suffer negative consequences, but it may turn out to be your own fault, wrong place, wrong time, wrong attitude, wrong background.

Goodness knows, every American citizen has a Constitutional right to bear arms. It is at the very heart of being American. And if a corporation can be regarded as a person, then each and every person should be able to be seen as a "well-regulated militia", appropriately armed to deal with any threat.

The requirement of all citizens must be to protect themselves against those who are simply carrying out their God-given Constitutional right to bear arms and to use them against any perceived threat.

Since this is the reality of the American social environment, we must accept it and respond appropriately. We must learn to fortify our public places, our businesses, our homes, our vehicles and ourselves. It is really a patriotic necessity. Everyone should have body armor, especially children--and probably a gun, or several.

Since our society is pretty much a free-fire zone it is incumbent upon us to protect ourselves, so we can all freely indulge in our Constitutional right to bear arms.

And the boost to our economy will be enormous. Not only will more guns be sold, but also new markets in developing and selling fortification materials and body armor. Why whole new markets will arise just for baby and toddler body armor alone.

This is not to mention the opportunity for new minority gun shops for every ethnic and racial group of citizens.

It will be a business bonanza!

Suit up for the American Future!

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I have a deep belief in participatory democracy, the value of ordinary people and finding a path to a sustainable future. I also understand the immediacy or the need for significant action to save democracy and our sustainable future on this (more...)

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